洞不全症候群 sick sinus syndrome
- the 19th letter of the Roman alphabet (同)s
- Selective Service System 選抜徴兵制
- sulfurの化学記号 / {略}South[ern]
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2017/05/18 23:55:03」(JST)
[Wiki ja表示]
- 1 科学・技術
- 2 アニメ・ゲーム
- 3 音楽
- 4 企業
- 5 その他
- サブサーフェイス・スキャタリング (Subsurface scattering) の略
- ソフトウェア・サービス・システムの略。超流通を参照。
- 洞不全症候群 (Sick sinus syndrome) の略。
- サイディング・スプリングサーベイ (Siding Spring Survey) の略。
- 漫画・テレビアニメ『機動警察パトレイバー』に登場するシャフトセキュリティシステムの略。「スリーエス」と発音する。
- テレビアニメ『MADLAX』の登場人物。「スリースピード」と発音する。
- テレビアニメ『Angel Beats!』に登場する組織「死んだ世界戦線」の略称。
- PCエンジン用ソフト『スーパースターソルジャー』 (Super Star Soldier) の略。
- PCゲーム『SHUFFLE!』に登場する「シアちゃん親衛傭兵団」こと「好き好きシアちゃん」の略。
- 日本の男性3人組の音楽バンド、SunSet Swishの略。
- イエロー・マジック・オーケストラの2作目のアルバム、または同アルバムに収録されている曲『ソリッド・ステイト・サヴァイヴァー』 (SOLID STATE SURVIVOR) の略。
- 特撮ソングのライブイベント『スーパー戦隊魂(スピリッツ)』の略。
- 下津井電鉄の関連会社、シモデンスタッフサービスの略。
- 住友化学の100%出資子会社、住友化学システムサービスの略。
- 米国の選抜徴兵登録制度、セレクティブ・サービス・システム(英語版)(Selective Service System)の略。
- 日産・ブルーバードのかつての人気グレードの1つ、スーパースポーツセダン (Super Sports Sedan) の略。「SSS」と書いて「スリーエス」と発音する。
- 日産・シルフィ、日産・パルサーに設定されるグレード「SSS(スリーエス)」。グレード名は上述のブルーバードに由来。
- 地方競馬で行われる「地方競馬スーパースプリントシリーズ」の略。
- 鉄道の分岐器である「シングル・スリップ・スイッチ」(Single Slip Switch)の略。
- 後期中等学校(Senior Secondary School)の略。
- 新数学人集団(Shin Sugakujin Shudan)の略。
- 相模原中等教育学校(Sagamihara Secondary School)の略。
- 社台スタリオンステーション (Shadai Stallion Station)の略。
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[Wiki en表示]
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- 1 Places
- 2 Businesses and organizations
- 3 Computing
- 4 Fiction
- 5 Medicine
- 6 Music
- 7 Science
- 8 Sports and entertainment
- 9 Government and politics
- 10 Linguistics
- 11 Other
- 12 See also
SSS may refer to:
- SSS islands, part of the Netherlands Antilles
- Siassi's airport IATA code
- Southern Cross Station (formerly Spencer Street Station), Melbourne, Australia, code
Businesses and organizations
- Sisters of Social Service, a Catholic religious institute founded in Hungary
- Societas Sanctissimi Sacramenti, the Congregation of the Blessed Sacrament
- Sovran Self Storage, US, NYSE SSS
- Triple-S Management Corporation
- Salamat School System, a group of fee-paying academic institutions in Pakistan
- Socialist Sunday Schools, in UK and US from 1892 to the 1920s
- Smithfield-Selma School, a high school in Smithfield, North Carolina, US
- Sudbury Secondary School, a high school in Greater Sudbury, Ontario, Canada
- Student Support Services, University of Wisconsin River Falls
- Shamir's Secret Sharing, an algorithm for dividing a secret into multiple pieces
- Single-serving site, a website composed of one page that serves one purpose
- Solid-state storage
- Subsurface scattering, a mechanism of light transport
- Super Scalable System, Cray-3/SSS massively parallel supercomputer project
- SSS (Three-Speed), character in the anime series MADLAX
- Sport Searching School, the fictional school from Sport Ranger
- Scotopic sensitivity syndrome or Irlen syndrome, a visual disorder
- Sensation-Seeking Scale, Zuckerman's Sensation-Seeking Scale
- Sick sinus syndrome, an abnormality of heart rhythm
- Subclavian steal syndrome, a medical condition arising from reversed blood flow
- Scalded skin syndrome, a medical condition characterized by exfoliating skin
- SSS International, a record label founded by Shelby Sumpter Singleton
- Sigue Sigue Sputnik, a British new wave band
- Short Sharp Shock (band), a crossover thrash band from Liverpool, UK
- SunSet Swish, a Japanese pop rock band
- Sisyphus (hip hop group), an American hip hop group formerly known as S / S / S
- Super Star Supporters, a fan club for SS501
- Solid State Survivor, a 1979 album by Yellow Magic Orchestra
- SweetSexySavage, a 2017 album by Kehlani
- "SSS", a song by The Avett Brothers from Mignonette
- "SSS", a song by Trickbaby from Hanging Around
- Sea surface salinity
- Super Soft Source or Super soft X-ray source
- Omega baryon (Ω−), with a quark content of sss
- Side-side-side – see congruence of triangles and solution of triangles
- Siding Spring Survey, a Near-Earth Object search program at Siding Spring Observatory, NSW, Australia
Sports and entertainment
- Súper Sábado Sensacional, a variety show from Venezuela that airs on Venevision
- Super Special Stage, a competitive section in a stage rally (motorsports) event
- Swedish Swing Society, a Swedish dance club
- Solid State Society, the third part of Japanese anime series Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex
- Standard scratch scoring, a golf scoring system
- Soccer-specific stadium
Government and politics
- Selective Service System, the United States military conscription program
- Social security system
- Social Security System (Philippines)
- State Security Service, Nigerian domestic intelligence agency
- Svensk Socialistisk Samling, Swedish Socialist Unity, former Swedish Nazi party
- Sign Supported Speech, a combination of sign language and English speech
- Sutton's Sign Symbol Sequence, now the International Movement Writing Alphabet, symbols to record movement
- SATS Security Services, for aviation-related activities at the Singapore Changi Airport
- Senior Staff Sergeant, a rank in the Singapore Police Force
- "Shoot-Shovel & Shut-up" or Shooting, shoveling, and shutting up or "The Triple S Treatment," a term used for dealing with unwanted pests or predators, most often protected animals, in a rural setting
- Super SteadyShot, a sensor-based camera image stabilization system by Sony
See also
- SS (disambiguation)
- S (disambiguation)
UpToDate Contents
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English Journal
- Melanotic Neuroectodermal Tumor of Infancy with Involvement of the Superior Sagittal Sinus.
