- without unusual distress or resentment; with good humor; "took the joke well"; "took the tragic news well"
- a cavity or vessel used to contain liquid
- a deep hole or shaft dug or drilled to obtain water or oil or gas or brine
- an enclosed compartment in a ship or plane for holding something as e.g. fish or a planes landing gear or for protecting something as e.g. a ships pumps
- an open shaft through the floors of a building (as for a stairway)
- an abundant source; "she was a well of information" (同)wellspring, fountainhead
- in a manner affording benefit or advantage; "she married well"; "The children were settled advantageously in Seattle" (同)advantageously
- in financial comfort; "They live well"; "she has been able to live comfortably since her husband died" (同)comfortably
- to a great extent or degree; "Im afraid the film was well over budget"; "painting the room white made it seem considerably (or substantially) larger"; "the house has fallen considerably in value"; "the price went up substantially" (同)considerably, substantially
- indicating high probability; in all likelihood; "I might well do it"; "a mistake that could easily have ended in disaster"; "you may well need your umbrella"; "he could equally well be trying to deceive us" (同)easily
- (often used as a combining form) in a good or proper or satisfactory manner or to a high standard (`good is a nonstandard dialectal variant for `well' (同)good
- with great or especially intimate knowledge; "we knew them well" (同)intimately
- come up, as of a liquid; "Tears well in her eyes"; "the currents well up" (同)swell
- (used for emphasis or as an intensifier) entirely or fully; "a book well worth reading"; "was well aware of the difficulties ahead"; "suspected only too well what might be going on"
- favorably; with approval; "their neighbors spoke well of them"; "he thought well of the book"
- in good health especially after having suffered illness or injury; "appears to be entirely well"; "the wound is nearly well"; "a well man"; "I think Im well; at least I feel well"
- thoroughly or completely; fully; often used as a combining form; "The problem is well understood"; "she was well informed"; "shake well before using"; "in order to avoid food poisoning be sure the meat is well cooked"; "well-done beef", "well-satisfied customers"; "well-educated"
- to a suitable or appropriate extent or degree; "the project was well underway"; "the fetus has well developed organs"; "his father was well pleased with his grades"
- wise or advantageous and hence advisable; "it would be well to start early"
- with prudence or propriety; "You would do well to say nothing more"; "could not well refuse"
- with skill or in a pleasing manner; "she dances well"; "he writes well"
- have a specified degree of importance; "My ex-husband means nothing to me"; "Happiness means everything"
- an average of n numbers computed by adding some function of the numbers and dividing by some function of n (同)mean_value
- mean or intend to express or convey; "You never understand what I mean!"; "what do his words intend?" (同)intend
- denote or connote; "`maison means `house in French"; "An example sentence would show what this word means" (同)intend, signify, stand_for
- (used of persons or behavior) characterized by or indicative of lack of generosity; "a mean person"; "he left a miserly tip" (同)mingy, miserly, tight
- destine or designate for a certain purpose; "These flowers were meant for you"
- excellent; "famous for a mean backhand"
- rich in significance or implication; "a meaning look" (同)pregnant, significant
