- 同
- dysesthesia
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- 1. 一過性脳虚血発作と急性期の脳卒中の鑑別診断differential diagnosis of transient ischemic attack and acute stroke [show details]
…often the initial symptoms are "positive," that is, paresthesia and other spontaneous abnormal sensations rather than a loss of feeling. When the paresthesia move up a limb, they often leave a numbness and …
- 2. 自発性頭蓋内圧低下症:治療および予後spontaneous intracranial hypotension treatment and prognosis [show details]
… also be spontaneous. This topic will review the treatment and prognosis of spontaneous intracranial hypotension. The pathophysiology, clinical features, and diagnosis of spontaneous intracranial… systemic infection. Adverse effects of EBP are uncommon but include back pain, radiculopathy, leg paresthesias, and fever. Transient bilateral paraplegia and cauda equina syndrome from arachnoiditis have been …
- 3. 知覚異常性大腿神経痛(外側大腿皮神経絞扼)meralgia paresthetica lateral femoral cutaneous nerve entrapment [show details]
… paresthesia (numbness and tingling), and hypesthesia (diminished sensation) over the upper outer thigh. Patients characterize their symptoms as burning, stinging, or "pins and needles" sensations… radiculopathies). Meralgia paresthetica is a self-limited, benign disease in most patients. Spontaneous remission is frequent . More than 90 percent of patients respond to conservative measures alone …
- 4. 慢性特発性蕁麻疹:難治性症状の治療chronic spontaneous urticaria treatment of refractory symptoms [show details]
… Chronic spontaneous urticaria (CSU), also called chronic idiopathic urticaria, is defined by the presence of urticaria (hives) on most days of the week, for a duration of six weeks or longer . Associated … and drug levels do not seem to correlate with effectiveness in CSU. Mild adverse effects include paresthesias, gastrointestinal symptoms, and headache and are dose-related. Dose reduction may eliminate these …
- 5. 慢性特発性蕁麻疹:臨床症状、診断、発症機序、自然経過chronic spontaneous urticaria clinical manifestations diagnosis pathogenesis and natural history [show details]
… Chronic spontaneous urticaria (CSU) is defined by the presence of recurrent urticaria (also called hives or wheals),… days, depending upon the initial severity. Affected areas typically feel slightly painful, numb, or tingling, rather than pruritic. In contrast, angioedema involving the throat, tongue, or lips, without urticaria …
Related Links
- 自発性異常味覚 についての情報を掲載しています。病院・クリニック・歯科医院・お医者さん検索ならホスピタ! お医者さん検索では出身医学部、専門医、治療の専門分野、など詳細情報も調べられます。
- 感覚異常の最も典型的な症例は、さまざまな多発性神経障害によって引き起こされる灼熱痛の実験を通して形成されます。 この記事では、我々は感覚異常の主な特徴について議論し、それを引き起こすタイプと病気を説明して、そしてこの変化に関して利用可能なデータを検討します。
- 疼痛受容体の自発的放電もまた、感覚異常の潜在的原因として関係している。 感覚異常のある患者は、皮膚や組織に明らかな損傷を与えないと痛みを感じることができなくなる可能性があります。 心理的障害に苦しむ人もいます。 感覚異常
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感覚異常、自発性異常感覚 ⇔ 錯感覚 paraesthesia
- 中枢や末梢の神経障害で、外部からの刺激がないのに自発的に経験する異常な感覚を指す。
- Any abnormal sensation described as unpleasant by the patient.(疼痛#痛みと異常知覚の命名法)
- Dysesthesias are distorted sensations in response to a stimulus and may last longer than the stimulus itself. For example, a person may perceive a light touch or pinprick as a burning or tingling sensation that is irritating or unpleasant.
( Bates Guide to Physical Examination p.550より抜粋)
- aberrance, aberration, abnormity, anomalia, anomalo, anomaly, bad condition, defect, glitch, malfunction, trouble, uniqueness, vitium
- 英
- spontaneity、spontaneous、autochthonous, initiative
- 同
- 発動性
- 関
- 自然、自然発症、自然発症的、自発的
- 英
- dysesthesia, paresthesia
- 同
- 自発性異常感覚
- 関
- 感覚異常
- 同
- paresthesia
- 英
- discomfort
- 関
- 不安、不快、不快感
- 英
- sensation, esthesia, sense