- 英
- perceived noise level PNL
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- 1. 感覚消失患者へのアプローチapproach to the patient with sensory loss [show details]
… suspected, it is important to remember that the sensory level found on examination indicates that the lesion itself is at or above that level. The spinal cord levels or dermatomes are presented for the upper …
- 2. 新生児疼痛の評価assessment of neonatal pain [show details]
… functional sensory system . The fetal system appears to transmit different sensory modalities (pain, touch, and vibration), which are mediated by different pathways and loci in sensory processing,… Serum or salivary cortisol levels can provide an indication of the level of stress as well as skin conductance activity ; however,… representative of pain perception, or universally available . Behavioral responses – Crying patterns, acoustic features of infant crying, facial expressions, hand and body movements, muscle tone, sleep patterns …
- 3. 新生児の神経学的検査neurologic examination of the newborn [show details]
… pressure, temperature, the level of alertness, and examination of the skin, head, and spine; Motor function; Cranial nerves; Reflexes (deep tendon, superficial, and developmental) Sensory examination; Behavioral …
- 4. 遺伝性感覚自律神経ニューロパチーhereditary sensory and autonomic neuropathies [show details]
… on an L-serine enriched dieted demonstrated reduced deoxysphingolipid levels and improved performance on measures of motor and sensory neuropathy . In addition, 14 patients with HSAN1 who received L-serine …
- 5. 前庭神経鞘腫(聴神経腫)vestibular schwannoma acoustic neuroma [show details]
… schwannomas (also known as acoustic neuromas, acoustic schwannomas, acoustic neurinomas,… two population-based case-control studies that used a job exposure matrix to assign noise exposure levels, occupational noise exposure was not associated with an increased risk of vestibular schwannoma …
Japanese Journal
- 航空機騒音曝露が幼児問題行動に及ぼす影響 : 嘉手納・普天間飛行場周辺における調査結果
- 渡久山 朝裕,松井 利仁,平松 幸三 [他],宮北 隆志,伊藤 昭好,山本 剛夫
- 日本衞生學雜誌 64(1), 14-25, 2009-01-15
- Objectives: To investigate the association between aircraft noise exposure as expressed by Weighted Equivalent Continuous Perceived Noise Level (WECPNL) and preschool children’s misbehaviours ar …
- NAID 10026248834
- 特殊空港周辺における航空機騒音曝露の評価尺度(WECPNL)について
- 松井 利仁,平松 幸三,長田 泰公,山本 剛夫
- 騒音制御 26(3), 199-204, 2002
- … 環境省は, 航空機騒音に係わる環境基準において, WECPNL (加重等価平均知覚騒音レベル) を評価尺度とした基準値とその算出方法を示している。 …
- NAID 130003446006
Related Links
- 番 262 カテゴリー C.聴覚 用語 実効知覚騒音レベル 定義・解説 航空機が通過するときの純音補正知覚騒音レベルの1/10の逆対数(真数)の時間積分値。単位は,デシベル,単位記号は,dB。基準の継続時間は,10秒。 備考 積分値 ...
- 3.4 騒音のうるささと知覚騒音レベル(Perceived Noise Level) 騒音の大きさと騒音のうるささとは同じものではありません。 大きさの方は純粋に物理的な量ですが、うるささは、大きさばかりではなく、温度、湿度、背景などの周囲の環境 ...
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- 英
- tone、sound
- 関
- 緊張、緊張度、トーン、響く、健全
- 英
- bel
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- デシベル
- 英
- noise
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- 雑音、騒音性、ノイズ、環境基準、職業性難聴
- 英
- level
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- 水準、標準、平らにする、準位
- 英
- perception, sensory perception, sense
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