- work natural fibers into a thread; "spin silk"
- prolong or extend; "spin out a visit" (同)spin out
- the act of rotating rapidly; "he gave the crank a spin"; "it broke off after much twisting" (同)twirl, twist, twisting, whirl
- a distinctive interpretation (especially as used by politicians to sway public opinion); "the campaign put a favorable spin on the story"
- a short drive in a car; "he took the new car for a spin"
- a swift whirling motion (usually of a missile)
- revolve quickly and repeatedly around ones own axis; "The dervishes whirl around and around without getting dizzy" (同)spin around, whirl, reel, gyrate
- form a web by making a thread; "spiders spin a fine web"
- make up a story; "spin a yarn"
- stream in jets, of liquids; "The creek spun its course through the woods"
- twist and turn so as to give an intended interpretation; "The Presidents spokesmen had to spin the story to make it less embarrassing"
- the quantity contained in a can (同)canful
- preserve in a can or tin; "tinned foods are not very tasty" (同)tin, put_up
- airtight sealed metal container for food or drink or paint etc. (同)tin, tin_can
- a buoy with a round bottom and conical top (同)can buoy
- provide (a city) with a canal (同)canalize, canalise
- long and narrow strip of water made for boats or for irrigation
- (astronomy) an indistinct surface feature of Mars once thought to be a system of channels; they are now believed to be an optical illusion
- of or relating to the spine or spinal cord; "spinal cord"; "spinal injury"
- (羊毛などから)〈糸など〉‘を'『紡ぐ』《+『名』+『out of』+『名』〈羊毛〉》,(糸などに)〈羊毛など〉‘を'紡ぐ《+『名』〈羊毛〉+『into』+『名』》 / 〈クモ・カイコなどが〉〈糸〉‘を'『吐く』;〈巣・繭〉‘を'かける / …‘を'くるくる回す / 〈物語など〉‘を'作る,話す / 『糸を紡ぐ』;〈クモ・カイコなどが〉糸を吐く / 〈こまなどが〉くるくる回る / 〈車などが〉疾走する / 〈頭などが〉くらくらする / 〈C〉〈U〉くるくる回すこと;回転 / 〈C〉《単数形で》(車などの)一走り / 〈C〉(飛行機の)きりもみ降下 / 〈C〉《単数形で》(価値などの)急落
- 《能力》『…することができる』 《可能性・推量》 《平叙文で》『…であり得る』 し得る,かもしれない 《否定文で》…のはずがない,ではあり得ない 《疑問文で》いったい…だろうか 《話》《許可・軽い命令》『…してもよい』 …してあげよう;《疑問文で》…してくれませんか
- 『かん』(取っ手・ふた・口のついた金属・プラスチック製容器・コップなど) / 《米》(かん詰めの)『かん』,かん詰め(《英》 tin) / かん1杯(の…)《+『of』+『名』》 / …'を'かん詰めにする(また《英》 『tin』) / 《米俗》…'を'くびにする
- canceled / cancellation / canon / canto
- 『運河』 / (食道・気菅などの)導菅 / (火星の苗面に見える)運河状の地形
- 背骨の / せき髄麻酔
Wikipedia preview
出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2013/07/12 22:16:42」(JST)
[Wiki en表示]
Spinal canal |
A typical thoracic vertebra viewed from above. (Spinal canal is not labeled, but the hole in the center would comprise part of a spinal canal.) |
Human body cavities: The spinal canal is called spinal cavity to the left |
Latin |
c. vertebralis |
MeSH |
Spinal+Canal |
The spinal canal (or vertebral canal or spinal cavity) is the space in vertebrae through which the spinal cord passes. It is a process of the dorsal human body cavity. This canal is enclosed within the vertebral foramen of the vertebrae. In the intervertebral spaces, the canal is protected by the ligamentum flavum posteriorly and the posterior longitudinal ligament anteriorly.
The outermost layer of the meninges, the dura mater, is closely associated with the arachnoid which in turn is loosely connected to the innermost layer of the meninges, the pia mater. The meninges divide the spinal canal into the epidural space and the subarachnoid space. The pia mater is closely attached to the spinal cord. A subdural space is generally only present due to trauma and/or pathological situations. The subarachnoid space is filled with cerebrospinal fluid and contains the vessels that supply the spinal cord, namely the anterior spinal artery and the paired posterior spinal arteries, accompanied by corresponding spinal veins. The spinal arteries form anastomoses known as the vasocorona of the spinal cord. The epidural space contains loose fatty tissue, and a network of large, thin-walled blood vessels called the internal vertebral venous plexuses.
The spinal canal was first described by Jean Fernel.
Additional images[edit]
Vertebral canal at human foetus
Spinal cord. Spinal membranes and nerve roots.Deep dissection. Posterior view.
Spinal cord. Spinal membranes and nerve roots.Deep dissection. Posterior view.
Spinal cord. Spinal membranes and nerve roots.Deep dissection. Posterior view.
Spinal cord. Spinal membranes and nerve roots.Deep dissection. Posterior view.
