- 関
- enormous
- extraordinarily large in size or extent or amount or power or degree; "an enormous boulder"; "enormous expenses"; "tremendous sweeping plains"; "a tremendous fact in human experience; that a whole civilization should be dependent on technology"- Walter Lippman; "a plane took off with a tremendous noise" (同)tremendous
- take action with respect to (someone or something); "How are we going to deal with this problem?"; "The teacher knew how to deal with these lazy students"
- a plank of softwood (fir or pine board)
- a particular instance of buying or selling; "it was a package deal"; "I had no further trade with him"; "hes a master of the business deal" (同)trade, business deal
- the act of apportioning or distributing something; "the captain was entrusted with the deal of provisions"
- the act of distributing playing cards; "the deal was passed around the table clockwise"
- the type of treatment received (especially as the result of an agreement); "he got a good deal on his car"
- do business; offer for sale as for ones livelihood; "She deals in gold"; "The brothers sell shoes" (同)sell, trade
- behave in a certain way towards others; "He deals fairly with his employees"
- distribute cards to the players in a game; "Whos dealing?"
- give (a specific card) to a player; "He dealt me the Queen of Spades"
- sell; "deal hashish"
- remarkable or out of the ordinary in degree or magnitude or effect; "a great crisis"; "had a great stake in the outcome"
- a person who has achieved distinction and honor in some field; "he is one of the greats of American music"
- of major significance or importance; "a great work of art"; "Einstein was one of the outstanding figures of the 20th centurey" (同)outstanding
- relatively large in size or number or extent; larger than others of its kind; "a great juicy steak"; "a great multitude"; "the great auk"; "a great old oak"; "a great ocean liner"; "a great delay"
- the 1st letter of the Roman alphabet (同)a
- the blood group whose red cells carry the A antigen (同)type_A, group A
- 『巨大な』,ばく大な
- …'を'『分配する』,分ける / 《『deal』+『名』+『名』=『deal』+『名』+『at』(『to』)+『名』》〈打撃・仕打ちなど〉'を'…‘に'『加える』 / 〈U〉取引き / 〈C〉(取引きなどの)妥協,協定 / 〈C〉カードゲームの札の配分 / 《D-》政策(policy) / 《a~》《話》取扱い,待遇
- モミ材,松材
- (規模・範囲などが)『大きい』,巨大な / 『多数の』;『多量の』 / 『偉大な』,すぐれた;《the Great》《称号・肩書に用いて》 / (身分・地位などの)高い / 気高い,崇高な / 《名詞の前にのみ用いて》重要な,重大な / 《人を表す名詞の前にのみ用いて》大の,たいへんな / 《話》すてきな,すばらしい / 《名詞的に》《the great》偉大な人たち,重要人物 / とても,すごく / とてもよく(very well) / 大物,花形
- 《所有・所属》…『の』,…のものである,…に属する・《材料・要素》…『でできた』,から成る・《部分》…『の』[『中の』] ・《数量・単位・種類を表す名詞に付いて》…の・《原因・動機》…『で』,のために(because of) ・《主格関係》…『の』,による,によって・《目的格関係》…『を』,の・《同格関係》…『という』・《関係・関連》…『についての』[『の』],の点で・《抽象名詞などと共に》…の[性質をもつ] ・《『It is』+『形』+『of』+『名』+『to』 doの形で,ofの後の名詞を意味上の主語として》・《分離》…『から』・《起原・出所》…『から』[『の』](out of) ・《『名』+『of』+『a』(『an』)+『名』の形で》…のような・《『名』+『of』+『mine』(『yours, his』など独立所有格)の形で》…の…・《時》(1)《副詞句を作って》…に《形容詞句を作って》…の・《時刻》《米》…前(to,《米》before)
- (…と)『同じくらい』,『同様に』 / 《比較》『…ほど』,『…くらい』,…ように / 《様態・程度》『…のように』,…と同じように / 《時》『…のときに』(when);…の間に,…するうちに(while) / 《話》《原因・理由》『…だから』,…なので / 《譲歩》《文》…だけれども(though) / 《先行する名詞の内容を制限して》『…のような』 / 《先行の,または後続の節の内容を受けて》『それは…だが』,…のように / 《役割・資格・機能などを表して》『…として』 / 《seem,appear,consider,pass,regard,treat,know,think of などの動詞の後で補語の働きをする語の前に置いて》…と[して] / 《前置詞・形容詞・分詞などの前に置いてその意味を限定して》…として[の],…とみなして,…と考えて / たとえば(for instance)
- answer / ampere
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English Journal
- Development and validation of a cost-effective in-house method, tetra-primer ARMS PCR assay, in genotyping of seven clinically important point mutations.
