- 英
- blind nasotracheal intubation
- 関
- 盲目的挿管
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- 1. 成人への直接喉頭鏡検査および気管内挿管direct laryngoscopy and endotracheal intubation in adults [show details]
… Regardless of the method used for initial ETT placement, proper placement must be confirmed to exclude esophageal intubation or mainstem bronchus intubation, using one of the methods discussed below. …
- 2. 小児における緊急時の気管内挿管emergency endotracheal intubation in children [show details]
… focus on the procedure of oral endotracheal intubation (ETI) with traditional direct laryngoscopy in children. Basic pediatric airway management, rapid sequence intubation (RSI) in children, management …
- 3. 頭頚部手術で行う麻酔anesthesia for head and neck surgery [show details]
… success rate of blind tracheal intubation (TI) in patients with anticipated difficult airways . In patients with glottic or infraglottic pathology, blind TI intubation should be avoided.… techniques such as transnasal humidified rapid insufflation ventilatory exchange (THRIVE) should be strongly considered prior to and during induction of anesthesia and during intubation attempts.…
- 4. 緊急挿管用の気管チューブイントロデューサ(ガムエラスティックブジ)endotracheal tube introducers gum elastic bougie for emergency intubation [show details]
…of an ETI to assist with difficult intubations . In some video laryngoscopes (Copilot VL), a specific channel for ETIs has been created to assist with routine intubations. Adjunct with blind digital …
- 5. 気管領域の手術を行う際の麻酔:具体的な手技anesthesia for tracheal surgery specific procedures [show details]
…strategies emphasize avoiding blind intubation as this may result in inadvertently traversing the fistula tract and intubating the esophagus or mediastinum. Thus, intubation and ETT positioning are always …
Japanese Journal
- 盲目的経鼻気管挿管 (特集 ブラインド穿刺・手技) -- (その他のブラインド手技)
- 池側 均
- 救急医学 = The Japanese journal of acute medicine 45(6), 674-679, 2021-06
- NAID 40022622954
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Related Pictures

- 英
- trachea (Z), tracheal tube
- ラ
- trachea
- 関
- 気管支、気管支の分岐、肺
- 長さ12cm、直径2cm (HIS.298)。
- C6椎体-T5椎体 / C6椎体の下部より始まりT4-T5椎体で左右の気管支に分かれる。)
- 喉頭の輪状軟骨の直下から始まり主気管支が分岐するところに終わる。 (HIS.298)
- a. 杯細胞 goblet cell 30% 粘液物質の分泌 ムチンmucin
- b. 線毛細胞 ciliated cell 30% 核は基底部に存在 線毛と微絨毛
- c. 基底細胞 basal cell 30% 丈の低い細胞、未分化細胞
- d. その他 刷子細胞、漿液細胞、DNES細胞 など
- 2. 粘膜固有層 疎性結合組織 膠原線維、弾性線維、気管腺(混合腺)
- 3. 粘膜下組織 密生結合組織
- 4. 外膜 気管軟骨 馬蹄形(C字軟骨)後方に開いている。10-12個
Henry Gray (1825-1861). Anatomy of the Human Body. 1918.
Henry Gray (1825-1861). Anatomy of the Human Body. 1918.
Henry Gray (1825-1861). Anatomy of the Human Body. 1918.
- 英
- blindness
- 関
- 半盲
- 失明, 盲検法
- 英
- endotracheal intubation, tracheal intubation
- http://www.med.osaka-u.ac.jp/pub/anes/www/airway/DifficultAirway.html
- 英
- duct、tube、canal、pipe
- ラ
- ductus、vas、meatus
- 関
- 水路、チューブ、導管、道管、卵管、道
- 関
- purpose、aim、objective、goal、object、sake