- 英
- dysesthesia, paresthesia
- 関
- 感覚異常
- abnormal skin sensations (as tingling or tickling or itching or burning) usually associated with peripheral nerve damage (同)paraesthesia
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Japanese Journal
- しびれ (日常診療でよくみる症状・病態--診断の指針・治療の指針) -- (全身の症候)
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- 8歳の男児。本日、右上腕骨顆上骨折で入院した。直達牽引を行っていたが、夜間に激しい疼痛を訴えた。右前腕は水疱形成を伴って腫脹し、手指は蒼白で前腕と指とに錯感覚と運動麻痺とを認める。
- 対応として適切なのはどれか。
※国試ナビ4※ [104B045]←[国試_104]→[104B047]
※国試ナビ4※ [107G021]←[国試_107]→[107G023]
感覚異常、自発性異常感覚 ⇔ 錯感覚 paraesthesia
- 中枢や末梢の神経障害で、外部からの刺激がないのに自発的に経験する異常な感覚を指す。
- Any abnormal sensation described as unpleasant by the patient.(疼痛#痛みと異常知覚の命名法)
- Dysesthesias are distorted sensations in response to a stimulus and may last longer than the stimulus itself. For example, a person may perceive a light touch or pinprick as a burning or tingling sensation that is irritating or unpleasant.
( Bates Guide to Physical Examination p.550より抜粋)
- Mainly spontaneous abnormal sensation that is not unpleasant; usually described as "pins and needles".(疼痛#痛みと異常知覚の命名法)
- There may be peculiar sensations without an obvious stimulus, called paresthesias. These occur commonly when an arm or leg “goes to sleep” following compression of a nerve, and may be described as tingling, prickling, or feelings of warmth, coldness, or pressure. ( Bates Guide to Physical Examination p.550より抜粋)
- 英
- dysesthesia
- 同
- 異常感覚 paresthesia、錯感覚
- 関
- abnormal sensation、dysaesthesia、dysesthesia、paresthesia
- 関
- dysesthesia、paraesthesia、paresthesia
- 英
- sensation, esthesia, sense