- the 19th letter of the Roman alphabet (同)s
- Shore Patrol / Specialist
- sulfurの化学記号 / {略}South[ern]
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2017/10/11 07:46:11」(JST)
[Wiki ja表示]
- 走査型プローブ顕微鏡 (Scanning Probe Microscope)
- 浮遊粒子状物質 (Suspended Particulate Matter)
- Stored Programming Machine 電子計算機の一形式
- サンピエール島・ミクロン島のISO 3166-1国名コード
- ゲーム Super Paper Mario スーパーペーパーマリオの頭文字
- Statistical Parametric Mapping 脳機能画像の解析方法
- サンプラチナ (Sun Platinum Metal)
- 硫酸と過酸化水素水の混合溶液 (Sulfuric acid-Hydrogen Peroxide Mixture)
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[Wiki en表示]
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SPM may refer to:
- 1 People
- 2 Places
- 3 Politics
- 4 Science
- 5 Software
- 6 Other
- 7 See also
- 8 References
- Carlos Coy, better known by his stage name South Park Mexican, a Mexican-American rapper from Houston, Texas.
- Saint Pierre and Miquelon (ISO 3166-1 code), a self-governing territorial overseas collectivity of France
- Salón de la Plástica Mexicana, art museum in Mexico City
- San Pedro de Macorís, a municipality and the capital city of the San Pedro de Macorís province, Dominican Republic
- Summit Place Mall, a shopping mall in Waterford Township, Michigan
- Socialist Party of Macedonia, political party in the Republic of Macedonia
- Somali Patriotic Movement, a political party and paramilitary organization in Somalia
- Scanning probe microscopy, a group of microscopes working by scanning a physical probe across the sample
- Self-phase modulation, a nonlinear optical effect of light-matter interaction
- Sphingomyelin, a type of sphingolipid found in animal cell membranes
- Specialized proresolving mediators, a class of cell signaling metabolites of polyunsaturated fatty acids that contribute to resolving inflammatory responses
- Suspended Particulate Matter, referring to both suspended solids and particulates
- Statistical parametric mapping - Neuroimaging analysis software.
- SPM — Performance Monitoring & Alerting service from Sematext.
- SPM — Sterile Processing Microsystem
- free s.p.m. — abbreviation used in genealogy: d.s.p.m.[s.] which are the initials of the Latin phrase decessit sine prole mascula [superstite] — died without surviving male issue
- Saint Petersburg Metro, a rapid transit system
- Sales performance management, summary of critical sales data for business managers
- Seat Power Module, in dealing with the aviation industry
- Sentry Power Manager, a rack-level data center power monitoring and power management tool from Server Technology
- Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia, a national secondary school exam in Malaysia
- Single Point Mooring, a mooring arrangement for tankers to offload gas or liquid products
- Sociedade Portuguesa de Matemática, the Portuguese Mathematical Society
- South Park Mexican, aka SPM, American rapper
- Steps Per Minute[1]
- Summary for policymakers, a summary of the IPCC reports intended to aid policymakers
- Standard Payment Method (SPM), used by Medicare and Medicaid to bill in settings covered as inpatient under Medicare Part A (acute care hospitals, some critical access hospitals, skilled nursing facilities, hospice care, and most home care)
- Super Paper Mario, the third game in the Paper Mario series
- June S&P Futures
See also
- Statistical Parametric Mapping (Wikibooks) - a free software for processing neuroimaging data via MatLab
- ^ "Health Research". Movement Sensors. Hexoskin. 2014. Retrieved 2014-07-21.
UpToDate Contents
全文を閲覧するには購読必要です。 To read the full text you will need to subscribe.
- 1. 頭頸部癌患者における二次発癌 second primary malignancies in patients with head and neck cancers
- 2. 小児や青年の自然縦隔気腫 spontaneous pneumomediastinum in children and adolescents
- 3. カルバペネマーゼ産生グラム陰性桿菌の概要 overview of carbapenemase producing gram negative bacilli
- 4. 緑膿菌感染症の疫学、微生物学、および病因 epidemiology microbiology and pathogenesis of pseudomonas aeruginosa infection
English Journal
- Intracranial volume estimated with commonly used methods could introduce bias in studies including brain volume measurements.