- the message that is intended or expressed or signified; "what is the meaning of this sentence"; "the significance of a red traffic light"; "the signification of Chinese characters"; "the import of his announcement was ambiguous" (同)significance, signification, import
- the idea that is intended; "What is the meaning of this proverb?" (同)substance
- (言葉・行為が)善意から出た
- 『井戸』 / (石油・天然ガスを取るための)井 / 『泉』,《比喩的に》源 / 井戸状のくぼみ;(エレベーターの)縦穴;(回り階段の)階段穴 / 《英》(法廷の)弁護士席 / 〈水などが〉わき出る,噴出する《+out》 / わき上がる《+up》
- 『よく』,満足に,申し分なく / じょうずに,うまく,巧みに / 『十分に』,全く / 《他の副詞または前置詞句と共に用いて》『相当に』,かなり / (個人的に)親しく,親密に / 《can't, couldn't と共に用いて》『正当に』,適切に / はっきりと,確かに,全く / 親切に,好意的に / 《おもに補語に用いて》『健康な』,じょうぶな / 《複語にのみ用いて》『好都合の』,満足すべき,申し分のない / 《驚いて》『おや』,まあ,へ‐ / 《ためらい・同意を表し,文・言葉を切り出して》『え‐と』,さて,ところで / 《譲歩を表して》『それじゃ』,まあ / 《安心・あきらめを表して》『やれやれ』,どうも
- 〈人が〉…‘を'『意図する』,‘の'つもりである;…‘を'言おうとある;示そうとする / 〈単語・句・文章などが〉…‘を'『意味を持つ』,‘を'『意味する』 / (人に対して)…‘を'当てる,向ける《+『名』+『for』+『名』》 / 《受動態で》〈人・物〉‘を'(…)向きにする / 〈物事が〉…‘を'示す,表す / (結果として)〈物事が〉…‘を'もたらす,生じさせる / 《『mean』+『for』+『名』+『to』 do》《米話》(…が…するような)つもりでいる
- 《名詞の前にのみ用いて》(品質・価値・才能などが)『劣った』,つまらない / (人・行為などが)『卑劣な』,さもしい / 《古》(身分・地位などが)卑しい / 《まれ》(身なり・建物などが)みずぼらしい,見るもあわれな / 《米話》(動物が)御しにくい;(一般に)扱いにくい
- 中庸,中道 / (数学で) / 平均[値];(特に)算術平均,相加平均 / (比例式の)中項,内項 / (両極端の)中間の,中央に位置する / (大きさ・品質・程度などが)平均的な,平均の
- (・・・の)『目的』,意義《+『of』+『名』》 / (吾・文の)『意味』(sense)《+『of』+『名』》 / 意味ありげな様子,意味深長 / 《名詞の前にのみ用いて》意味ありげな,意味常長な / 《複合吾を作って》・・・するつもりの,の意図をもった
- 『私たちは(が)』,われわれは(が) / 《総称的に》『人は』,われわれは / 《論説・評論などで I の代りに用いて》私たちは,吾人(ごじん)は,筆者は / 《子供・病人などに対して,you の代りに養いて》あなたは / 《君主が公式の場でI の代りに用いて》余は
- meanの過去・過去分詞
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English Journal
- Race equality initiative leaves nowhere to hide.
- Scott G.
- Nursing standard (Royal College of Nursing (Great Britain) : 1987).Nurs Stand.2015 Sep 30;30(5):3. doi: 10.7748/ns.30.5.3.s1.
- Policies, initiatives, campaigns - they have all failed, one after the other, to end race discrimination in the NHS and the wider healthcare sector. All have been well meant, and some have made limited progress for a time, but none has had the impact required to end the problem.
- PMID 26419125
- Alginate (novabel): a new class of injectable filler.
- Andre P1, Moulonguet I2.
- Facial plastic surgery : FPS.Facial Plast Surg.2014 Dec;30(6):644-6. doi: 10.1055/s-0034-1396702. Epub 2014 Dec 23.
- A new class of biodegradable, injectable filler made of alginate, Novabel (Merz Aesthetics, Merz Pharma, UK), was launched in the European market in 2010. This product was supposed to be perfect to fill hollow eye rings and practitioners were immediately enthusiastic. Unfortunately, complications oc
- PMID 25536131
- End-of-life care attitudes, values, and practices among health care workers.
- Goel A1, Chhabra G, Weijma R, Solari M, Thornton S, Achondo B, Pruthi S, Gupta V, Kalantri SP, Ramavat AS, Kalra OP.
- The American journal of hospice & palliative care.Am J Hosp Palliat Care.2014 Mar;31(2):139-47. doi: 10.1177/1049909113479440. Epub 2013 Mar 1.
- INTRODUCTION: This study aims to ascertain attitudes of health care workers on end-of-life care (EOLC) issues and to highlight the disparity that exists in countries with different backgrounds.METHODS: It is a cross-sectional questionnaire survey across heterogeneous health care providers in India,
- PMID 23455328
Japanese Journal
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- (過去-過去分詞meant)
- 関
- avenue、average、even、gateway、implication、imply、instrumental、mean value、meaning、means、policy、purport、represent、semantic、sense、tool
- 関
- favorable、favorably、satisfactorily、satisfactory
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- consequence、implication、imply、mean、purport、represent、semantic、sense、significance