心房中隔欠損症 atrial septal defects
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English Journal
- Do Social Attribution Skills Improve with Age in Children with High Functioning Autism Spectrum Disorders?
- Bal E, Yerys BE, Sokoloff JL, Celano MJ, Kenworthy L, Giedd JN, Wallace GL.SourceChildren's National Medical Center, Washington, DC, USA.
- Research in autism spectrum disorders.Res Autism Spectr Disord.2013;7(1):9-16. Epub 2012 Aug 13.
- Age-related changes in social attribution skills were assessed using the "Triangles Playing Tricks" task in 7-17 year old high functioning children with ASDs (n=41) and in typically developing (TD) children (n=58) matched on age, IQ, and sex ratio. Children with ASDs gave responses that received low
- PMID 23130085
- Understanding relationships between autism, intelligence, and epilepsy: a cross-disorder approach.
- van Eeghen AM, Pulsifer MB, Merker VL, Neumeyer AM, van Eeghen EE, Thibert RL, Cole AJ, Leigh FA, Plotkin SR, Thiele EA.Source Department of Neurology, The Carol and James Herscot Center for Tuberous Sclerosis Complex, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA; Department of Neuroscience, ENCORE, Expertise Centre for Neurodevelopmental Disorders, Erasmus Medical Centre, Rotterdam, the Netherlands; Department of Psychiatry, Psychological Assessment Center, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA; Department of Neurology and Cancer Center, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA; Department of Neurology, Lurie Center for Autism, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA; Department of Neurology, Pediatric Epilepsy Service, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA; Department of Neurology, Epilepsy Service, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA, USA.
- Developmental medicine and child neurology.Dev Med Child Neurol.2012 Dec 4. doi: 10.1111/dmcn.12044. [Epub ahead of print]
- Aim As relationships between autistic traits, epilepsy, and cognitive functioning remain poorly understood, these associations were explored in the biologically related disorders tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC), neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1), and epilepsy. Method The Social Responsiveness Sc
- PMID 23205844
Japanese Journal
- Conditions and Limitations of Internet-based Information Sharing on Autistic Spectrum Disorders at Regional Youth Support Stations
- Two Different Minimally Invasive Techniques for Female Patients with Atrial Septal Defects: Totally Thoracoscopic Technique and Right Anterolateral Thoracotomy Technique
- Predictors of Atrial Septal Defect Occluder Dislodgement
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- 英
- atrial septal defect ASD, atrial septal defects ASDs
- 関
- 先天性心疾患、心室中隔欠損症、動脈管開存症
left to right shunt
- prominent right ventricular cardiac impulse, a systolic ejection murmur heard in the pulmonic area and along the left sternal border, and fixed splitting of the second heart sound.
- 先天性心疾患
- 心房中隔に欠損孔があるため左房と右房が交通する
- 小児期のCHDの約10%、成人のCHDの約40%(医学辞書?)。先天性心疾患の7-10%(SSUR.356)
- 女性に多い。男:女=1:2
- 図:SSUR.356
- 二次孔欠損は卵円窩の位置に欠損孔がある ≠ 卵円孔開存
- 静脈洞型は上、下大静脈入口部付近や冠静脈洞の欠損であり、しばしば部分肺静脈還流異常を伴う。
- 3. 一次孔欠損(15%)、(部分型心内膜床欠損としてあつかわれるとか)
- 一次孔欠損(心内膜床欠損不完全型)は、房室弁孔に隣接する房室中隔の欠損であり、房室弁(僧帽弁、三尖弁)の裂隙(クレフト)や閉鎖不全を伴う。
- 心房で左-右短絡 → 右心系に容量負荷 → 右心不全
- 右心系の容量負荷 → 肺血流↑ →肺血管床の閉塞性病変・肺高血圧症
- 下部左胸骨縁に拍動聴取。拡張した右室の収縮:RV heave
- II音:widened, fix slitting pattern 固定性分裂
- 上左胸骨縁:収縮期雑音 :肺動脈弁に多くの血流が流れることによる → 相対的PS
- 下左胸骨縁:拡張期中期雑音:三尖弁を通って血流がたくさん流れ込むため。 → 相対的TS
- 心房間の圧格差は大きくないので、ASDの欠損孔を血液が通ることによる雑音はない。
- 心室中隔の奇異性運動
- 右室腔の拡大
- 僧帽弁の高位屈曲点と収縮期前方運動
- カラードプラ心エコーにおけるジェット
- 僧帽弁逸脱症、心房細動、心不全、肺感染症(肺高血圧と関連)、肺高血圧
自閉症スペクトラム障害 ASDs
心房中隔欠損症 ASDs