血栓性微小血管症 TMA
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Thrombotic microangiopathy |
Classification and external resources |
Micrograph of thrombotic microangiopathy with the characteristic onion-skin layering seen in older lesions. PAS stain.
ICD-10 |
M31.1 |
ICD-9 |
446.6 |
Thrombotic microangiopathy, abbreviated TMA, is a pathology that results in thrombosis in capillaries and arterioles, due to an endothelial injury.[1] It may be seen in association with thrombocytopenia, anemia, purpura and renal failure.
The classic TMAs are hemolytic uremic syndrome and thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura. Other conditions with TMA include disseminated intravascular coagulation, scleroderma renal crisis, malignant hypertension, antiphospholipid antibody syndrome, and drug toxicities, e.g. calcineurin inhibitor toxicity.[1]
- 1 Etiology
- 2 Presentation
- 3 Treatment
- 4 See also
- 5 References
The etiology is dependent on the specific TMA.
Bacterial toxins are the primary cause of one category of thrombotic microangiopathy known as HUS or hemolytic uremic syndrome. Another major category is TTP or thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura. It is caused by autoimmune or hereditary dysfunctions that activate the coagulation cascade or the complement system.
Some sources group TTP and HUS together,[2] while other sources express skepticism about their common pathophysiology.[3]
The clinical presentation typically includes: fever, microangiopathic hemolytic anemia (see schistocytes in a blood smear), renal failure, thrombocytopenia, neurological manifestations.
The treatment depends on the underlying condition.
See also[edit]
- ^ a b Benz, K.; Amann, K. (May 2010). "Thrombotic microangiopathy: new insights.". Current Opinion in Nephrology and Hypertension 19 (3): 242–7. doi:10.1097/MNH.0b013e3283378f25. PMID 20186056.
- ^ http://www.merckmanuals.com/professional/sec12/ch143/ch143g.html
- ^ http://www.emedicine.com/emerg/topic579.htm
Pathology: hematology, hematologic diseases of RBCs and megakaryocytes / MEP (D50-69,74, 280-287)
blood cells |
↑ |
↓ |
Anemia |
Nutritional |
- Micro-: Iron deficiency anemia
- Macro-: Megaloblastic anemia
(mostly Normo-) |
Hereditary |
- enzymopathy: G6PD
- glycolysis
- hemoglobinopathy: Thalassemia
- Sickle-cell disease/trait
- membrane: Hereditary spherocytosis
- Minkowski-Chauffard syndrome
- Hereditary elliptocytosis
- Southeast Asian ovalocytosis
- Hereditary stomatocytosis
Acquired |
- Drug-induced autoimmune
- Drug-induced nonautoimmune
- Hemolytic disease of the newborn
(mostly Normo-) |
- Hereditary: Fanconi anemia
- Diamond–Blackfan anemia
- Acquired: PRCA
- Sideroblastic anemia
- Myelophthisic
Blood tests |
- Normocytic
- Microcytic
- Macrocytic
Other |
- Methemoglobinemia
- Sulfhemoglobinemia
- Reticulocytopenia
coagulopathy |
↑ |
coagulability |
- primary: Antithrombin III deficiency
- Protein C deficiency/Activated protein C resistance/Protein S deficiency/Factor V Leiden
- Prothrombin G20210A
- Sticky platelet syndrome
- acquired:Thrombocytosis
- Congenital afibrinogenemia
- Purpura fulminans
- autoimmune
↓ |
coagulability |
Thrombocytopenia |
- Thrombocytopenic purpura: ITP
- TM
- Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia
- May-Hegglin anomaly
Platelet function |
- adhesion
- aggregation
- Glanzmann's thrombasthenia
- platelet storage pool deficiency
- Hermansky–Pudlak syndrome
- Gray platelet syndrome
Clotting factor |
- Hemophilia
- von Willebrand disease
- Hypoprothrombinemia/II
- Dysfibrinogenemia
cell/phys (coag, heme, immu, gran), csfs
rbmg/mogr/tumr/hist, sysi/epon, btst
drug (B1/2/3+5+6), btst, trns
Vasculitis/arteritis: systemic vasculitis (M30–M31, 446)
Large vessel |
Takayasu's arteritis · Giant-cell arteritis
Medium vessel |
Type III hypersensitivity (Polyarteritis nodosa) · Kawasaki disease
Small vessel |
c-ANCA (Granulomatosis with polyangiitis (Wegener's)) · p-ANCA (Churg-Strauss syndrome, Microscopic polyangiitis)
Type III hypersensitivity
Hypersensitivity vasculitis/Henoch–Schönlein purpura
Acute hemorrhagic edema of infancy · Cryoglobulinemic vasculitis · Bullous small vessel vasculitis · Cutaneous small-vessel vasculitis
Other |
Goodpasture's syndrome · Sneddon's syndrome
anat (a:h/u/t/a/l,v:h/u/t/a/l)/phys/devp/cell/prot
noco/syva/cong/lyvd/tumr, sysi/epon, injr
proc, drug (C2s+n/3/4/5/7/8/9)
UpToDate Contents
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English Journal
- Long-term outcomes of thrombotic microangiopathy treated with plasma exchange: A systematic review.
