非びらん性胃食道逆流症 non-erosive reflux disease
- an intelligent but single-minded expert in a particular technical field or profession
- Nebraska / northeast[ern]
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2023/02/09 14:00:38」(JST)
[Wiki ja表示]
- ナード - 英語圏で用いられるスラング
- N*E*R*D - アメリカ合衆国のヒップホップ・ロックグループ
- 非びらん性胃食道逆流症 - 英語表記:Non-Erosive Reflux Disease(NERD)
- NERD株式会社 - 日本のWEB制作、システム開発、マーケティング支援などを主業とする会社
[Wiki en表示]
Look up nerd in Wiktionary, the free dictionary.
A nerd is a person who is intellectually knowledgeable or bright, but socially inept.
Nerd(s) or The Nerd(s) may also refer to:
Arts and entertainment
- Nerd, a fictional creature from Dr. Seuss's 1950 book If I Ran the Zoo; often considered the first printed modern English appearance of the word
- The Nerd, a character from the Adult Swim animated series Robot Chicken
- NERD (television production company), a company associated with Survivor creator Charlie Parsons
- FC Nerds, reality television sports franchise
- Nerds FC, a 2006 Australian television soccer documentary series
- The Nerds, a 1979 series of Saturday Night Live sketches
- N.E.R.D.S., a book series
- The Nerd (play), a 1981 Broadway comedy play written by American actor/playwright Larry Shue
- N.E.R.D, a rock/hip hop group fronted by Pharrell Williams
- The Nerd, the main character from Angry Video Game Nerd, a web series that started in 2004.
- Nerds 2.0.1, a 1998 documentary film
- Rhett & Link, releasing the "Epic Rap Battle: Nerd vs. Geek".
- NERDS syndrome, Nodules–eosinophilia–rheumatism–dermatitis–swelling syndrome
- Nonerosive reflux disease, a form of gastroesophageal reflux disease
- NeRD, Navy eReader Device, e-reader developed by the United States Navy
- Nintendo European Research & Development, a software development firm
- NERD, a science and technology journal published by students of the Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur
Other uses
- NERD (sabermetrics), a baseball statistic
- Nerds (candy), a candy
- N3RD Street, Philadelphia; "Nerd Street" aka "North Third Street"
- NERD (television production company), a company associated with Survivor creator Charlie Parsons
See also
- FC Nerds, a reality television sports franchise
- Nerds FC, a 2006 Australian television soccer documentary series
- NERTZ, a podcast by Mathew Klickstein
- King of the Nerds, an American game shows series from 2013
- King of the Nerds (British TV series), a British version from 2015
- Revenge of the Nerds (film series)
- Nurd (disambiguation)
Topics referred to by the same term
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- 1. 成人における難治性胃食道逆流症へのアプローチapproach to refractory gastroesophageal reflux disease in adults [show details]
… normal upper endoscopy, additional evaluation may be required based on symptoms (eg, abdominal imaging in patients with concurrent weight loss). If this evaluation is normal and symptoms of GERD persist, patients …
- 2. 成人における胃食道逆流症の臨床症状および診断clinical manifestations and diagnosis of gastroesophageal reflux in adults [show details]
…troublesome symptoms of GERD. Nonerosive reflux disease — Nonerosive reflux disease or endoscopy negative reflux disease is characterized by the presence of troublesome symptoms of GERD without visible esophageal …
- 3. 悪心および嘔吐を伴う成人に対するアプローチapproach to the adult with nausea and vomiting [show details]
… Heartburn with nausea often indicates gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), and GERD can present as chronic nausea without typical reflux symptoms .… to identify gastric obstruction or other disorders that should have specific therapy. However, endoscopy and other routine tests are often normal, suggesting an idiopathic (functional) etiology. In …
- 4. 成人への消化管内視鏡検査で行う麻酔anesthesia for gastrointestinal endoscopy in adults [show details]
… patients with suspected or confirmed COVID-19 who do undergo endoscopy include the following: Whenever possible, endoscopy should be performed in negative pressure procedure rooms. All care providers should use …
- 5. 乳児の胃食道逆流gastroesophageal reflux in infants [show details]
… contrast, gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) occurs when the reflux episodes are associated with complications such as esophagitis or poor weight gain. The range of symptoms and complications of GERD in children …
English Journal
- Esophageal mucosal innervation in functional heartburn: Closer to healthy asymptomatic subjects than to non-erosive reflux disease patients.
