消化管間質腫瘍 gastrointestinal stromal tumors
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English Journal
- Downregulation of phosphatidylethanolamine binding protein 1 associates with clinical risk factors in gastrointestinal stromal tumors, but not with activation of the RAF-1-MEK-ETV1 pathway.
- Schoppmann SF, Beer A, Nirtl N, Ba-Ssalamah A, Brodowicz T, Streubel B, Birner P.SourceDepartment of Surgery, Medical University of Vienna, Austria.
- Cancer letters.Cancer Lett.2013 Jul 10;335(1):26-30. doi: 10.1016/j.canlet.2013.01.044. Epub 2013 Jan 31.
- Aim of this study was to investigate phosphatidylethanolamine binding protein 1 (PEBP1) in GIST and its relations with MEK1/2 activation and ETV1 by immunohistochemistry. Loss of PEBP1 was found in 22/161 (13.7%) GIST, was associated with clinical risk factors and with a trend towards shorter diseas
- PMID 23376254
- Distinctive Histopathologic Findings of Pancreatic Hamartomas Suggesting Their "Hamartomatous" Nature: A Study of 9 Cases.
- Yamaguchi H, Aishima S, Oda Y, Mizukami H, Tajiri T, Yamada S, Tasaki T, Yamakita K, Imai K, Kawakami F, Hara S, Hanada K, Iiboshi T, Fukuda T, Imai H, Inoue H, Nagakawa T, Muraoka S, Furukawa T, Shimizu M.Source*Department of Pathology, Saitama International Medical Center, Saitama Medical University, Hidaka †Department of Anatomic Pathology, Graduate School of Medical Sciences, Kyushu University, Fukuoka ‡Department of Gastrointestinal Surgery, Showa University Fujigaoka Hospital, Yokohama §Department of Pathology, Tokai University Hachioji Hospital, Tokyo ***Institute for Integrated Medical Sciences, Tokyo Women's Medical University, Tokyo ∥Department of Pathology and Cell Biology, School of Medicine, University of Occupational and Environmental Health, Kitakyushu ¶Department of Internal Medicine, Division of Metabolism and Biosystemic Science #Department of Surgery, Division of Gastroenterologic and General Surgery, Asahikawa Medical University, Asahikawa **Department of Diagnostic Pathology, Kobe University Hospital, Kobe Departments of ††Gastroenterology ‡‡Surgery, JA Onomichi General Hospital, Onomichi §§Pathology Division, Mie University Hospital ∥∥Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Mie University Graduate School of Medicine, Tsu ¶¶Second Department of Gastroenterology ##Department of Pathology, Sapporo Kosei Hospital, Sapporo, Japan.
- The American journal of surgical pathology.Am J Surg Pathol.2013 Jul;37(7):1006-1013.
- Pancreatic hamartoma is a rare tumor, and its characteristic histopathologic features have not yet been fully evaluated. In this study, we collected 9 cases of pancreatic hamartoma to elucidate distinctive histopathologic features that can serve to establish this tumor as a clear disease entity and
- PMID 23715157
- Gastrointestinal stromal tumors: a single institution experience of 176 surgical patients.
- Fisher SB, Kim SC, Kooby DA, Cardona K, Russell MC, Delman KA, Staley CA 3rd, Maithel SK.SourceDepartment of Surgery, Division of Surgical Oncology, Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia, USA.
- The American surgeon.Am Surg.2013 Jul;79(7):657-65.
- Large single-institution series of patients undergoing resection for gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GIST) are lacking. Clinicopathologic characteristics and postoperative outcomes were retrospectively collected and analyzed from patients undergoing resection for GIST from 2002 to 2011. One hundred
- PMID 23815996
Japanese Journal
- 嚢胞内感染に対しEUS下ドレナージを実施した胃GISTの1例
- 岡本 豊,宮澤 邦昭,佐竹 立,岩間 正浩,樋口 博之,安達 淳治,八森 久,相馬 悌,松浦 修,福田 眞作
- 日本消化器内視鏡学会雑誌 56(2), 260-266, 2014
- 症例は76歳男性で上腹部痛を主訴に入院した.CTで胃と膵臓の間に長径15cm大の嚢胞性病変,膵頭部主膵管内の膵石を認めた.EGDでは胃体部後壁に壁外圧排を疑わせる像を認めた.入院6日後から39度台の発熱を認め,膵石による膵仮性嚢胞の感染と診断し,EUS下ドレナージを施行し,感染の消退を認め,退院となった.しかし退院9カ月目のCTで嚢胞壁の肥厚を認め,EUS-guided fine-needle a …
- NAID 130003395957
- 消化管がん治療の進歩(2012年,第53回日本心身医学会総会ならびに学術講演会(鹿児島))
- 篠村 恭久
- 心身医学 53(7), 646-651, 2013-07-01
- 内視鏡治療や分子標的治療の進歩により,消化管がんの治療成績が向上している,大腸癌や胃癌,食道癌は,画像強調観察など内視鏡診断の進歩により微小な早期癌が発見されて,内視鏡治療例が増加している.内視鏡的粘膜下層剥離術(ESD)の開発により大きな腫瘍の一括切除が可能になって,治療成績が向上している.分子標的薬imatinibは,消化管間質腫瘍(GIST)に高頻度に遺伝子変異がみられるKITやPDGFRα …
- NAID 110009615297
- Primary hepatic gastrointestinal stromal tumor showing remarkable myxoid change and hemangiopericytoma-like pattern
- Hayashi Hiroko,Iseki Masachika,Kawabata Masahiro,Nonoshita Masaaki,Yamamoto Hidetaka,Shimokawa Isao
- Acta medica Nagasakiensia 58(1), 19-24, 2013-04
- … Gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GISTs) in the liver are exceedingly rare. …
- NAID 110009577018
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Related Pictures

- 英
- gastrointestinal stromal tumor GIST ジスト ギスト, gastrointestinal stromal tumors GISTs
- 同
- 平滑筋芽細胞腫 leiomyoblastoma
- 関
- 胃腸間質性腫瘍、粘膜下腫瘍
[show details]
- 食道(ほとんどなし)・胃(60-70%)・小腸(20-30%)・大腸(5%)などの消化管の固有筋層にできる
- カハール介在細胞由来とされる
- 胃の弓隆部から体上部に多い。幽門部ではほとんどなし
gloss appearance
- 辺縁なだらか(bridging fold)。delle(腫瘍頂部のくぼみ)。
[show details]
- 異常KIT蛋白の発現(90%異常)
- 異常PDGFRαの発現(5%)
- BP.625
- 1. 平滑筋に分化する腫瘍
- 2. 神経に分化する腫瘍
- 3. 混合型の腫瘍
- 4. これらの系統へに分化しない腫瘍
- 原発巣を切除後20年以上に転移が見られることがある。
Any Mitotic Rate
Any Size
HPF:High-Power Field(400倍率)
Christopher DM et al : Hum Pathol 33 : 459-465, 2002
- 1. 切除可能GISTの治療の第一選択は外科的完全切除。
- 2. 偽被膜を損傷することなく外科的に安全なマージンを確保,肉眼的断端陰性とする。
- 3. 原則として臓器機能温存を考慮した部分切除が推奨される。
- 4. 予防的或いは系統的リンパ節郭清術は不要である。
- 5. 肉眼的断端が陽性の場合,追加切除を考慮すべきである。
- 6. イマチニブの術前使用に当たっては,病理組織学的にGISTであること,1ヵ月前後での早期のイマチニブ有効性の確認が必要である。 (アルゴリズム6.臨床試験段階の治療)
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