- Etlik O, Koksal V, Arican-Baris ST, Baris I.SourceBURC Molecular Diagnostic Laboratories, Merter ?? Merkezi, 34169 Istanbul, Turkey.
- Molecular and cellular probes.Mol Cell Probes.2011 Aug;25(4):177-81. Epub 2011 Apr 23.
- The single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) genotyping is currently considered as a particularly valuable tool for the diagnosis of different pathologies. For this reason, over the past several years a great deal of effort has been devoted to developing accurate, rapid, and cost-effective technologies
- PMID 21530640
- Feeding behavior as seen through the prism of brain microdialysis.
- Hernandez L, Paredes D, Rada P.SourceLaboratory of Behavioral Physiology, School of Medicine, Universidad de los Andes, Merida, Venezuela.
- Physiology & behavior.Physiol Behav.2011 Jul 25;104(1):47-56. Epub 2011 Apr 28.
- The knowledge of feeding behavior mechanisms gained through brain microdialysis is reviewed. Most of the chemical changes so far reported concern to the limbic system in rodents. A picture showing increases and decreases of extracellular neurotransmitters correlating to different aspects of feeding
- PMID 21549733
Japanese Journal
- iPS細胞のインパクトは社会にどのように受けとめられたか : 科学研究に対する科学者・報道機関・人々の注目の違い
- 蔦谷 匠,安藤 康伸,飯田 有希,井上 志保里,貴舩 永津子,小寺 千絵,近藤 菜穂,猿谷 友孝,豊田 丈典,中村 史一,宮武 広直,渡邉 俊一,横山 広美
- 科学技術コミュニケーション 9, 23-34, 2011-06
- … Studies for iPS (induced Pluripotent Stem) cells are so important field for both basic science and regenerative medicine that they have attracted a great deal of attention and expectation from scientists, media and public. … We revealed that unlike scientists, media and public had not paid attention to mouse iPS cell, the first achievement of the research, however, they were enthusiastic about human iPS cell. …
- NAID 120003075346
- ゲムシタビンとシスプラチンを含む併用化学療法を施行した転移性膀胱癌患者の生存に関するHuman equilibrative nucleoside transporter 1(hENT1) 発現の意義
- 松村 永秀,原 勲
- 泌尿器科紀要 57(3), 157-161, 2011-03-31
- … Systemic combination chemotherapy, such as the methotrexate, vinblastine, doxorubicin and cisplatin (MVAC) regimen, has shown certain activity in advanced bladder cancer, but is associated with a significant toxicity burden, with a treatment-related mortality of about 4%. … Therefore, a great deal of interest has been focused on the gemcitabine-cisplatin (GC) combination chemotherapy which showed the same antitumor effect as MVAC chemotherapy with far less toxicity. …
- NAID 120003001360
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- 関
- a great deal of、enormously、extreme、extremely、huge、hugely、immense、immensely、impossibly、vast
- 英
- a great deal of、enormous
- 関
- 莫大、極端
- [限定]偉大な、卓越した。有名な、著明な
- [限定](規模・形の)大きな、巨大な
- (比較)(同種の中で)大きい方の、大形種の
- [限定](数量の)多い、多数[大量]の。(時間・距離の)長い
- (程度の)大きな、非常な
- [程度表示の可能な、人を表す名詞を限定して]大の、真にその名にふさわしい
- [限定]重要な。(比較)[the ~]主要な
- [限定]身分/地位の高い
- (考え・行為などが)高潔な
- [限定]好んで使われる
- 関
- a large number of、a lot of、large、large number、manifold、many、massive、multitude、numerous、sizable
- 関
- account、allocation、deal with、dispense、distribute、distribution、partition、trade-off、traffic