- Thejeel B1,2, Garg AX2,3,4, Clark WF2,4, Liu AR2, Iansavichus AV2, Hildebrand AM5.
- American journal of hematology.Am J Hematol.2016 Jun;91(6):623-30. doi: 10.1002/ajh.24339. Epub 2016 Apr 6.
- With the adoption of plasma exchange as standard treatment for thrombotic microangiopathy (TMA), more patients are surviving and long-term outcomes have greater relevance. We conducted a systematic review to synthesize and evaluate the quality of evidence on long-term outcomes of TMA among adults tr
- PMID 26910131
- Long-term outcomes of health-related quality of life following diverse thrombotic microangiopathy syndromes.
- Page EE1,2, Jiang Y2, Terrell DR1, Vesely SK1, George JN1,2.
- American journal of hematology.Am J Hematol.2016 Jun;91(4):E278-9. doi: 10.1002/ajh.24315.
- PMID 26822687
- Hemophagocytic Syndrome With Histiocytic Glomerulopathy and Intraglomerular Hemophagocytosis.
- Santoriello D1, Hogan J2, D'Agati VD3.
- American journal of kidney diseases : the official journal of the National Kidney Foundation.Am J Kidney Dis.2016 Jun;67(6):978-83. doi: 10.1053/j.ajkd.2015.11.017. Epub 2016 Jan 8.
- Hemophagocytic syndrome (HPS), a rare and life-threatening disease, is characterized by hyperactivation of the immune system that causes hypercytokinemia and potential multiorgan failure. Acute kidney injury is the most common kidney manifestation of HPS and is generally considered a poor prognostic
- PMID 26774467
Japanese Journal
- 広範微小肺腫瘍塞栓によって呼吸不全を来たした肝細胞癌患者の一例
- 田中 紘介,中舎 晃男,宮崎 将之,高尾 信一郎,樋口 野日斗,田中 正剛,田中 ゆき,加藤 正樹,古藤 和浩,髙栁 涼一,相島 慎一,Tanaka Kosuke,Nakasya Akio,Miyazaki Masanori,Takao Shin'ichiro,Higuchi Nobito,Tanaka Masatake,Tanaka Yuki,Kato Masaki,Koto Kazuhiro,Takayanagi Ryoichi,Aishima Shin'ichi,タナカ コウスケ,ナカシャ アキオ,ミヤザキ マサノリ,タカオ シンイチロウ,ヒグチ ノビト,タナカ マサタケ,タナカ ユキ,カトウ マサキ,コトウ カズヒロ,タカヤナギ リョウイチ,アイシマシ ンイチ
- 福岡医学雑誌 102, 298-302, 2011-10-25
- … It is well known that some patients with adenocarcinoma including HCC can develop respiratory failure owing to pulmonary tumor thrombotic microangiopathy (PTTM). …
- NAID 120003646789
- 症例 剖検にて明らかとなった腫瘍塞栓性肺微小血管障害(PTTM)の1例
Related Links
- 血栓性微小血管障害症 (thrombotic microangiopathy, TMA)という病理学的診断名が ある。これは1)細血管障害性溶血性貧血(microangiopathic hemolytic anemia: MAHA)、2)破壊性血小板減少、そして3)細血管内血小板血栓を3主徴とする病態で、 検査 ...
- Thrombotic microangiopathy, abbreviated TMA, is a pathology that results in thrombosis in capillaries and arterioles, due to an endothelial injury. It may be seen in association with thrombocytopenia, anemia, purpura and renal failure.
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- 英
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- 同
- 血栓性微小血管障害症、血栓性微小血管障害
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- [[]]
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- thrombus n.血栓
- thrombi n.(pl.)血栓