- 英
- pedicle flap
- 関
- 皮弁
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- 1. β-2アドレナリン受容体機能不全および喘息の多型性beta 2 adrenergic receptor dysfunction and polymorphism in asthma [show details]
…PKA-dependent pathways or by activation of one of a family of G-protein receptor kinases termed beta-adrenergic receptor kinase (beta-ARKs), leads to reduced coupling with the intracellular signaling pathway following…
- 2. アレルギー性鼻炎および結膜炎に対する補完代替療法complementary and alternative therapies for allergic rhinitis and conjunctivitis [show details]
…of cinnamon bark (Cinnamomum zeylanicum) was assessed in seasonal allergic rhinitis patients with a treatment over seven days. The nasal spray extract of standardized extract of cinnamon bark over seven …
- 3. 成人における気管軟化症および気管気管支軟化症tracheomalacia and tracheobronchomalacia in adults [show details]
… An associated barking cough (likened to a barking seal) has been reported and some patients report episodic choking,… we typically use airway oscillatory devices (flutter valve) or external percussion vests twice or three times per day.…
- 4. 小児における急性上気道閉塞の緊急評価emergency evaluation of acute upper airway obstruction in children [show details]
… The diagnosis usually can be made based upon a characteristic "barking" cough with hoarseness.… of laryngospasm should start with application of continuous positive pressure (CPAP) using a bag valve mask. Rapid sequence intubation should be performed if the laryngospasm does not rapidly resolve with…
- 5. 喉頭蓋炎(supraglottitis):臨床的特徴および診断epiglottitis supraglottitis clinical features and diagnosis [show details]
…airflow obstruction may include posterior and inferior curling of the epiglottis (which acts as a ball-valve, obstructing airflow during inspiration but permitting exhalation) and aspiration of oropharyngeal … Croup – Epiglottitis is distinguished from croup by the absence of "barking" cough and the presence of anxiety and drooling.…
Japanese Journal
- さあ始めようマイクロサージャリー 超入門 MICROSURGERY(第6回)遊離皮弁の前にまず有茎皮弁をマスターしよう!
- 福本 恵三
- 整形外科surgical technique : 手術が見える・わかる専門誌 10(2), 217-222, 2020
- NAID 40022223729
- 口底癌切除後にinfrahyoid myocutaneous flapを用いて再建を行った1例
- 小松 祐子,大橋 祐生,星 秀樹,飯島 伸,藤村 朗,山田 浩之
- 日本口腔外科学会雑誌 66(4), 194-199, 2020
- <p>The infrahyoid myocutaneous flap (IMF) is a local pedicled flap that receives its primary blood supply from the superior thyroid artery and vein. The IMF is formed by the sternohyoid, sternot …
- NAID 130007858579
- オトガイ下皮弁により拡大喉頭全摘出後の咽頭再建を行った 高齢声門上癌の2例
- 宮本 俊輔,清野 由輩,松木 崇,加納 孝一,堤 翔平,鈴木 綾子,籾山 香保,山下 拓
- 頭頸部外科 29(3), 311-320, 2020
- 高齢者に対する高侵襲手術では重篤な合併症のリスクが高くなる。今回われわれは,拡大切除を要する高齢声門上癌2例に対し低侵襲な再建法としてオトガイ下皮弁を適用し,有用と考えたので報告する。 症例1は放射線治療後再発(rT4aN0M0)の89歳男性,症例2は初発(cT3N2cM0)の84歳男性であった。いずれも舌根と片側梨状陥凹へ腫瘍進展を認め,拡大喉頭全摘出後に症例1は8×4cm,症例2は11×3.5 …
- NAID 130007823080
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Related Pictures

- 英
- flap,cutaneous flap ,skin flap, surgical flap
- 同
- 皮膚弁、有茎皮弁 pedicle flap
- 関
- フラップ、島状皮弁、遊離植皮術