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- 1. 成人における急性中毒性代謝性脳症acute toxic metabolic encephalopathy in adults [show details]
… alcoholics and nonalcoholic subjects, it probably is an underrecognized cause of encephalopathy in the intensive care unit (ICU). Patients who are fasting, receiving parenteral nutrition, recovering from gastrointestinal …
- 2. 重症疾患に関連する神経筋脱力neuromuscular weakness related to critical illness [show details]
… leads to prolonged ICU stays and increased length of hospital stay overall. Patients with CIM tend to have better outcomes than those with critical illness polyneuropathy (CIP).… In the ICU setting, it is often difficult to assess sensation due to the presence of encephalopathy and diminished consciousness.…
- 3. 新型コロナウイルス感染症:疫学、臨床症状、重症成人の予後covid 19 epidemiology clinical features and prognosis of the critically ill adult [show details]
… Neurologic complications in critically ill patients are common . Among critically ill patients, delirium or encephalopathy is the most common complication… study of 774 critically ill patients with COVID-19, 46 percent had hospital acquired infections, of which one third were multidrug-resistant (MDR) bacteria . Half of hospital acquired infections…
- 4. 非痙攣性のてんかん重積状態:分類、臨床症状、および診断nonconvulsive status epilepticus classification clinical features and diagnosis [show details]
… patient and hospital characteristics, one large cross-sectional study of >7 million ICU patients found that cEEG used in the critically ill was associated with reduced in-hospital mortality .… unexplained encephalopathy and "triphasic-wave EEG patterns of uncertain significance," positive results (defined as resolution of the EEG pattern and either unequivocal improvement in encephalopathy or the…
- 5. 成人における肝性脳症:治療hepatic encephalopathy in adults treatment [show details]
… be admitted to the hospital for care. Patients with more severe hepatic encephalopathy (grades III to IV) require hospital admission for treatment, typically to an intensive care unit. In addition, consideration …
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- SCU(Stroke Care Unit:脳卒中集中治療室)とは、脳卒中を発症して間もない患者さん、すなわち病態が不安定な患者さんに対して、効率的に初期治療を行う病棟です。 一宮西病院では2020年7月、6階病棟にSCUを開設しました。
- 集中治療室とは、よく知られているように生命の危機にある方が入る、特別な医療体制をもった部門です。どのような治療をするのかや、費用の目安、「ICU症候群」も含めて、専門医師の監修記事で、わかりやすく解説します。
- SCU(脳卒中集中治療室)について SCU(Stroke Care Unit)とは、脳血管障害(脳梗塞・脳出血・くも膜下出血など)の急性期にたいする治療を行う脳卒中専門の集中治療室です。脳卒中の専門知識を持つ経験豊富な医師、看護師、リハビリテーションスタッフらの専門チームにより、脳卒中を発症 ...
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- 英
- neurological intensive care unit, NICU, neurological care unit, NCU
- 同
- 脳疾患集中治療病棟、脳疾患集中治療室
- 英
- therapy、medical treatment treatment、care、practice、cure、curing、remediation、treat、cure、remedy、therapeutic
- 関
- 行う、開業、加硫、看護、硬化、習慣、処置、心配、実行、精神療法、世話、治癒、注意、治療学、治療学的、治療的、治療法、治療薬、療法、練習、診療、介護、治療上、処理、ケア、実践
- 英
- concentration、concentrate、focus、centralize、attentive
- 関
- 焦点、注意、注目、濃縮、濃縮物、濃度、病巣、フォーカス、増殖巣、焦点を合わせる、注意深い、着目、中心に集める
- 英
- disease, disorder, disturbance, illness, sickness, malady
- 同
- 疾病、病気
- 関
- 疾病、障害、病、乱れ、無秩序、病害、病気、病弊
- 英
- encephalopathy、brain disease、encephalopathia
- 関
- 脳症、脳障害、変性脳疾患、脳病理
- 英
- intensive care
- 関
- 外科集中治療