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- ダンテツ性発語
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- 1. 小児における発話言語障害の評価および治療evaluation and treatment of speech and language disorders in children [show details]
…judgments about the precursors of speech and language development: the adequacy of speech and language, nonverbal cognition, and social interaction. Precursors of normal speech and language development are …
- 2. 小児における発話および言語障害の病因etiology of speech and language disorders in children [show details]
… major types of communication disorders are speech disorders and language disorders. The term "speech disorder" refers to an impairment of the articulation of speech sounds, fluency, and/or voice. Articulation …
- 3. 無喉頭言語リハビリテーションalaryngeal speech rehabilitation [show details]
… encouraged that improvements are realized with progressive speech therapy and work. Those who attended speech therapy clinics achieved greater objective speech intelligibility at one year. Total laryngectomy has …
- 4. 頭頚部癌の長期生存者に対するアプローチの概要overview of approach to long term survivors of head and neck cancer [show details]
…long-term complication. Speech and swallowing impairment are seen in over 50 percent of head and neck cancer patients even before the start of treatment . In addition, impaired speech and swallow function …
- 5. 小児における発話および言語障害の評価を示した一例case illustrating the evaluation of speech and language impairment in children [show details]
…notable difficulty in speech sound production. These results confirmed the presence of Language Disorder and Speech Sound Disorder, which required a home program and intervention from a speech-language pathologist …
Japanese Journal
- ミトコンドリア病と鑑別を要する臨床表現型を呈し<i>CYP27A1</i>遺伝子エクソン1に新規フレームシフト変異(c. 43_44delGG)を認めた脳腱黄色腫症の1例
- 高ゴナドトロピン性性腺機能低下症をともなう小脳性運動失調症の1女性例
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- 日
- だんてつせいげんご
- 同
- 小脳性発語 cerebellar speech、断綴性発語、短綴性言語、断続性発語、断続性言語、断節言語、断綴性構音、断綴性発話、つまずき言葉、言語蹉跌 pararthriasyllabaris、とぎれことば、失調言語 失調性言語 ataxic speech
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- articulation、articulatory、utterance
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- 発話
- 関
- 関節、発語性、構音、構語