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English Journal
- Timing of the loss of PTEN protein determines disease severity in a mouse model of myeloid malignancy.
- Liu YL1, Yan Y2, Webster C2, Shao L3, Lensing SY4, Ni H5, Feng W3, Colorado N6, Pathak R3, Xiang Z2, Hauer-Jensen M3, Li S7, Zhou D3, Emanuel PD2.
- Blood.Blood.2016 Jan 13. pii: blood-2015-05-646216. [Epub ahead of print]
- Juvenile Myelomonocytic Leukemia (JMML) is an aggressive pediatric mixed myelodysplastic/myeloproliferative neoplasm (MDS/MPN). JMML leukemogenesis is linked to a hyperactivated RAS pathway, with driver mutations in the KRAS, NRAS, NF1, PTPN11, or CBL genes. Previous murine models demonstrated how t
- PMID 26764354
- Surveying the landscape of MDS/MPN research: overlap among the overlap syndromes?
- Padron E1.
- Hematology / the Education Program of the American Society of Hematology. American Society of Hematology. Education Program.Hematology Am Soc Hematol Educ Program.2015 Dec 5;2015(1):349-54. doi: 10.1182/asheducation-2015.1.349.
- The myelodysplastic/myeloproliferative neoplasms (MDS/MPNs) lie at the interphase of phenotypically opposing bone marrow malignancies. They are characterized by concomitant features of bone marrow failure and myeloproliferation and are generally associated with a poor prognosis. Although much is unk
- PMID 26637742
- Whole-exome sequencing enhances prognostic classification of myeloid malignancies.
- Ruffalo M1, Husseinzadeh H2, Makishima H2, Przychodzen B2, Ashkar M2, Koyutürk M1, Maciejewski JP2, LaFramboise T3.
- Journal of biomedical informatics.J Biomed Inform.2015 Dec;58:104-13. doi: 10.1016/j.jbi.2015.10.003. Epub 2015 Oct 8.
- PURPOSE: To date the standard nosology and prognostic schemes for myeloid neoplasms have been based on morphologic and cytogenetic criteria. We sought to test the hypothesis that a comprehensive, unbiased analysis of somatic mutations may allow for an improved classification of these diseases to pre
- PMID 26453823
Japanese Journal
- WHO分類における新しい疾患群MDS/MPDの臨床像
- 福原 敬,柿木 康孝
- NAID 10019249414
- フィラデルフィア染色体陰性骨髄異形成症候群/骨髄増殖性疾患の3症例
- 田中 芳紀,松井 久末子,櫻木 志津 [他],三谷 紀之,松田 万幸,篠原 健次
- 山口医学 54(5), 139-145, 2005-10-31
- … WHO分類により骨髄異形成症候群/骨髄増殖性疾患myelodysplastic/myeloproliferative diseases (MDS)/(MPD)に分類されるPhiladelphia (Ph)染色体陰性の非定型慢性骨髄性白血病atypical CML (aCML) 2例と慢性骨髄単球性白血病chronic myelomonocytic leukemia (CMML) 1例を経験した.aCMLの2症例は白血球増加, 各成熟段階の顆粒球系細胞の増加, 顆粒球の異形成を認めたが染色体異常は認めなかった.CA (cytosine arabinoside, aclacinomycin)療法, interferon …
- NAID 110002774491
- 肺炎を契機に発症した持続性好中球増多症 : WHO分類に基づく好中球増多症の鑑別診断
- 清水 孝恒,宮川 義隆,三ツ橋 雄之 [他],柿本 綱之,池田 康夫,木崎 昌弘,萩原 魏
- 臨床血液 = The Japanese Journal of Clinical Hematology 46(7), 532-535, 2005-07-30
- NAID 10016601632
Related Links
- WHO分類第3版において骨髄異形成性/骨髄増殖性疾患(myelodysplastic/ myeloproliferative disease(MDS/MPD))の条件を満たすものの上述したCMML、 aCMLおよびJMML(解説省略)のいずれにも当てはまらない症例をMDS/MPD, ...
- Understanding MDS/MPD* If you have received a myelodysplastic syndromes/ myeloproliferative diseases (MDS/MPD) diagnosis, you probably have many questions. This sheet can help you learn more about MDS/MPD so you can ...
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- 英
- chronic myelomonocytic leukemia, CMMoL, CMML
- 関
- 慢性骨髄性白血病、FAB分類
- 英
- myelodysplastic/myeloproliferative diseases, MDS/MPD
- 関
メチオニン methionine