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- 1. 成人に生じる特定の恐怖症への認知行動療法cognitive behavioral therapies for specific phobia in adults [show details]
… a patient with a fear of snakes might begin by saying the word snake, followed by looking at a picture of a snake.… Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) for specific phobia consists of cognitive and behavioral strategies designed to alter maladaptive…
- 2. 脱力がみられる小児の病因および評価etiology and evaluation of the child with weakness [show details]
…organophosphate and carbamate toxicity Venoms of many elapids and some vipers (eg, cobra, coral snake, water snake, or Russell) are associated with severe descending neurotoxicity. Neurotoxicity is characterized … patients usually either have a history of known brain tumor or a history of clumsiness, weakness, behavioral changes, and vomiting. When the acute hemorrhage occurs, symptoms include weakness, severe headache … insufficiency and failure. Thus, the clinician should carefully assess respiratory effort, air movement, and pulse oximetry. The presence of Cushing triad (bradycardia, hypertension, and irregular respirations) …
- 3. サンゴヘビによる咬傷の評価およびマネージメントevaluation and management of coral snakebites [show details]
… Continuous pulse oximetry is also appropriate but is insensitive for the detection of respiratory failure. Hemo- or myotoxicity has only been described after envenomation by the South American coral snake (Micrurus …
- 4. 脈圧の上昇increased pulse pressure [show details]
…definition of "normal" pulse pressure. However, beginning with the definition that "normal" blood pressure is <120/<80 mmHg , a reasonable definition for normal pulse pressure is <40 mmHg. Pulse pressure is typically …
- 5. 動脈拍動の検討examination of the arterial pulse [show details]
… posterior tibial, and dorsalis pedis pulses should be routinely examined bilaterally to ascertain any differences in the pulse amplitude, contour, or upstroke. Popliteal pulses should also be examined when lower …
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- 英
- behavior、behaviour、act、behave、behavioral、behavioural
- 関
- 振る舞う、行為、行動性、作用、働く、挙動、振る舞い、行動上、条例
- 英
- artery (Z)
- ラ
- arteria
- 関
- 静脈
- 英
- tortuosity
- 関
- 捻れ