- the 15th letter of the Roman alphabet (同)o
- the blood group whose red cells carry neither the A nor B antigens; "people with type O blood are universal donors" (同)type_O, group O
- 《呼び掛けの名前の前につけて》『おお』,あ / (驚き・恐れ・喜び・苦痛などを表して)『おお』,ああ,まあ / 《肯定・否定を強めて》
- oxygenの化学記号
- ohmオーム / Old
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2016/07/07 11:11:26」(JST)
[Wiki ja表示]
- オキサロ酢酸の略称。
- オセアニア陸上競技協会の略称。
- 東亜天文学会の略称。
- Open Automotive Alliance(英語版)
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OAA may refer to:
- Oceania Athletic Association
- Office of the Administrative Assistant to the Secretary of the Army
- Ohio Auctioneers Association
- Ohio Achievement Assessment
- The Older Americans Act of 1965
- Oman Automobile Association, a member of the FIA
- Ontario Association of Architects
- Open Adoption Agreement
- Open Agent Architecture
- Open Automotive Alliance, an organization to computerize cars
- Optically active additive, for use in paints and coatings
- Optometrists Association Australia
- Oriental Astronomical Association
- Orlando Apopka Airport
- Oxaloacetic acid
- Oxford Aviation Academy
- Oxley Aviation, Australia (ICAO operator designator)
- Ozark Adventist Academy
UpToDate Contents
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English Journal
- Oleanolic acid acetate inhibits atopic dermatitis and allergic contact dermatitis in a murine model.
- Choi JK, Oh HM, Lee S, Park JW, Khang D, Lee SW, Lee WS, Rho MC, Kim SH.SourceCMRI, Department of Pharmacology, School of Medicine, Kyungpook National University, Daegu 700-422, Republic of Korea.
- Toxicology and applied pharmacology.Toxicol Appl Pharmacol.2013 May 15;269(1):72-80. doi: 10.1016/j.taap.2013.03.001. Epub 2013 Mar 13.
- Atopic dermatitis (AD) and allergic contact dermatitis (ACD) are common allergic and inflammatory skin diseases caused by a combination of eczema, scratching, pruritus, and cutaneous sensitization with allergens. This paper examines whether oleanolic acid acetate (OAA) modulates AD and ACD symptoms
- PMID 23499868
- Burkholderia oklahomensis agglutinin is a canonical two-domain OAA-family lectin: structures, carbohydrate binding and anti-HIV activity.
- Whitley MJ, Furey W, Kollipara S, Gronenborn AM.SourceDepartment of Structural Biology, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, PA, USA.
- The FEBS journal.FEBS J.2013 May;280(9):2056-67. doi: 10.1111/febs.12229. Epub 2013 Apr 2.
- Burkholderia oklahomensis EO147 agglutinin (BOA) is a 29 kDa member of the Oscillatoria agardhii agglutinin (OAA) family of lectins. Members of the OAA family recognize high-mannose glycans, and, by binding to the HIV envelope glycoprotein 120 (gp120), block the virus from binding to and entering
- PMID 23480609
- Key role of hydrazine to the interaction between oxaloacetic against phosphoenolpyruvic carboxykinase (PEPCK): ONIOM calculations.
- Prajongtat P, Phromyothin DS, Hannongbua S.SourceDepartment of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Kasetsart University, Chatuchak, Bangkok, Thailand, 10900.
- Journal of molecular modeling.J Mol Model.2013 Apr 27. [Epub ahead of print]
- The interactions between oxaloacetic (OAA) and phosphoenolpyruvic carboxykinase (PEPCK) binding pocket in the presence and absence of hydrazine were carried out using quantum chemical calculations, based on the two-layered ONIOM (ONIOM2) approach. The complexes were partially optimized by ONIOM2 (B3
- PMID 23624997
Japanese Journal
Related Links
- OAA事務局 〒650-0011 神戸市中央区下山手通4丁目16-3兵庫県民会館8階 TEL078(754)8631 Fax078 ... 野外活動、自然体験活動、グループ活動を通じて青少年の育成に取り組んでいる財団法人です。 社会人青年男女を ...
- OAAはりまハイツは、兵庫県加古川市・日岡山公園にある、青少年宿泊研修センターです。 宿泊・合宿・研修・会議やレクリエーション・野外活動など、様々なプログラムにご活用いただける施設として、皆様のご利用をお待ちして ...
Related Pictures

- oxal
- 英
- oxaloacetate, oxaloacetic acid, OAA
- 関
- TCA回路
- オキサロ oxal- は「シュウ酸の」という接頭辞。HOOC-CO-(シュウ酸の部分) + -CH2-COOH(酢酸の部分)ということで命名されたと思われる。
- 1. 糖新生の中間代謝産物:ミトコンドリアで起こる
- CH3-CO-COO- + ATP + CO2 -(ピルビン酸カルボキシラーゼ)→ HOOC-CO-CH2-COOH + Pi
- HOOC-CO-CH2-COOH + GTP -(PEPカルボキシキナーゼ)→ CH2=C(OPO320)-CO-OH + GDP + CO2
- オキサロ酢酸が脱炭酸されると共鳴安定化したエノレート陰イオンが生じ、その酸素がGTPのγリン酸基を攻撃してPEPとGDPができる(FB.308)
- 2. クエン酸回路の代謝産物:ミトコンドリアで怒る
- マレイン酸 + NAD+ -(malate dehydrogenase)→ オキサロ酢酸 + NADH + H+
- オキサロ酢酸 + アセチルCoA -(citrate synthase)→ クエン酸 + HS-CoA
Observer's Assessment of Alertness/Sedative Scales
- 鎮静レベル sedation level の評価に用いる主観的な6段階(0-5)のスケール
- 麻酔の論文で使われる?
- OAAS score 5?awake and responds readily to name spoken in normal tone.
- OAAS score 4?lethargic responses to name in normal tone.
- OAAS score 3?responds only after name is called loudly and/or repeatedly.
- 名前を大声and/or繰り返して読んだ後でのみ応答がある。
- OAAS score 2?responds only after name called loudly and mild shaking.
- 名前を大声で呼んで体を揺り動かした場合のみ返答がある。
- OAAS score 1?does not respond when name is called loudly and mild shaking or prodding.
- 名前を大声で呼んで揺り動かしたり突っついても返答がない。
- OAAS score 0?does not respond to noxious stimulation.
- modified Observer Assessment of Alertness/Sedation Scales (OAAS) score, with 0: fully awake to 5: unconscious,
- 原著論文:Chernik DA, Gillings D, Laine H, et al. Validity and reliability of the observer's assessment of alertness/sedation scale: study with intravenous midazolam. J Clin Psychopharmacol 1994;10:244-51
- Suleyman Ganidagli, MD et al., The Effect of Music on Preoperative Sedation and the Bispectral Index, Anesthesia and analgesia 2005;101:103?6
- PMID 15976214
- 同
- 食道入口部