- 関
- arbor
- a framework that supports climbing plants; "the arbor provided a shady resting place in the park" (同)arbour, bower, pergola
- tree (as opposed to shrub)
- place something or someone in a certain position in order to secretly observe or deceive; "Plant a spy in Moscow"; "plant bugs in the dissidents apartment"
- (botany) a living organism lacking the power of locomotion (同)flora, plant life
- buildings for carrying on industrial labor; "they built a large plant to manufacture automobiles" (同)works, industrial plant
- an actor situated in the audience whose acting is rehearsed but seems spontaneous to the audience
- something planted secretly for discovery by another; "the police used a plant to trick the thieves"; "he claimed that the evidence against him was a plant"
- put firmly in the mind; "Plant a thought in the students minds" (同)implant
- put or set (seeds, seedlings, or plants) into the ground; "Lets plant flowers in the garden" (同)set
- place into a river; "plant fish"
- make plans for something; "He is planning a trip with his family"
- scale drawing of a structure; "the plans for City Hall were on file" (同)architectural plan
- a series of steps to be carried out or goals to be accomplished; "they drew up a six-step plan"; "they discussed plans for a new bond issue" (同)program, programme
- have the will and intention to carry out some action; "He plans to be in graduate school next year"; "The rebels had planned turmoil and confusion" (同)be after
- make or work out a plan for; devise; "They contrived to murder their boss"; "design a new sales strategy"; "plan an attack" (同)project, contrive, design
- the hard fibrous lignified substance under the bark of trees
- a golf club with a long shaft used to hit long shots; originally made with a wooden head; "metal woods are now standard"
- putting seeds or young plants in the ground to grow; "the planting of corn is hard work"
- the act of fixing firmly in place; "he ordered the planting of policemen outside every doorway"
- a collection of plants (trees or shrubs or flowers) in a particular area; "the landscape architect suggested a small planting in the northwest corner"
- make amorous advances towards; "John is courting Mary" (同)court, romance, solicit
- seek someones favor; "China is wooing Russia" (同)court
- (機械の)軸
- (動物に対して)『植物』,草木・(樹木に対して)『草』,草本(そうほん)( 木部があまり発達せず地上部が一年で枯れる植物)・苗,苗木・生産設備,工場,プラント設備,装置・《俗》(人をおとしいれる)わな,おとり / 〈苗など〉‘を'『植える』,〈種〉‘を'まく・(植物を) ‘に'植える《+『名』+『with』+『名』》 / (…に)〈思想など〉‘を'植えつける《+『名』+『in』+『名』》・《場所の副詞[句]を伴って》(ある場所)…‘を'しっかりと置く(すえる,立てる) / ・〈工場・生産設備など〉‘を'建設する・《俗》〈スパイ〉‘を'送りこむ,〈わな〉‘を'仕掛ける・(嫌疑がかかるように)こっそり置く
- 『計画』,『案』,プラン,設計 / 『設計図』,『図面』;(小区域の)地図,市街図 / …‘を'『計画する』,‘の'案を立てる / …の設計図をかく,‘を'設計する / 計画を立てる
- 〈U〉(樹木の)木質部,木質 / 〈U〉(建築・燃料用の)『木材』,材木,たきぎ / 〈C〉《しばしば複数形で;単数扱い》『森』,林 / 〈C〉(木管楽器などの)木製品 / 〈C〉ウッド(頭部が木製のゴルフの長打用クラブ) / 木製の / 木材用の / 森に住む,森で生割する
- 《英では古》〈女性〉‘に'求愛する,求婚する; / 〈人〉‘に'頼み込む,せがむ / 〈名誉・富など〉‘を'求める / 求愛する,求婚する
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2014/06/13 22:13:37」(JST)
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A section of rosemary stem, an example of a woody plant, showing a typical wood structure.
A woody plant is a plant that produces wood as its structural tissue. Woody plants are usually either trees, shrubs, or lianas. These are usually perennial plants whose stems and larger roots are reinforced with wood produced from secondary xylem. The main stem, larger branches, and roots of these plants are usually covered by a layer of bark. Wood is a structural cellular adaptation that allows woody plants to grow from above ground stems year after year, thus making some woody plants the largest and tallest terrestrial plants.