- Nikaki K, Woodland P, Lee C, Ghisa M, Marinelli C, Savarino E, Sifrim D.
- Neurogastroenterology and motility : the official journal of the European Gastrointestinal Motility Society. 2019 Sep;31(9)e13667.
- Mucosal innervation in non-erosive reflux disease (NERD; pathological esophageal acid exposure, normal macroscopic mucosa) is clearly distinct from that of healthy volunteers (HV) and from patients with esophagitis or Barrett's esophagus: The nerves in NERD are situated much closer to the luminal su
- PMID 31225933
- Asthma is the dominant factor for recurrence in Chronic Rhinosinusitis.
- Preis Sella GC, Tamashiro E, Sella JA, Aragon DC, Nociti de Mendonça T, Karla de Paula Arruda L, Anselmo Lima WT, Pereira Valera FC.
- The journal of allergy and clinical immunology. In practice. 2019 Aug;().
- Factors associated with recurrence of chronic rhinosinusitis are still poorly recognized. To evaluate which risk factors could influence the risk of recurrence among patients undergoing endoscopic sinus surgery (ESS) in long-term follow-up. Patients with CRS who underwent ESS were followed for an av
- PMID 31425833
- If you've employed one person with autism …: An individual difference approach to the autism advantage at work.
- Bury SM, Hedley D, Uljarević M, Dissanayake C, Gal E.
- Autism : the international journal of research and practice. 2019 Aug;23(6)1607-1608.
- In this letter to the editor, we comment on the 'autism advantage' - the idea that superior skills associated with autism (e.g. attention to detail) present a talent in employment - an example of which is a recent discussion by Austin and Pisano. We welcome advocacy that raises awareness around the
- PMID 30130975
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- 疾患メモ 非びらん性胃食道逆流症(non-erosive reflux disease:NERD)とは,胃内容物が食道に逆流することによる胸焼けや呑酸などの症状があるにもかかわらず,内視鏡所見で食道に粘膜傷害を認めないものである。 胃食道逆流症(gastroesophageal reflux disease:GERD)の半数以上を占め,女性,非肥満者 ...
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- 非びらん性胃食道逆流症の英語表記はNon-Erosive Reflux Diseaseです。頭文字をとるとNERD(ナード)です。 胃食道逆流症と思ったら、どんなときに病院へ受診したらよいの?基本的に胃食道逆流症は命にかかわるような緊急性を伴う ...
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- 英
- gastroesophageal reflux disease GERD
- 関
- 酸逆流症、胃食道逆流症
[show details]
- 胃内容物が食道側に逆流する現象により不快な症状や合併症を伴うもの
- 病態を示すので下位概念として逆流性食道炎などが存在する。
- 胃食道逆流症 gastroesophageal reflux disease
- 逆流性食道炎(びらん性食道炎)。症状あり。内視鏡的食道炎あり
- 非びらん性胃食道逆流症(NERD) non erosive reflux disease。症状あり。内視鏡的食道炎なし
- 無症候性GERD(sGERD)(無症候性逆流性食道炎)。症状なし。内視鏡的食道炎あり
- 胃酸分泌過多:Herycobacter pylori除菌後、Zollinger-Ellison症候群
- 食道クリアランス不全
- 胃食道逆流症(GERD)の下位概念に以下のようなものがある
- 症状(+)、内視鏡異常(+):びらん性食道炎、逆流性食道炎
- 症状(+)、内視鏡異常(-):非びらん性胃食道逆流症, NERD
- 症状(-)、内視鏡異常(+):無症候性GERD
- 重症度評価 → 改訂ロサンゼルス分類
- そのほかの食道疾患鑑別:好酸球性食道炎、[[アカラシア]
[show details]
- ファーラー位での臥床睡眠
- 禁煙
- 肥満治療(ダイエット)、
- 食後に前屈を回避
- 就寝前に食事をしない
- アルコールの回避
- 高脂肪食の回避
- 過食の回避
- プロトンポンプ阻害薬
- H2受容体阻害薬
- 消化管運動促進:モサプリド、六君子湯
- (カルシウム拮抗薬服用の場合)他剤への切り替え ← 平滑筋弛緩作用によりLES圧の低下を招く
- 英
- non-erosive reflux disease, NERD
- 関
- 胃食道逆流症
ノルエピネフリン norepinephrine