- 英
- ambulatory
- 関
- 携帯型、外来、通院、移動式、携帯式、携行式
- a covered walkway (as in a cloister); "it has an ambulatory and seven chapels"
- relating to or adapted for walking; "an ambulatory corridor"
- (患者が)歩行できる,外来の / 歩行に適した / 歩き(動き)回る / (遺言など)変更(取り消し)できる / (僧院の)回廊,歩廊
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- 1. 神経線維腫症I型(NF1):病因、臨床的特徴、および診断neurofibromatosis type 1 nf1 pathogenesis clinical features and diagnosis [show details]
… neurofibromatosis: neurofibromatosis types 1 and 2 (NF1 and NF2) and schwannomatosis. NF1, also known as von Recklinghausen disease, is the most common type.… or the likelihood that the individual carrying the mutation will manifest the disorder,…
- 2. カルバペネマーゼ産生グラム陰性桿菌の概要overview of carbapenemase producing gram negative bacilli [show details]
…five groups are carried on transmissible plasmids, while the last group, OXA-51, is chromosomally encoded. While most isolates of A. baumannii possessing an OXA-23, -24/40, or -58 type carbapenemase are …
- 3. メチシリン耐性黄色ブドウ球菌(MRSA):微生物学methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus mrsa microbiology [show details]
… by interfering with agr quorum sensing . In one study, health care-associated MRSA strains carrying SCCmec type II produced reduced amounts of cytolytic toxins as measured by an in vitro T cell survival …
- 4. 線維筋痛症の病因pathogenesis of fibromyalgia [show details]
…who had the wild-type allele; and another variant in 11 percent of patients that was associated with elevated levels of interleukin (IL)-12 compared with patients carrying the wild-type . Alterations in …
- 5. 黒色腫(メラノーマ)に対する遺伝的感受性inherited susceptibility to melanoma [show details]
… associated with a two- to fourfold increase in the risk of melanoma compared with individuals carrying the wild-type MC1R gene. The association between MC1R variants and melanoma was stronger in individuals …
Japanese Journal
- 覚醒剤密輸入(携行型)事件における故意に関する捜査とその立証
- 携行型医療廃棄物容器の開発 : 救急救命士用針回収ケースの製作
- 「情報デザイン」の考え方を取り入れた女性向け携帯型防災用品の提案
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Related Pictures

- 英
- outpatient department、outpatient、ambulatory、non-native、exogenous
- 関
- 外因性、外因的、外来患者、外来性、携帯型、通院、移動式、携帯式、携行式、携行型
- 英
- attend、ambulatory
- 関
- 携帯型、出席、注意、外来、参加、移動式、携帯式、携行式、携行型
- 英
- portable、ambulatory
- 関
- 外来、通院、移動式、・ータブル、携帯式、携行式、携行型
- 英
- ambulatory、portable
- 関
- 携帯型、外来、通院、移動式、・ータブル、携行式、携行型
- 英
- ambulatory
- 関
- 携帯型、外来、通院、移動式、携帯式、携行型
- 英
- 関
- 形、機序、形式、形成、形態、種類、パターン、パターン形成、品種、編成、方法、モード、様式、タイプ標本、タイプ、フォーム、成立、形づくる
- 原型