- 英
- paresthesia
- abnormal skin sensations (as tingling or tickling or itching or burning) usually associated with peripheral nerve damage (同)paraesthesia
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Japanese Journal
- Brentuximab vedotin長期投与により長期寛解を維持できた同種骨髄造血幹細胞移植後再発Hodgkinリンパ腫
- 2,4-dinitrophenolによる末梢神経障害をきたした1例
- 感覚-運動の不一致による異常知覚と身体運動への影響
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- Mainly spontaneous abnormal sensation that is not unpleasant; usually described as "pins and needles".(疼痛#痛みと異常知覚の命名法)
- There may be peculiar sensations without an obvious stimulus, called paresthesias. These occur commonly when an arm or leg “goes to sleep” following compression of a nerve, and may be described as tingling, prickling, or feelings of warmth, coldness, or pressure. ( Bates Guide to Physical Examination p.550より抜粋)
- ラ
- brachialgia paresthetica nocturna
- 関
- 上肢痛
- aberrance, aberration, abnormity, anomalia, anomalo, anomaly, bad condition, defect, glitch, malfunction, trouble, uniqueness, vitium
- 英
- perception, sensory perception, sense
- 関