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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2016/10/04 15:03:41」(JST)
[Wiki ja表示]
- パーリ聖典協会 (Pali Text Society) - パーリ語団体
- PTS (旅行会社) - ジェイティービーの子会社である旅行会社
- 公共電視文化事業基金会 - 台湾の公共放送を運営する財団法人
- 私設取引システム (Proprietary Trading System)- 証券取引所を介さず証券会社が直接株式売買を仲介する仕組み
- 永久閾値上昇 (permanent threshold shift) - 一時的でない難聴
- ポインツ (points) - ポイントの複数形。単位・助数詞のように使う。
- ポイント判定 (Point Score) - ボクシングにおけるポイントによる判定。主にアマチュアで使用。
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PTS or Pts can refer to:
In academics:
- Palmer Trinity School, an Episcopal middle and high school in Palmetto Bay, Florida, USA
- Peace Theological Seminary & College of Philosophy, institution of the Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness, Los Angeles, USA
- Pittsburgh Theological Seminary, a Presbyterian seminary in Pennsylvania, USA
- Princeton Theological Seminary, a Presbyterian seminary in Princeton, New Jersey, USA
- Pure type system in mathematical logic
In communications and economics:
- Spanish pesetas, abbreviated Pts., Ptas., or with the symbol ₧
- abbreviation for the plural of pint, a unit of capacity
- Pacific Telemanagement Services, an independent payphone operator
- Paid to surf
- Post- och telestyrelsen, the Swedish postal and telecommunications regulator
- Public Television Service, public broadcaster in Taiwan
In religion:
- Protestant Truth Society, founded in the UK in 1889.
In science:
- PTS (gene), a gene encoding the 6-pyruvoyltetrahydropterin synthase enzyme in humans
- Peroxisomal targeting signal, an amino acid sequence
- Phosphotransferase system or PTS, another name for PEP group translocation
In medicine:
- Post-thrombotic syndrome, a long-term complication of deep vein thrombosis
In politics:
- Partido de los Trabajadores Socialistas, the Socialist Workers' Party in Argentina
- Partido Trabalhista Santomense, São Toméan Workers Party in São Tomé and Príncipe
- Personal Track Safety, UK qualification for rail workers
- Potential Trouble Source, in Scientology
In technology:
- Phoronix Test Suite, a cross-platform benchmark
- Point (typography) (plural), a measurement of printed type size
- Presentation time stamp, metadata in MPEG video or other streams
- Product Transfer Security, a wireless identification system in the petrochemical industry
- PTS (amphibious vehicle), a Soviet vehicle, also known as Ob'yekt 65
- ptmx or pts, a pseudoterminal master and slave
In social services:
- PTS (community centre), a queer community centre in Ottawa, Canada.
Points decision
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English Journal
- Alternatives to conventional thermal treatments in fruit-juice processing. Part 2: Effect on composition, phytochemical content, and physicochemical, rheological, and organoleptic properties of fruit juices.
- Jiménez-Sánchez C1,2, Lozano-Sánchez J1,2,3, Segura-Carretero A1,2, Fernández-Gutiérrez A1,2.
- Critical reviews in food science and nutrition.Crit Rev Food Sci Nutr.2017 Feb 11;57(3):637-652.
- Traditional thermal techniques may cause losses in nutritional quality and phytochemical contents, and also in physicochemical, rheological, and organoleptic properties of processed fruit juices. This paper provides an overview of the effect on these qualities by the use of alternatives to tradition
- PMID 25894933
- Alternatives to conventional thermal treatments in fruit-juice processing. Part 1: Techniques and applications.
- Jiménez-Sánchez C1,2, Lozano-Sánchez J1,2,3, Segura-Carretero A1,2, Fernández-Gutiérrez A1,2.
- Critical reviews in food science and nutrition.Crit Rev Food Sci Nutr.2017 Feb 11;57(3):501-523.
- This paper provides an overview of alternatives to conventional thermal treatments and a review of the literature on fruit-juice processing for three key operations in fruit-juice production such as microbial inactivation, enzyme inactivation, and juice yield enhancement, these being radiation treat
- PMID 25849158
- A Cassette Approach for the Identification of Intein Insertion Sites.
- Sonntag T1.
- Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.).Methods Mol Biol.2017;1495:239-258.
- Over the past decade split inteins have established themselves as powerful tools for protein engineering, protein semisynthesis, and protein functional control approaches. Their key advantage lies in the protein trans-splicing (PTS) reaction that enables posttranslational protein assembly from two i
- PMID 27714621
Japanese Journal
- Crystal structure of peroxisomal targeting signal-2 bound to its receptor complex Pex7p–Pex21p
- Pan Dongqing,Nakatsu Toru,Kato Hiroaki
- Nature Structural & Molecular Biology, 2013-06-30
- … ペルオキシソーム病RCDP-1の分子機構の解明.京都大学プレスリリース.2013-07-01.Appropriate targeting of matrix proteins to peroxisomes is mainly directed by two types of peroxisomal targeting signals, PTS1 and PTS2. … Although the basis of PTS1 recognition has been revealed by structural studies, that of PTS2 recognition remains elusive. …
- NAID 120005296103
- 看護大学1年次における「フィジカルアセスメント」の授業評価と課題
- 松永 早苗,今井 恵,千田 美紀子,井上 美代江,辻 俊子,上野 範子,森下 妙子
- 聖泉看護学研究 2, 97-102, 2013-04-00
- 背景 医療の高度化に伴い,看護師の高い判断能力と医療チームをまとめていく調整能力が求められており,看護学教育では,「フィジカルアセスメント」を強化することが必要とされている.A大学看護学部(以下本学)は,2011年度に開設し,シラバスの調整上「フィジカルアセスメント」は,1年次前期に開講している.また,学生のレディネスに配慮し,「人体の構造と機能」と「フィジカルアセスメント」を関連付けた授業を試み …
- NAID 110009585901
- 私設取引システム(PTS)の拡大を目指すSBIジャパンネクスト証券の勝算
Related Links
- 直近のPTS価格の値上率、値下率、出来高、売買代金ランキング。デイタイムセッションからナイトタイムセッション2まで取引時間の価格を常に掲載しています。
- PTS Information Networkの概要:このサイトは、日本においてPTS(私設取引システム)運営業務を行う証券会社で取引される気配情報、価格情報を比較可能な形でリアルタイムで公表しています。さらに、現状のPTSの制度、各社の概要など ...
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- 英
- 6-pyruvoyltetrahydropterin synthase, PTPS, PTS
- 同
- 6-ピルボイルテトラヒドロプテリン合成酵素
- 関
- テトラヒドロビオプテリン
外傷後ストレス障害, post-traumatic stress disorder, posttraumatic stress disorder
- 関
- See Peroxisomal-matrix targeting sequences