External links[edit]
Bones of torso (TA A02.2,3, GA 2.96–128)
Vertebra |
General structures
- body of vertebra
- vertebral arch (pedicle, lamina, vertebral notch)
- foramina (vertebral, intervertebral)
- processes (transverse, articular/zygapophysis, spinous)
- spinal canal
Cervical vertebrae
- Uncinate process of vertebra
- Transverse foramen
- Anterior tubercle
- Carotid tubercle
- Posterior tubercle
- C1 (lateral mass, anterior arch, posterior arch)
- C2 (dens)
- C3
- C4
- C5
- C6
- C7
Thoracic vertebrae
- T1
- T2
- T3
- T4
- T5
- T6
- T7
- T8
- T9
- T10
- T11
- T12
- costal facets (superior, inferior, transverse)
- Uncinate process of vertebra
Lumbar vertebrae
- L1, L2, L3, L4, L5
- processes (accessory, mammillary)
- Base: sacral promontory
- ala of sacrum
- Lateral surface: sacral tuberosity
- pelvic surface (anterior sacral foramina)
- Dorsal surface: posterior sacral foramina
- median sacral crest
- medial sacral crest
- lateral sacral crest
- sacral canal (sacral hiatus)
Thoracic skeleton |
- specific ribs (1, 2, 9, 10, 11, 12, true – 1–7, false – 8–12, floating – 11–12)
- parts (Angle, Tubercle, Costal groove, Neck, Head)
- Suprasternal notch
- Manubrium
- Sternal angle
- Body of sternum
- Xiphisternal joint
- Xiphoid process
Thoracic cage
- Superior thoracic aperture
- Inferior thoracic aperture
- Intercostal space
- Costal margin
- Infrasternal angle
anat (c/f/k/f, u, t/p, l)/phys/devp/cell
noco/cong/tumr, sysi/epon, injr
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English Journal
- No skeletal dysplasia in the nariokotome boy KNM-WT 15000 (homo erectus)-A reassessment of congenital pathologies of the vertebral column.
- Schiess R, Haeusler M.SourceAnthropological Institute and Museum, University of Zuerich, Winterthurerstrasse 190, 8057 Zuerich, Switzerland.
- American journal of physical anthropology.Am J Phys Anthropol.2013 Mar;150(3):365-74. doi: 10.1002/ajpa.22211. Epub 2013 Jan 3.
- The Nariokotome boy skeleton KNM-WT 15000 is the most complete Homo erectus fossil and therefore is key for understanding human evolution. Nevertheless, since Latimer and Ohman (2001) reported on severe congenital pathology in KNM-WT 15000, it is questionable whether this skeleton can still be used
- PMID 23283736
- Congenital spinal cord anomalies: a pictorial review.
- Gupta P, Kumar A, Kumar A, Goel S.SourceDepartment of Radiology, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, India.
- Current problems in diagnostic radiology.Curr Probl Diagn Radiol.2013 Mar;42(2):57-66. doi: 10.1067/j.cpradiol.2012.06.002.
- Development of spinal canal and its contents occurs in a much regulated fashion. Aberration at any stage of development namely gastrulation, primary neurulation, secondary neurulation, and retrogressive differentiation can result in a specific abnormality. Spinal cord anomalies or spinal dysraphism
- PMID 23332138
Japanese Journal
- 成人脊柱変形を伴った腰部脊柱管狭窄症に対する単椎間固定術の限界
- 臨床 MIS-TLIFは高齢者に安全に行うことができる : 高齢者と若年者の比較
- Microendoscopic Decompression for Lumbar Degenerative spondylolisthesis : Clinical Results and Radiological Assessment after more than 5 Years of Follow-up (日本脊椎脊髄病学会 英文原著号) -- (Excellent papers of the 43rd annual meeting of the Japanese Society for Spine Surgery and Related Research)
- Mikami Yasuo,Nagae Masateru,Harada Tomohisa [他]
- Journal of spine research : official journal of the Japanese Society for Spine Surgery and Related Research 6(2), 110-114, 2015-02
- NAID 40020380590
Related Links
- spinal canalとは。意味や和訳。脊椎(せきつい)管(vertebral canal). - goo辞書は国語、英和、和英、中国語、百科事典等からまとめて探せる辞書検索サービスです。 ... gooのお知らせ gooヘルスケア「おもいやり食堂」 「さばの唐揚げ野菜 ...
- The spinal canal (or vertebral canal or spinal cavity) is the space in vertebrae through which the spinal cord passes. It is a process of the dorsal human body cavity. This canal is enclosed within the vertebral foramen of the vertebrae. In ...
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- 関
- spinal canal、vertebral canal
- 関
- spinal stenosis
- (過去could)
- (可能)~できる、~しようと思えばできる、~する能力がある。
- (推量)~する可能性がある、~することがあり得る、~する/になることがある、~しない/にならないとも限らない。
- (許可)~してもよい、~しても差し支えない。
- 関
- able、feasible、possible
- 関
- conduit、duct、ductal、ductus、meatus、pipe、tubal、tube、vas、vessel
- 関
- dorsal spine、rachis、spinal column、spinal cord、spine、vertebral column