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- photosystem I, PSI
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- photosystem I, PSI
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- iodineの化学記号
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- 1. 医療用レーザーの基本原則basic principles of medical lasers [show details]
…thermal explosions or shock waves within the tissue leading to its disintegration. Photochemical – Photochemical reactions occur following laser treatment of tissue after injection of a photosensitizer …
- 2. 胆道結石のレーザー砕石術laser lithotripsy for the treatment of bile duct stones [show details]
…medical lasers primarily involve photocoagulation, photothermal ablation (vaporization), and photochemical ablation. The underlying principle of laser lithotripsy is the generation of a high-energy shock…
- 3. 食道癌の内視鏡的緩和endoscopic palliation of esophageal cancer [show details]
…endoscopically placed low power laser diffuser with monochrome light (630 nm) which initiates a photochemical reaction that results in tumor necrosis. The malignant tissue can be repeatedly treated in order…
- 4. 皮膚病変に対するレーザーおよびインテンスパルスライトの原理principles of laser and intense pulsed light for cutaneous lesions [show details]
…light in phototherapy for psoriasis. In addition, lasers and IPL devices can be used to stimulate photochemical reactions in photodynamic therapy. The 308 nm excimer laser delivers UVB light that is absorbed …
- 5. ソラレン・紫外線A(PUVA)光化学療法psoralen plus ultraviolet a puva photochemotherapy [show details]
…occurring phototoxic compounds that are able to enter the cell, absorb light photons, and produce a photochemical reaction that alters the function of DNA and other cell constituents. As part of psoralen plus…
Japanese Journal
- 光化学系I-光化学系II超複合体の発見と機能 : 新しい光防御機構
- 緑藻の光化学系Ⅰサイクリック電子伝達活性調節に関する考察 (解説特集 若手光合成研究者による光合成研究の新展開)
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- 英
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- 英
- photosystem I protein complex
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- 光化学系I
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- 同
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- 一連、菌株、緊張、系統、系列、シリーズ、歪み、連続、システム、体系、体制、方式、筋挫傷
- 英
- chemistry、chemical、chemo、chem
- 関
- 化学製品、化学的、化学薬品、ケミカル、ケミストリー
- 英
- photochemistry、photochemical
- 関
- 光化学的