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- 1. 成人の頸部痛患者の評価evaluation of the adult patient with neck pain [show details]
… acute and chronic neck pain in adults. The evaluation of the adult patient with neck pain (including whiplash injury) without recent major trauma is addressed here. Acute traumatic neck injury, cervical …
- 2. 頚部腫瘤の鑑別診断differential diagnosis of a neck mass [show details]
…diagnosis of a mass in the neck. The evaluation of a patient with a neck mass is discussed elsewhere. The location of the mass can focus the differential . Familiarity with neck anatomy is critical for …
- 3. 小児期や思春期のアスリートにおける頸部の筋骨格損傷の概要overview of musculoskeletal neck injuries in the child or adolescent athlete [show details]
…motion exercises (including neck and shoulder stretching), and a progressive dynamic and isometric neck strengthening program. Cervical disc disease is a common cause of neck pain in athletes as well as …
- 4. 頸部の疼痛や損傷がみられる小児期または思春期のスポーツ選手の評価evaluation of the child or adolescent athlete with neck pain or injury [show details]
… and neck vessels, the neck contains other important structures, including the larynx, trachea, esophagus, and thyroid gland. The larynx and trachea are situated anteriorly in the midline of the neck. The …
- 5. 小児における項部硬直に対するアプローチapproach to neck stiffness in children [show details]
… children evaluated for neck complaints in an emergency department, neck stiffness was most commonly caused by trauma (62 percent) and localized infection (20 percent) . In any child with neck stiffness, the presence …
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- 縊首. 一端を何かに固定した索状物を頸部に巻きつけて,自己の全体重(あるいは一部)をかけて,巻きつけた索状物で頸部を圧迫することをいう。. これにより死亡することを縊死(いわゆる首吊り)という。. 索状物が前頸部で舌骨と甲状軟骨の間に ...
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- 法医学では縊首より縊頚を使っているらしい
- 日
- いっけい
- 英
- hanging
- 同
- 縊首 いっしゅ、縊頸
- 関
- 縊死
- 頚部に索状物を巻き、その端を固定した状態で、体を懸垂し、自己の体重で頸部を圧迫すること
- 英
- neck、cervical region
- 関
- 頸部、頚部