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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2014/01/23 00:58:34」(JST)
[Wiki ja表示]
- 医学
- 深部腱反射(Deep Tendon Reflex)
- 電機・コンピュータ
- デスクトップリプレイスメント(DeskTop Replacement)
- HDDなどの記録密度向上技術、ディスクリート・トラック・レコーディング(Discrete Track Recording)
- データ端末レディ(Data Terminal Ready)
- 芸能
- 日本のロックバンド、D.T.R(DIRTY TRASHROAD)
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[Wiki en表示]
DTR may refer to:
- 1 Audio or video technology
- 2 Computer technology
- 3 Health and medicine
- 4 Other
Audio or video technology[edit]
- Digital Tape Recorder, A data recorder on the Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 spacecraft.
- Digital Television Receiver, see Digital television.
- Downtown Radio, a commercial radio station based in Northern Ireland, owned by Emap.
- Drive-Thru Records, An independent record label.
Computer technology[edit]
- Data Terminal Ready: A control line used in RS-232 serial communications to indicate that the computer is ready to receive data.
- Desktop Replacement, a portable computer intended to provide the same capabilities as a desktop computer.
- Data Transfer Request: A request sent from a client to a server for the server to send a specified set|subset of data back to the client.
- Data transfer rate
Health and medicine[edit]
- Deep Tendon Reflex, a neurological test utilizing reflexes
- Dietetic Technician, Registered, a person who plans nutritional programs, usually under the supervision of a Registered Dietitian.
- Dual Tension Restorer, a foreskin restoration device
- Diurnal temperature range
- Downtown Raleigh, North Carolina
UpToDate Contents
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English Journal
- CD8- Dendritic Cells and Macrophages Cross-Present Poly(D,L-lactate-co-glycolate) Acid Microsphere-Encapsulated Antigen In Vivo.
- Schliehe C, Redaelli C, Engelhardt S, Fehlings M, Mueller M, van Rooijen N, Thiry M, Hildner K, Weller H, Groettrup M.SourceDivision of Immunology, Department of Biology, Constance University, 78457 Konstanz, Germany;
- Journal of immunology (Baltimore, Md. : 1950).J Immunol.2011 Sep 1;187(5):2112-21. Epub 2011 Jul 27.
- The analysis of cell types involved in cross-priming of particulate Ag is essential to understand and improve immunotherapies using microparticles. In this study, we show that murine splenic dendritic cells (DCs) as well as macrophages (MΦs) are able to efficiently endocytose poly(D,L-lactate-co-gl
- PMID 21795597
- PDGF-Producing CD4+ Foxp3+ Regulatory T Lymphocytes Promote Lung Fibrosis.
- Lo Re S, Lecocq M, Uwambayinema F, Yakoub Y, Delos M, Demoulin JB, Lucas S, Sparwasser T, Renauld JC, Lison D, Huaux F.SourceLouvain centre for Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology (LTAP), Institute of Experimental and Clinical Research (IREC), Universite catholique de Louvain, Brussels, Belgium.
- American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine.Am J Respir Crit Care Med.2011 Aug 25. [Epub ahead of print]
- RATIONALE: There is evidence that CD4(+) effector T lymphocytes (T eff) participate in the development of lung fibrosis but the role of their CD4(+) regulatory T cell counterparts (T regs) remains to be determined.OBJECTIVES: To elucidate the contribution of T regs in a mouse model of lung fibrosis
- PMID 21868503
Japanese Journal
- P1-43 Type C型行動パターンにおける認知スタイルの修正がパーソナリティの変容に及ぼす影響(ポスター発表)
- A Postweaning Reduction in Circulating Ghrelin Temporarily Alters Growth Hormone (GH) Responsiveness to GH-Releasing Hormone in Male Mice But Does Not Affect Somatic Growth
- Ariyasu Hiroyuki,Iwakura Hiroshi,Yamada Go,Kanamoto Naotetsu,Bando Mika,Kohno Kenji,Sato Takahiro,Kojima Masayasu,Nakao Kazuwa,Kangawa Kenji,Akamizu Takashi
- Endocrinology 151(4), 1743-1750, 2010-04
- … In this study,wegenerated a transgenic mouse thatexpresses human diphtheria toxin (DT) receptor (DTR) cDNA in ghrelin-secretion cells [ghrelinpromoterDTR-transgenic (GPDTR-Tg) mice]. …
- NAID 120002949719
Related Links
- D.T.R(ディー・ティー・アール)は、元XのTAIJIこと沢田泰司率いる日本のロックバンド。 旧名「DIRTY TRASHROAD(ダーティートラッシュロード)」。1996年に活動停止。2006 年に再始動。また新D.T.Rである「Death To Rive」についてもこの項で解説する。 ...
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- 英
- tendon reflex, tendon jerk
- 同
- 筋伸展反射、深部腱反射 deep tendon reflex, DTR ⇔ (対)表在反射
- 関
- 深部反射
- 腱や骨の叩打によって引き起こされる単シナプス反射。
- 腱の叩打により筋紡錘で生じた求心性インパルスがIa求心性線維(Ia感覚線維)を介して反射中枢に達し、単シナプス的にα運動ニューロンを経て筋を収縮させる反射
- 反射弓の障害
- 下位運動ニューロン、神経根、末梢神経、筋など
- 消失 absent -
- 減弱 diminished ±
- 正常 normal +
- やや亢進 slightly exaggerated ++
- 亢進 moderately exaggerated +++
- 著明な亢進 markedly exaggerated +++