- 英
- abnormality、aberration、deviation、abnormal
- 関
- 異常、逸脱、奇形、収差、偏位、偏向、偏差、迷走
- marked strangeness as a consequence of being abnormal (同)freakishness
- behavior that breaches the rule or etiquette or custom or morality (同)irregularity
- an abnormal physical condition resulting from defective genes or developmental deficiencies (同)abnormalcy
- retardation sufficient to fall outside the normal range of intelligence (同)mental defectiveness
- much greater than the normal; "abnormal profits"; "abnormal ambition"
- not normal; not typical or usual or regular or conforming to a norm; "abnormal powers of concentration"; "abnormal amounts of rain"; "abnormal circumstances"; "an abnormal interest in food" (同)unnatural
- departing from the normal in e.g. intelligence and development; "they were heartbroken when they learned their child was abnormal"; "an abnormal personality"
- an optical phenomenon resulting from the failure of a lens or mirror to produce a good image (同)distortion, optical aberration
- a disorder in ones mental state
- deviate behavior (同)deviance
- the error of a compass due to local magnetic disturbances
- a variation that deviates from the standard or norm; "the deviation from the mean" (同)divergence, departure, difference
- the difference between an observed value and the expected value of a variable or function
- 〈U〉異常,変則 / 〈U〉異常なもの(事件)
- 『異常な』,普通でない,規準をはずれた
- 正道からはずれること,非行,異常 / (軽い)精神異常
- 〈C〉〈U〉(…から)外れること,(…からの)脱線,逸脱《+『from』+『名』》 / 〈C〉偏差;磁針の自差
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Japanese Journal
- 地域高齢者における動画観察による歩行異常性尺度の評価者間信頼性
- 小林 まり子,原田 和宏,福田 敦美,玉利 光太郎,遠藤 彰,小林 隆司
- 理学療法学 39(7), 397-403, 2012-12-20
- … 【目的】本研究は,修正歩行異常性尺度(Modified Gait Abnormality Rating Scale:以下,GARS-M)日本語版の評価者間信頼性を検証することを目的とした。 …
- NAID 110009578975
- 帝王切開後に一側の一過性の感覚異常性大腿神経痛を生じた1症例
- 最高裁に問う! これで公正な裁判と言えるのか : 被告・信州大学に雇われた裁判官が判決を出す大学教授解雇事件の異常性
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- 英
- 関
- 異常、異常性、回避、収差、出発、脱出、脱出症、逃避、分岐、偏位、偏向、偏差、免れる、迷走、漏れ、発散、逃げる、エスケープ
- 英
- aberration
- 関
- 異常、異常性、逸脱、迷走
- 英
- aberration
- 関
- 異常、異常性、逸脱、収差
- 英
- deviation
- 関
- 異常性、逸脱、偏向、偏差
- 英
- deviation
- 関
- 異常性、逸脱、偏位、偏向
- 英
- psychocutaneous diseases
- 関
- 自己損傷症、自傷性皮膚炎
- 英
- distributive shock
- 関
- ショック
- aberrance, aberration, abnormity, anomalia, anomalo, anomaly, bad condition, defect, glitch, malfunction, trouble, uniqueness, vitium