- 英
- throttling
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- 扼頸
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- 縊頚、絞頚
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- 1. 子宮頸部良性病変および子宮頸部の先天性奇形benign cervical lesions and congenital anomalies of the cervix [show details]
…the first clear signs of the cervix. The normal cervix is fusiform in shape, with the narrowest portions at the internal and external os. In prepubertal girls, the cervix is twice the length of the uterine …
- 2. 女性骨盤の外科解剖学surgical female pelvic anatomy [show details]
…uterine corpus and cervix can be located by palpating the area to feel the superior border of the cervix, which is tubular and bulky compared with the uterus. The inferior portion of the cervix protrudes into …
- 3. 子宮頸癌スクリーニング検査:目視検査法cervical cancer screening tests visual inspection methods [show details]
…position; Insert a speculum into the vagina and visualize the cervix; Inspect the cervix and note any lesions; Ensure that the entire cervix is visible and that the squamocolumnar junction is visible in …
- 4. 子宮頸癌のスクリーニングscreening for cervical cancer [show details]
…hysterectomy (cervix intact) – Women who have undergone subtotal hysterectomy and have no history of CIN likely share the same risk of cervical cancer as women with an intact uterus and cervix, and screening …
- 5. コルポスコピーcolposcopy [show details]
…patient has a hypertrophied cervix or markedly redundant vagina, it is sometimes necessary to use a large cotton swab to move the cervix or attach a single tooth tenaculum to the cervix to allow manipulation …
Japanese Journal
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- www.med.nagoya-cu.ac.jp 警察の所見は3の扼頚で、仮に扼頚であるとすると他殺であることはほぼ間違いなくなります。 扼頚は実質的にはすべて他殺と考えてよく,被害者は体格,体力的弱者(高齢者・小児・一部の女性)が多い
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- 関
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- 関
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- 舌背挙上 → 口腔閉鎖
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- いっけい
- 英
- hanging
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- 縊首 いっしゅ、縊頸
- 関
- 縊死
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- ラ
- petechia
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- ligature strangulation
- 英
- ligature strangulation, strangulation
- 同
- 絞頸
- 関
- 絞死
- 英
- cervix、cervical
- 関
- 頸、頸髄、頚髄、頸椎、頚椎、頸部、頚部、子宮頸部、子宮頚部