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- 1. 資源の限られた国における成人の急性下痢に対するアプローチapproach to the adult with acute diarrhea in resource limited countries [show details]
… prevention of acute diarrhea, including watery diarrhea and dysentery, in adults in resource-limited countries. The clinical assessment and management of children with acute diarrhea in resource-limited …
- 2. 先進国に居住する成人の慢性下痢へのアプローチapproach to the adult with chronic diarrhea in resource rich settings [show details]
… Osmotic diarrheas are characterized by relatively low sodium concentration (<70 mEq/L) and a high osmotic gap (>75 mOsm/kg) but testing stool osmolality is not routinely required. Fatty diarrhea – Malabsorption …
- 3. 新生児や乳児(生後6か月未満)に生じる慢性下痢症へのアプローチapproach to chronic diarrhea in neonates and young infants less than6 months [show details]
… or may be selected later in the evaluation based on the type of diarrhea. If fat malabsorption is suspected (due to grossly fatty diarrhea, positive fecal fat screening, abnormal serum lipids, or clinical …
- 4. 資源保有国に居住する生後6ヶ月を超えた小児の慢性下痢へのアプローチapproach to chronic diarrhea in children greater than6 months in resource rich countries [show details]
… further diagnostic testing Thus, a first step in the evaluation of chronic diarrhea is to determine whether the stool is watery, fatty, or inflammatory. Gross inspection of stool may be helpful, but laboratory …
- 5. 先進国に居住する小児の下痢へのアプローチapproach to diarrhea in children in resource rich countries [show details]
… discuss the approach to diarrhea in children living in resource-rich countries. The approach to diarrhea in children living in resource-limited countries is discussed separately. Diarrhea refers to the passage …
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- 吸収不良症候群、消化吸収試験
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- diarrhea
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- 下痢症(症候としての下痢)
- 24時間の糞便重量150-200g以上 or 24時間の糞便中の水分量が150-200ml以上のもの
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- idiopathy、idiopathic、cryptogenic、agnogenic, essential
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- 本態性
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- 原因不明
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