interdigitating dendritic cell
- the 9th letter of the Roman alphabet (同)i
- a card or badge used to identify the bearer; "you had to show your ID in order to get in" (同)I.D.
- 『私は』私が
- iodineの化学記号
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2016/05/03 01:56:22」(JST)
[Wiki ja表示]
- インターネットデータセンター (Internet data center)
- 国際デジタル通信 (International Digital Communication) の略称(現:IDCフロンティア)
- 大塚家具のコーポーレートブランドネーム「IDC大塚家具」(IDCは、インターナショナルデザインセンター (International Design Center) の略)
- アメリカ合衆国の市場調査会社 International Data Corporation とその日本法人IDCジャパン
- FM送信機の瞬時周波数偏移制限器 (Instant Deviation Control)
- 国際拘禁連盟 (International Detention Coalition, IDC)
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IDC may refer to:
- 1 Organizations
- 2 Medical
- 3 Technology
- 4 Other uses
- India Delivery Center, for example Microsoft's in HITEC City
- Industrial Development Corporation, also known as Castle Grande, an Arkansas company involved in the Whitewater political controversy
- Information Dominance Corps, a group of US Navy military information specialties
- Institute of Democracy and Cooperation, a think tank based in Paris
- Interactive Data Corporation (NYSE symbol IDC), a financial services company
- InterDigital Communications, a telecommunications company
- Interdnestrcom, a mobile telephone broadband provider in Transnistria, Moldova
- International Data Corporation, a market research company
- International Detention Coalition, a non-government organization advocating for human rights
- International Development Collaborative, a non-profit dedicated to social entrepreneurship in developing countries
- Invensys Development Centre, a global common software development centre
- Irish Dental Council
- Israel Development Center, an Intel development center
- Imperial Defence College, former name of the Royal College of Defence Studies, a British military academy (and post nominal letters used by graduates)
- Industrial Design Centre, part of IIT Bombay, India
- Institut de cognitique, a school of engineering in France
- Institute of design and construction, a technical school in Brooklyn, NY, US
- Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya, an academic institution in Herzliya, Israel
- Paris Institute of Comparative Law, France
- Dilated cardiomyopathy, a disease of the heart muscle
- Immature dendritic cells, a type of dendritic cell
- Indwelling Catheter, a tube inserted into the urinary bladder for drainage
- Infiltrating ductal carcinoma, a type of breast cancer
- Ideographic Description Characters (Unicode block)
- Internet data center, a facility run by a service provider to house computer systems and associated components for their customers
- Insulation-displacement connector, a connector that pierces the insulation on a wire
- Inter-domain controller, implements Inter-domain Controller protocol for dynamic networking across administrative domains
Other uses
- IDC (musician), a British musician
- Ideographic Description Characters, symbols for describing the composition of CJK characters
- Independent duty corpsman, a US Navy medical staff position; see United States Marine Air-Ground Task Force Reconnaissance
- Intangible drilling costs, an oil and gas industry term
- Iris deactivation code, a fictional code sequence from the Stargate SG-1 and Stargate Atlantis TV series
UpToDate Contents
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English Journal
- Shear-wave elastography in invasive ductal carcinoma: correlation between quantitative maximum elasticity value and detailed pathological findings.
- Cho EY1, Ko ES2, Han BK3, Kim RB4, Cho S1, Choi JS3, Hahn SY3.
- Acta radiologica (Stockholm, Sweden : 1987).Acta Radiol.2016 May;57(5):521-8. doi: 10.1177/0284185115590287. Epub 2015 Jun 12.
- BACKGROUND: Further information is needed regarding whether histopathological characteristics affect breast tumor elasticity.PURPOSE: To determine whether maximum elasticity values vary according to tumor-stroma ratio, dominant stroma type, or presence of fibrosis in invasive breast cancer.MATERIAL
- PMID 26071494
- Upregulation of the double-stranded RNA binding protein DGCR8 in invasive ductal breast carcinoma.
- Fardmanesh H1, Shekari M2, Movafagh A3, Alizadeh Shargh S4, Poursadegh Zonouzi AA1, Shakerizadeh S1, Poursadegh Zonouzi A5, Hosseinzadeh A6.
- Gene.Gene.2016 May 1;581(2):146-51. doi: 10.1016/j.gene.2016.01.033. Epub 2016 Jan 22.