- Foster KA1, Choudhri A, Lingo R, Boop F.
- Pediatric neurosurgery.Pediatr Neurosurg.2017;52(1):36-40. Epub 2016 Sep 6.
- Melanotic neuroectodermal tumor of infancy (MNTI) is a rare lesion that typically manifests in the first year of life, most commonly involving the facial bones. We present 2 infants with MNTI involving the posterior skull with associated compression of the superior sagittal sinus (SSS). A review of
- PMID 27595482
- A randomised, placebo-controlled trial of transcranial pulsed electromagnetic fields in patients with multiple chemical sensitivity.
- Tran MT1, Skovbjerg S1, Arendt-Nielsen L2, Christensen KB3, Elberling J1.
- Acta neuropsychiatrica.Acta Neuropsychiatr.2016 Dec 6:1-11. [Epub ahead of print]
- OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the efficacy of transcranially applied pulsed electromagnetic fields (PEMF) on functional impairments and symptom severity in multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) patients.METHODS: The study was conducted as a nationwide trial in Denmark using a randomised, parallel-group, doub
- PMID 27919300
- The sensitivity and specificity of a diagnostic test of sequence-space synesthesia.
- Rothen N1, Jünemann K1, Mealor AD1, Burckhardt V1, Ward J2.
- Behavior research methods.Behav Res Methods.2016 Dec;48(4):1476-1481.
- People with sequence-space synesthesia (SSS) report stable visuo-spatial forms corresponding to numbers, days, and months (amongst others). This type of synesthesia has intrigued scientists for over 130 years but the lack of an agreed upon tool for assessing it has held back research on this phenom
- PMID 26558902
Japanese Journal
- Impact of Catheter Ablation for Paroxysmal Atrial Fibrillation in Patients With Sick Sinus Syndrome – Important Role of Non-Pulmonary Vein Foci –
- Impact of Catheter Ablation for Paroxysmal Atrial Fibrillation in Patients With Sick Sinus Syndrome – Important Role of Non-Pulmonary Vein Foci –
- 同一周波数スペクトルを用いるヘテロジーニアスネットワークにおけるPSS検出確率及びセルサーチ時間特性 (無線通信システム)
- 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告 = IEICE technical report : 信学技報 115(369), 201-206, 2015-12-17
- NAID 40020700492
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Related Pictures

- 英
- sick sinus syndrome, SSS
- 同
- 洞機能不全症候群、洞結節機能不全症候群
- 関
- 洞停止。洞機能不全、洞機能不全症候群
- ECGP.283
- 1. 洞徐脈:原因がない持続性洞徐脈。50/分以下。
- 2. 洞停止(PP間隔が元のPP間隔の整数倍にならない。一般的には2秒以上)または洞房ブロック(PP間隔が元のPP間隔の整数倍になる)が存在する。
- 3. 徐脈頻脈症候群:I型/II型の徐脈性不整脈を呈し、かつ少なくとも1回の発作性上室性頻拍or心房細動をきたしたもの
- 1. 加齢
- 2. 薬剤性:抗不整脈薬、β遮断薬、Ca拮抗薬、ジギタリス、モルヒネなど
- 3. 基礎疾患:高カリウム血症、甲状腺機能低下症、神経調節性(頸動脈症候群、血管迷走神経反射、排尿後失神)、脳圧亢進(Cushing現象)
- 脳虚血症状や心不全症状が無い場合には経過観察となるが、症状がある場合には治療適応となる。
- 薬剤性や基礎疾患に対する介入を試みる。
- 急性期の薬物療法:アトロピン、イソプロテレノール
- 急性期の対症療法:一次ペーシング
- ペースメーカー埋め込み
- 適応:
- 洞停止が5秒以上 or 徐脈頻脈症候群 (IMD)
- 有症状で心拍数≦40 or 最大RR感覚が3秒以上 (YN.C-40)
ブドウ球菌性熱傷様皮膚症候群, staphylococcal scalded-skin syndrome