Wood is primarily composed of xylem cells with cell walls made of cellulose and lignin. Xylem is a vascular tissue which moves water and nutrients from the roots to the leaves. Most woody plants form new layers of woody tissue each year, and so increase their stem diameter from year to year, with new wood deposited on the inner side of a vascular cambium layer located immediately beneath the bark. However, in some monocotyledons such as palms and dracaenas, the wood is formed in bundles scattered through the interior of the trunk.[1]
Woody herbs are herbaceous plants that develop hard woody stems. They include such plants as Uraria picta and certain species in family Polygonaceae. These herbs are not truly woody but have hard densely packed stem tissue. Other herbaceous plants have woody stems called a caudex, which is a thickened stem base often found in plants that grow in alpine or dry environments.
Under specific conditions, woody plants may decay or may in time become petrified wood.
The symbol for a woody plant, based on Species Plantarum by Linnaeus is , which is also the astronomical symbol for the planet Saturn.[2]
See also
- Arboriculture
- Dendrology
- Inosculation
- Vascular plant
- Xylem
- ^ Chase, Mark W. (2004). "Monocot relationships: an overview". Am. J. Bot. 91 (10): 1645–1655. doi:10.3732/ajb.91.10.1645. PMID 21652314.
- ^ Stearn, William T. (1992) [1966]. Botanical Latin (Fourth ed.). Portland: Timber Press. ISBN 0881923214.
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English Journal
- Uptake of some radionuclides by woody plants growing in the rainforest of Western Ghats in India.
- Manigandan PK1, Chandar Shekar B2.Author information 1Sai Nath University, Ranchi, India. Electronic address: pkmgs@yahoo.com.2Kongunadu Arts and Science College (Bharathiar University), Coimbatore, India. Electronic address: chandarshekarbellan@gmail.com.AbstractTransfer of the naturally occurring radionuclides (238)U, (232)Th, and (40)K, and the fallout radionuclide (210)Po to different wild plant species in the rainforest of Western Ghats was analyzed. A number of physiologically different plants from the top storey and understorey, such as shrubs and epiphytes, were compared. The concentrations of these radionuclides in the plants and soil were measured using a gamma ray spectrometer and an alpha counter, and were found to vary widely within plants and between species. The soil-plant ratios also varied between species while Elaeocarpus oblongus and epiphytic plants exhibited preferential uptake of these radionuclides. As a result, the dust particles trapped in the root systems of epiphytes could be used as bioindicators of fallout radionuclides in the Western Ghats.
- Journal of environmental radioactivity.J Environ Radioact.2014 Apr;130:63-7. doi: 10.1016/j.jenvrad.2013.12.023. Epub 2014 Jan 23.
- Transfer of the naturally occurring radionuclides (238)U, (232)Th, and (40)K, and the fallout radionuclide (210)Po to different wild plant species in the rainforest of Western Ghats was analyzed. A number of physiologically different plants from the top storey and understorey, such as shrubs and epi
- PMID 24463721
- Herbaceous plants as filters: Immobilization of particulates along urban street corridors.
- Weber F1, Kowarik I2, Säumel I3.Author information 1Department of Ecology, Chair of Ecosystem Science/Plant Ecology, Technische Universität Berlin, Rothenburgstr. 12, D-12165 Berlin, Germany. Electronic address: fraukeweber@web.de.2Department of Ecology, Chair of Ecosystem Science/Plant Ecology, Technische Universität Berlin, Rothenburgstr. 12, D-12165 Berlin, Germany; Berlin-Brandenburg Institute of Advanced Biodiversity Research (BBIB), 14195 Berlin, Germany.3Department of Ecology, Chair of Ecosystem Science/Plant Ecology, Technische Universität Berlin, Rothenburgstr. 12, D-12165 Berlin, Germany; Department of Ecology, Chair of Ecological Impact Research and Ecotoxicology, Technische Universität Berlin, Ernst Reuter Platz 1, D-10587 Berlin, Germany.AbstractAmong air pollutants, particulate matter (PM) is considered to be the most serious threat to human health. Plants provide ecosystem services in urban areas, including reducing levels of PM by providing a surface for deposition and immobilization. While previous studies have mostly addressed woody species, we focus on herbaceous roadside vegetation and assess the role of species traits such as leaf surface roughness or hairiness for the immobilization of PM. We found that PM deposition patterns on plant surfaces reflect site-specific traffic densities and that strong differences in particulate deposition are present among species. The amount of immobilized PM differed according to particle type and size and was related to specific plant species traits. Our study suggests that herbaceous vegetation immobilizes a significant amount of the air pollutants relevant to human health and that increasing biodiversity of roadside vegetation supports air filtration and thus healthier conditions along street corridors.
