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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2019/05/27 16:06:19」(JST)
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RHF may refer to:
- Regional health authority or Regionalt helseforetak, of Norway
- Residence Hall Federation at Virginia Tech campus
- Royal Highland Fusiliers
- Right heart failure or Right-sided heart failure
- RHF Productions, owners of brand Red Hot TV (UK)
- RHF - Right-Handed Fridge, YouTuber
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- 1. 成人の急性非代償性心不全への治療アプローチapproach to acute decompensated heart failure in adults [show details]
…disease. This syndrome of predominantly right-sided HF occurs commonly in patients with severe isolated tricuspid regurgitation, right ventricular dysfunction, and chronic lung disease, such as those …
- 2. 肺高血圧症患者や右心不全患者に行う麻酔anesthesia for patients with pulmonary hypertension or right heart failure [show details]
…perfusion, and reduced contractility of the RV, with eventual development of right-sided HF . Patients with severe right HF and/or PH may present with oxygen dependence or other overt signs and symptoms …
- 3. Anesthesia for noncardiac surgery in adults with a ventricular assist deviceanesthesia for noncardiac surgery in adults with a ventricular assist device [show details]
…presence of right heart failure, aortic insufficiency, arrhythmias, physical activity level). In particular, right heart failure is often present after implantation of a left VAD . Right heart failure may be …
- 4. 成人における肺高血圧症の治療treatment of pulmonary hypertension in adults [show details]
…thorough history to assess symptoms of right heart failure, exercise tolerance, and medication side effects; physical examination for signs of right heart failure; and resting and ambulatory oximetry. The …
- 5. 末期心不全の臨床症状および診断clinical manifestations and diagnosis of advanced heart failure [show details]
…neurohormonal adaptations, reduced renal perfusion, increased renal venous pressure, and right ventricular dysfunction. Both lower GFR and higher blood urea nitrogen (BUN) have been associated with increased …
English Journal
- From colorectal cancer pattern to the characterization of individuals at risk: Picture for genetic research in Latin America.
- Vaccaro CA, López-Kostner F, Adriana DV, Palmero EI, Rossi BM, Antelo M, Solano A, Carraro DM, Forones NM, Bohorquez M, Lino-Silva LS, Buleje J, Spirandelli F, Abe-Sandes K, Nascimento I, Sullcahuaman Y, Sarroca C, Gonzalez ML, Herrando AI, Alvarez K, Neffa F, Galvão HC, Esperon P, Golubicki M, Cisterna D, Cardoso FC, Torrezan GT, Junior SA, Pimenta CAM, da Cruz Formiga MN, Santos E, Sá CU, Oliveira EP, Fujita R, Spirandelli E, Jimenez G, Guindalini RSC, de Azevedo RGMV, Bueno LSM, Dos Santos Nogueira ST, Loarte MT, Padron J, Del Carmen Castro-Mujica M, Del Monte JS, Caballero C, Peña CMM, Pinto J, Barletta-Carrillo C, Melva GA, Piñero T, Beltran PM, Ashton-Prolla P, Rodriguez Y, Quispe R, Rossi NT, Martin C, Chialina S, Kalfayan PG, Bazo-Alvarez JC, Cañete AR, Dominguez-Barrera C, Nuñez L, Da Silva SD, Balavarca Y, Wernhoff P, Plazzer JP, Møller P, Hovig E, Dominguez-Valentin M, .
- International journal of cancer. 2019 Jul;145(2)318-326.
- Colorectal cancer (CRC) is one of the most common cancers in Latin America and the Caribbean, with the highest rates reported for Uruguay, Brazil and Argentina. We provide a global snapshot of the CRC patterns, how screening is performed, and compared/contrasted to the genetic profile of Lynch syndr
- PMID 30303536
- Intact responses to non-drug rewards in long-term opioid maintenance treatment.
- Eikemo M, Lobmaier PP, Pedersen ML, Kunøe N, Matziorinis AM, Leknes S, Sarfi M.
- Neuropsychopharmacology : official publication of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology. 2019 Jul;44(8)1456-1463.
- Disruption of non-drug reward processing in addiction could stem from long-term drug use, addiction-related psychosocial stress, or a combination of these. It remains unclear whether long-term opioid maintenance treatment (OMT) disrupts reward processing. Here, we measured subjective and objective r
- PMID 30928994
- Autotaxin activity predicts transplant-free survival in primary sclerosing cholangitis.
- Dhillon AK, Kremer AE, Kummen M, Boberg KM, Elferink RPO, Karlsen TH, Beuers U, Vesterhus M, Hov JR.
- Scientific reports. 2019 Jun;9(1)8450.
- Autotaxin has been associated with liver disease severity and transplant-free survival. This study aimed to validate autotaxin as a biomarker in two cohorts of Norwegian large-duct PSC patients, one discovery panel (n = 165) and one validation panel (n = 87). Serum activity of autotaxin was
- PMID 31186435
Japanese Journal
- Cold Strength and High Temperature Behaviors of Self-Reducing Briquette Containing Electric Arc Furnace Dust and Anthracite
- Wu Shengli,Chang Feng,Zhang Jianliang,Lu Hua,Kou Mingyin
- ISIJ International 57(8), 1364-1373, 2017
- … This research aims at dealing with EAFD by pyrometallurgy through mixing it with anthracite to be used as carbon-containing briquettes in RHF. …
- NAID 130005982804
- 個人化された指標に基づく心拍変動の状態分類-二分木の最適化
- 伊藤 俊樹,水谷 拓郎,八名 和夫
- 生体医工学 54Annual(26AM-Abstract), S64-S64, 2016
- … Personalized relative indices rLF, rHF, rLF/rHF, rMF and average/variance of HR have been utilized for the classification. …
- NAID 130005285173
- A Comprehensive Static Model of an Iron Bath Smelting Reduction Process with Thick Slag for Alumina-Rich Iron Ore
- He Yibo,Tang Biao,Li Qiang,Zou Zongshu
- ISIJ International 55(10), 2125-2134, 2015
- … In order to make comprehensive utilization of alumina-rich iron ore, a two-step three-vessel smelting reduction process is proposed, including the Rotary Hearth Furnace (RHF) for the pre-reduction of alumina-rich iron oxide pellet, the Smelting Reduction Vessel (SRV) with a thick slag bath for the final reduction and melting of pellet, and the Gas Reforming Furnace (GRF) for reforming the exhaust gas from SRV. …
- NAID 130005105405
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- 英
- right heart failure, right-sided heart failure RHF
- 関
- 左心不全、うっ血腎、心不全
- 右室は左室よりコンプライアンスが高い(低圧で拡張できる)。このため幅広良い血液量の変化に対応できる。反面、高負荷の急激な増加には脆弱である。例えば、肺塞栓など。(PHD.234)
- ほとんどの右心不全の原因が左心不全によるもので、右心不全が一次的なものはあまり一般的ではない。
- 肺性心 cor pulmonaleは肺に原発的する過程から生じる右心系の心疾患のことを差している。肺性心から右心不全に至ることは良くある。(PHD.235)
- PHD.235
- 肺間質性疾患 parenchymal pulmonary disease
- 頚静脈怒張
- 下肢の浮腫
- 胸水 → 壁側胸膜で産生されるが、静脈系のうっ滞により胸水産生量が増えすぎるため、かも?
- 腹水
- 肝腫大
- 蛋白漏出性胃腸症