- High-throughput experimental studies have indicated that the miRNAome is globally downregulated in various types of malignancy, and dysregulation of miRNAs processing component(s) is one possible mechanism for this phenomenon. Despite the progression in identifying cellular functions of Digeorge Syn
- PMID 26804549
- The Process Model of Group-Based Emotion: Integrating Intergroup Emotion and Emotion Regulation Perspectives.
- Goldenberg A1, Halperin E2, van Zomeren M3, Gross JJ4.
- Personality and social psychology review : an official journal of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Inc.Pers Soc Psychol Rev.2016 May;20(2):118-41. doi: 10.1177/1088868315581263. Epub 2015 Apr 13.
- Scholars interested in emotion regulation have documented the different goals and strategies individuals have for regulating their emotions. However, little attention has been paid to the regulation of group-based emotions, which are based on individuals' self-categorization as a group member and oc
- PMID 25870386
Japanese Journal
- Clonal profiling of mixed lobular and ductal carcinoma revealed by multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification and fluorescence in situ hybridization
- Tajiri Ryosuke,Inokuchi Masafumi,Sawada-Kitamura Seiko,Kawashima Hiroko,Nakamura Ritsuko,Oyama Takeru,Dobashi Yoh,Ooi Akishi
- Pathology International 64(5), 231-236, 2014-05
- … A needle biopsy of a mass in the right breast of a 36-year-old woman revealed invasive ductal carcinoma (IDC), and approximately 20% of cancer cells showed unequivocal membranous staining with the HercepTest. … By histological and immunohistochemical examinations, the resected tumor consisted mainly of E-cadherin-negative invasive lobular carcinoma (ILC), and the rest was ERBB2-positive IDC; …
- NAID 120005463366
- 知って得する! (新)名医の最新治療(Vol.315)MRI対応のIDCが登場、心筋焼灼術で根治も 致死性不整脈(ちしせいふせいみゃく)
- Contralateral Breast Cancer Adjacent to a Fibroadenoma: Report of a Case
- Iwamoto Miki,Takei Hiroyuki,Iida Shinya,Yamashita Kouji,Yanagihara Keiko,Kurita Tomoko,Tsuchiya Shinichi,Kanazawa Yoshikazu,Uchida Eiji
- Journal of Nippon Medical School 81(3), 168-172, 2014
- … She had undergone multiple excisional biopsies of fibroadenomas in both breasts and mastectomy for invasive ductal carcinoma (IDC) of the left breast. … A core needle biopsy revealed IDC of the right breast. … The IDC was 2 cm in diameter, of nuclear grade 2, and adjacent to a 0.7-cm fibroadenoma with a macrocalcification. … The margins of the IDC close to the fibroadenoma were clearly demarcated by the fibrous capsule of the fibroadenoma. …
- NAID 130004147304
Related Links
- IT専門調査会社IDC Japan 株式会社のWebサイトです。PC、サーバー、ストレージ、プリンターなどのハードウェア、およびソフトウェア、サービスの各分野をカバーする調査レポート、各種イベント、セミナー、コンサルティングの情報を ...
- 家具・インテリアのショールーム IDC大塚家具の公式サイトです。厳選された人気のベッド・ソファ・収納・ダイニングセット・絨毯・照明・デスク・チェアなど、様々な家具・インテリアを豊富に取り揃えております。確かな価値との ...
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- 英
- thymus (M)
- 正の選択:自己のMHC+自己ペプチドに結合できるT細胞のみ生存
- 負の選択:自己のMHC+自己ペプチドに強く結合するT細胞は死滅
- 頚の下部と上縦隔の上方に位置する (M.97)
- 胸骨柄の後方にあり、前縦隔の中で心膜の前方に伸びる (M.97)
発生 L.337
- 英
- marginal zone
- 同
- 周辺帯、リンパ小節、白脾髄、赤脾髄、脾臓
- 図:HIS.250
- 形質細胞、T細胞、B細胞、マクロファージ、指状嵌入樹状細胞(IDC)などが存在(HIS.252
- 数多くの小さな血管がリンパ節を取り囲むように存在し、辺縁洞を形成(HIS.252)
- 関
- dosage、dose、injected dose、input