- the 12th letter of the Roman alphabet (同)l
- lira(イタリアの貨幣単位リラ)
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2015/05/21 22:08:00」(JST)
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LEF may refer to:
- LEF,the Laymen's evangelical fellowship, a Christian organisation.
- LEF, the Leading Edge Forum, a research and advisory service.
- LEF, the Lymphoid enhancer-binding factor 1.
- L.E.F., an album by Ferry Corsten
- LEF (journal), a journal of aesthetics published in the Soviet Union in the 1920s.
- Library Exchange Format in Electronic design automation domain.
- Liberté, égalité, fraternité, the national motto of France
- Life Extension Foundation, a non-profit organization
- Long Edge Feed, a direction to feed paper to printers. Also used in combination with the paper size, e.g. A4 LEF
Lef means guts, courage in Dutch. It may also refer to:
- Lef, a 1999 Dutch comedy film directed by Ron Termaat
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English Journal
- Dickkopf-1 inhibits thyroid cancer cell survival and migration through regulation of β-catenin/E-cadherin signaling.
- Cho SW, Lee EJ, Kim H, Kim SH, Ahn HY, Kim YA, Yi KH, Park DJ, Shin CS, Ahn SH, Cho BY, Park YJ.SourceDepartment of Internal Medicine, Seoul National University College of Medicine, Seoul, Republic of Korea.
- Molecular and cellular endocrinology.Mol Cell Endocrinol.2013 Feb 5;366(1):90-98. doi: 10.1016/j.mce.2012.12.007. Epub 2012 Dec 20.
- Wnt/β-catenin signaling plays a role in tumorigenesis of human papillary thyroid cancer (PTC). Dickkopf-1 (Dkk-1) is an inhibitor of Wnt/β-catenin signaling. We investigated the therapeutic potential of Dkk-1 in human PTC cell lines, SNU-790, B-CPAP, and BHP10-3. Dkk-1 reversed the aberrant expres
- PMID 23261982
- Biomarkers of epithelial-mesenchymal transition in squamous cell carcinoma.
- Scanlon CS, Van Tubergen EA, Inglehart RC, D'Silva NJ.SourcePeriodontics and Oral Medicine, School of Dentistry, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, USA.
- Journal of dental research.J Dent Res.2013 Feb;92(2):114-21. doi: 10.1177/0022034512467352. Epub 2012 Nov 5.
- An understanding of the process by which tumor cells destroy the basement membrane of the surface epithelium, invade, and metastasize is essential to the development of novel treatment of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC). In recent years, there has been increased interest in the role of
- PMID 23128109
Japanese Journal
- Regulation of Tcf7 by Runx2 in chondrocyte maturation and proliferation
- MIKASA Masaki,ROKUTANDA Satoshi,KOMORI Hisato,ITO Kosei,TSANG Ying Sze,DATE Yuki,YOSHIDA Carolina A.,KOMORI Toshihisa
- Journal of bone and mineral metabolism 29(3), 291-299, 2011-05-30
- NAID 10029024664
- Classification of Recommender Expertise in the Wikipedia Recommender System
- Jensen Christian Damsgaard,Pilkauskas Povilas,Lefévre Thomas
- Information and Media Technologies 6(3), 884-902, 2011
- The Wikipedia is a web-based encyclopedia, written and edited collaboratively by Internet users. The Wikipedia has an extremely open editorial policy that allows anybody, to create or modify articles. …
- NAID 130000969410
Related Links
- LEF!!! DUB!!! #2 feat. TAKUMA THE GREAT LEF!!! DUB!!! #1 feat. KIM (uhnellys, Anata Doushite) LEF!!! CREW!!! Exclusive Mix!!! from TCY RADIO TOKYO ... WSZ80 (LEF!!!/reclash) Contact to: djwsz80@gmail.com 02.28(mon ...
- The latest Tweets from lef/HAYASHI, Tatsuya (@lef). 所属:レピダム,OIDF-J理事,ISOC-JP OIWG Chair&プログラム委員2013-2015。活動:IETF,ISOC,W3C,OIDF,idcon。プログラミング(言語/コンパイラ等)、セキュリティ、ID/プライバシー ...
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- 英
- antirheumatic drug
- 同
- 疾患修飾性抗リウマチ薬 disease-modifying antirheumatic drug DMARD、遅効性抗リウマチ薬 slow-acting antirheumatic drug SAARD
- 関
- 1. 関節リウマチの治療薬であって、関節破壊を抑制する薬剤のことを指す(出典不明)
- 遅効性:一般的にこれらの薬剤は効果が出るまでに数ヶ月要する(別名:SAARDs, slow-acting antirheumatic drugs, 遅効性抗リウマチ薬)。
- 2. 関節リウマチの治療薬のこと。金剤、D-ペニシラミンなど。DMARDsとも呼ばれる(REU.66)
- 免疫抑制薬は、抗リウマチ薬が奏功しない、あるいは疾患の活動性が高いときに切り札的に用いられるが、これを抗リウマチ薬にふくめるかどうかは謎。(REU.66では抗リウマチ薬に含めていない)
- Disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARDs) is a category of otherwise unrelated drugs defined by their use in rheumatoid arthritis to slow down disease progression. The term is often used in contrast to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug, which refers to agents that treat the inflammation but not the underlying cause.
- The term "antirheumatic" can be used in similar contexts, but without making a claim about an effect on the course.
- 抗リウマチ薬はRAの進行を抑えるかどうかは問わない。抗リウマチ薬の下位概念としてDMARDがある(NSAIDsも含まれると考えて良いだろう)。DMARDはNSAIDsを待避させた概念か。
抗リウマチ薬 (リウマチ ガイドライン?より)
- 出現率:50%
- 皮疹、口内炎、脱毛
- 胃腸障害、味覚障害
- 間質性肺炎
- 骨髄抑制
- 肝機能障害
- 蛋白尿
- 英
- leflunomide, LEF
- 商
- アラバ Arava
- アラバ錠10mg/アラバ錠20mg/アラバ錠100mg
- http://www.info.pmda.go.jp/go/pack/3999020F1029_1_11/3999020F1029_1_11?view=body
- 関
- lymphoid enhancer-binding factor 1
エリテマトーデス lupus erythematosus