- Environmental pollution (Barking, Essex : 1987).Environ Pollut.2014 Mar;186:234-40. doi: 10.1016/j.envpol.2013.12.011. Epub 2014 Jan 4.
- Among air pollutants, particulate matter (PM) is considered to be the most serious threat to human health. Plants provide ecosystem services in urban areas, including reducing levels of PM by providing a surface for deposition and immobilization. While previous studies have mostly addressed woody sp
- PMID 24398336
- Adaptive response of poplar (Populus nigra L.) after prolonged Cd exposure period.
- Jakovljević T, Bubalo MC, Orlović S, Sedak M, Bilandžić N, Brozinčević I, Redovniković IR.Author information Croatian Forest Research Institute, Jastrebarsko, Cvjetno naselje 41, 10450, Jastrebarsko, Croatia.AbstractAn outdoor pot experiment was designed to study the changes of growth parameters, accumulation, and distribution of Cd in poplar (Populus nigra L.) during a prolonged exposure period (growing period of 17 months including three harvest points), allowing the consideration of time effects and prolonged adaptation to Cd stress. Simultaneously, changes to the antioxidant system in roots and leaves were monitored. It was demonstrated that poplar could adapt to the Cd-contaminated soils after prolonged exposure. Total Cd accumulation in the aerial parts of poplar, due to high biomass production and acceptable Cd accumulation parameters, implies that the tested poplar species could be a good candidate for Cd phytoextraction application as well as could be used as phytostabilizer of Cd in heavily polluted soil. Furthermore, the activity of the antioxidant machinery displays both a tissue- and exposure-specific response pattern to different Cd treatments, indicating that strict regulation of the antioxidant defense system is required for the adaptive response of poplar. In addition, this report highlights the importance of prolonged exposure studies of physiological responses of plants, especially for long-life-cycle woody species under heavy metal stress, since some misleading conclusions could be reached after shorter time periods.
- Environmental science and pollution research international.Environ Sci Pollut Res Int.2014 Mar;21(5):3792-802. doi: 10.1007/s11356-013-2292-7. Epub 2013 Nov 28.
- An outdoor pot experiment was designed to study the changes of growth parameters, accumulation, and distribution of Cd in poplar (Populus nigra L.) during a prolonged exposure period (growing period of 17 months including three harvest points), allowing the consideration of time effects and prolong
- PMID 24288057
Japanese Journal
- Production of biomass and bioactive compounds from adventitious roots by optimization of culturing conditions of Eurycoma longifolia in balloon-type bubble bioreactor system(CELL AND TISSUE ENGINEERING)
- 日本における侵略的外来木本種イタチハギAmorpha fruticosa L.とナンキンハゼTriadica sebifera(L.)Smallの現状 (特集 外来種と植生管理)
- P-37 固定価格買取制度における木質バイオマス発電の経済性評価 : 燃料の違いによる影響(システム,Poster Session 2)
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- 関
- arborization、branch、branched、branched chain、branching、ramification、woody plant
- 英
- arbor、woody plant
- 関
- 分枝、分枝状
- 関
- design、destine、enterprise、planning、predetermine、program、programme、project、prospective、schedule、schema、scheme
- 関
- phyto
- 関
- woody、xylem
- 関
- wood
- 関
- populate