- 英
- gracilis musculocutaneous flap
- 関
- 薄筋
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- 1. 軟部組織再建術に用いるフラップの概要overview of flaps for soft tissue reconstruction [show details]
… The blood supply of a muscle flap is carried through the muscle and may include the overlying tissue . Muscle flaps are well vascularized,… Most areas of the hands and feet require thin flaps to obtain the best functional results.…
- 2. 下肢の弁再建術flap reconstruction of the lower extremity [show details]
… muscle flaps, or combinations of these, such as fasciocutaneous and myocutaneous flaps . For lower extremity soft tissue reconstruction, debate continues whether muscle flaps or fasciocutaneous… coverage of defects in the proximal lower limb. However, TFL is not typically a first choice, as it has a thin/small muscle belly and long fascial extension . The rectus femoris may reduce knee extension up to …
- 3. 胸骨創傷合併症の外科的マネージメントsurgical management of sternal wound complications [show details]
…sternal fixation can be accomplished with sternal bands or sternal plates. Steel bands are composed of thin, wide pieces of steel that are placed below the manubrium in the intercostal spaces. Small trials … options (eg, rewiring, plating or other bone fixation devices, negative pressure wound therapy, muscle flap, omental flap) . Surgical debridement, which is indicated in the presence of necrotic tissue …
- 4. 胸壁腫瘍の外科治療surgical management of chest wall tumors [show details]
…the expertise of plastic surgery, may involve less commonly used muscle flaps, free tissue transfer, or flap supercharging. Muscle flaps commonly used to provide coverage for chest wall defects include …
- 5. 熱傷再建の原則:四肢および所属リンパ節領域principles of burn reconstruction extremities and regional nodal basins [show details]
…effective. Five general types and subtypes of axillary contractures have been described : Type I: Small, thin flat contractures, adipose layer is conserved; Type IIa: Band contracture of the anterior axillary … Soft tissue coverage of the knee in these situations is achieved by using gastrocnemius muscle flaps or fasciocutaneous flaps .…
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- 運動動作においては股関節の内転及び屈曲、膝関節の屈曲及び下腿の内旋に作用します。 薄筋を支配する神経 閉鎖神経の前枝(ぜんし)(L2~L4) 日常生活動作 股を閉じる動作に主に関与します。 また、両膝を曲げて正座するときなど両脚を閉じて膝を深く曲げる動きに貢献度が高い筋肉です。
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- 英
- gracilis (K), gracilis muscle
- ラ
- musculus gracilis
- 関
- 下肢の筋
- 英
- flap,cutaneous flap ,skin flap, surgical flap
- 同
- 皮膚弁、有茎皮弁 pedicle flap
- 関
- フラップ、島状皮弁、遊離植皮術
- 英
- musculocutaneous flap, myocutaneous flap, muscle cutaneous flap
- 同
- M-C皮弁 M-C flap