- Nordenskjöld R, Malmberg F, Larsson EM, Simmons A, Brooks SJ, Lind L, Ahlström H, Johansson L, Kullberg J.SourceDepartment of Radiology, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden. Electronic address: richard.nordenskjold@radiol.uu.se.
- NeuroImage.Neuroimage.2013 Dec;83:355-60. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2013.06.068. Epub 2013 Jul 1.
- In brain volumetric studies, intracranial volume (ICV) is often used as an estimate of pre-morbid brain size as well as to compensate for inter-subject variations in head size. However, if the estimated ICV is biased by for example gender or atrophy, it could introduce errors in study results. To ev
- PMID 23827332
- Groupwise whole-brain parcellation from resting-state fMRI data for network node identification.
- Shen X, Tokoglu F, Papademetris X, Constable RT.SourceDepartment of Diagnostic Radiology, Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, CT 06520, USA. xilin.shen@yale.edu
- NeuroImage.Neuroimage.2013 Nov 15;82:403-15. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2013.05.081. Epub 2013 Jun 4.
- In this paper, we present a groupwise graph-theory-based parcellation approach to define nodes for network analysis. The application of network-theory-based analysis to extend the utility of functional MRI has recently received increased attention. Such analyses require first and foremost a reasonab
- PMID 23747961
- Sweet Potatoes as a Basic Component in Developing a Medium for the Cultivation of Lactobacilli.
- Hayek SA, Shahbazi A, Awaisheh SS, Shah NP, Ibrahim SA.SourceEnergy and Environmental Systems, North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University.
- Bioscience, biotechnology, and biochemistry.Biosci Biotechnol Biochem.2013 Nov 7. [Epub ahead of print]
- A sweet potato medium (SPM) was formed with extract from baked sweet potatoes supplemented with 0, 4, or 8 g/L of three nitrogen sources (beef extract, yeast extract, and proteose peptone #3) to form SPM1, SPM2, and SPM3 respectively. Lactobacilli MRS was used as control medium. Ten Lactobacillus st
- PMID 24200801
Japanese Journal
- A Torenia (Torenia fournieri Lind. ex Fourn.) Novel Mutant 'Flecked' Produces Variegated Flowers by Insertion of a DNA Transposon into an R2R3-MYB Gene
- Nishijima Takaaki,Morita Yasumasa,Sasaki Katsutomo [他]
- Journal of the Japanese Society for Horticultural Science 82(1), 39-50, 2013-01
- NAID 40019554349
- 飯野 直子,後藤 将太,中村 恭浩,金柿 主税,イイノ ナオコ,ゴトウ ショウタ,ナカムラ ヤスヒロ,カナガキ チカラ,Iino Naoko,Goto Shota,Nakamura Yasuhiro,Kanagaki Chikara
- 熊本大学教育学部紀要 自然科学 61, 39-46, 2012-12-12
- … When a dense dust band was crossing over Japan, the rapid increase of SPM concentrations was observed at stations located in the dust path. … The observed increase of SPM concentrations corresponded to the distribution of Asian dust shown in AVI images, the visibilities recorded by the Janan Meteorological Agency and the atmospheric turbidity shown in the ground-observation images. …
- NAID 120005199491
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※国試ナビ4※ [097G023]←[国試_097]→[097G025]
- 英
- size、magnitude
- 関
- 規模、サイズ、振幅
- 肺胞に到達する粒子径:2μm以下 (QB.I-299)、 1μm以下(肺胞に達し、拡散やブラウン運動で肺胞壁に沈着)(SUB12.378)
- 気管に沈着する粒子径:5μm以下 (QB.I-299)
- 鼻腔・咽頭・喉頭で補足される粒子径:10μm以上
- 英
- air pollutant、environmental air pollutant
- 英
- spiramycin SPM
- ラ
- spiramycinum
- 関
- アセチルスピラマイシン
- 英
- statistical parametric mapping、SPM
- 英
- suspended particulate matter, SPM
- 関
- 塵埃
脊髄性進行性筋萎縮症 spinal progressive muscular atrophy