- not of major importance; "played a secondary role in world events"
- the defensive football players who line up behind the linemen
- being of second rank or importance or value; not direct or immediate; "the stone will be hauled to a secondary crusher"; "a secondary source"; "a secondary issue"; "secondary streams"
- belonging to a lower class or rank
- depending on or incidental to what is original or primary; "a secondary infection"
- give a structure to; "I need to structure my days"
- a thing constructed; a complex entity constructed of many parts; "the structure consisted of a series of arches"; "she wore her hair in an amazing construction of whirls and ribbons" (同)construction
- the manner of construction of something and the arrangement of its parts; "artists must study the structure of the human body"; "the structure of the benzene molecule"
- a particular complex anatomical part of a living thing; "he has good bone structure" (同)anatomical structure, complex body part, bodily structure, body structure
- the complex composition of knowledge as elements and their combinations; "his lectures have no structure"
- turn over pages; "leaf through a book"; "leaf a manuscript"
- the main organ of photosynthesis and transpiration in higher plants (同)leafage, foliage
- produce leaves, of plants
- hinged or detachable flat section (as of a table or door)
- a sheet of any written or printed material (especially in a manuscript or book) (同)folio
- moderate sized very symmetrical red-flowered evergreen widely cultivated in the tropics for its flower buds which are source of cloves (同)clove tree, Syzygium aromaticum, Eugenia aromaticum, Eugenia caryophyllatum
- aromatic flower bud of a clove tree; yields a spice
- one of the small bulblets that can be split off of the axis of a larger garlic bulb (同)garlic clove
- spice from dried unopened flower bud of the clove tree; used whole or ground
- 『第2の』,2番目の;(…の)次の《+『to』+『名』》 / 派生的な,二次的な,あまり重要でない / 中等学校[教育]の / 二次電流の
- {C}(建物・橋などの)建造物 / {U}(…の)構造,誠成,組織《+of~名》 / {C}構造(構成)体,組織体 / 〈思想など〉‘を'組み立てる,組織化する
- 〈C〉(木・草の)『葉』 / 〈C〉花びら / 〈C〉(本などのページの裏表)『1枚』 / 〈U〉(金属の)薄片,箔(はく) / 〈C〉(折りたたみ式テーブルの)補助板 / 《おもに米》〈木が〉葉を出す《+『out』》 / (本などの)ページをばらばらとめくる,内容にざっと目を通す》+『through』+『名』》
- チョウジの木(熱帯産の常緑高木) / チョウジの干したつぼみ(香料用)
- 小球根,小鱗茎(ユリ・ニンニクなどの親球根から派生した小さな球根)
- cleaveの過去形
- 《所有・所属》…『の』,…のものである,…に属する・《材料・要素》…『でできた』,から成る・《部分》…『の』[『中の』] ・《数量・単位・種類を表す名詞に付いて》…の・《原因・動機》…『で』,のために(because of) ・《主格関係》…『の』,による,によって・《目的格関係》…『を』,の・《同格関係》…『という』・《関係・関連》…『についての』[『の』],の点で・《抽象名詞などと共に》…の[性質をもつ] ・《『It is』+『形』+『of』+『名』+『to』 doの形で,ofの後の名詞を意味上の主語として》・《分離》…『から』・《起原・出所》…『から』[『の』](out of) ・《『名』+『of』+『a』(『an』)+『名』の形で》…のような・《『名』+『of』+『mine』(『yours, his』など独立所有格)の形で》…の…・《時》(1)《副詞句を作って》…に《形容詞句を作って》…の・《時刻》《米》…前(to,《米》before)
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English Journal
- Characterization of the complete mitochondrial genome of Biston marginata (Lepidoptera: Geometridae) and phylogenetic analysis among lepidopteran insects.
- Zheng N1, Sun YX2, Yang LL2, Wu L1, Abbas MN2, Chen C2, Gao J2, Li XK3, Liu CL4, Dai LS5.
- International journal of biological macromolecules.Int J Biol Macromol.2018 Jul 1;113:961-970. doi: 10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2018.02.110. Epub 2018 Feb 17.
- PMID 29462677
- The complete mitochondrial genome of Somanniathelphusa boyangensis and phylogenetic analysis of Genus Somanniathelphusa (Crustacea: Decapoda: Parathelphusidae).
- Jia XN1, Xu SX1, Bai J1, Wang YF2, Nie ZH1, Zhu CC1, Wang Y3, Cai YX4, Zou JX1, Zhou XM3.
- PloS one.PLoS One.2018 Feb 13;13(2):e0192601. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0192601. eCollection 2018.
- PMID 29438407
- Sequencing and characterization of the complete mitochondrial genome of Japanese Swellshark (Cephalloscyllium umbratile).
- Zhu KC1,2,3, Liang YY1, Wu N1, Guo HY1,2, Zhang N1,2, Jiang SG1,2,4, Zhang DC5,6,7.
- Scientific reports.Sci Rep.2017 Nov 10;7(1):15299. doi: 10.1038/s41598-017-15702-0.
- PMID 29127415
Japanese Journal
- Genome-wide characterization of nuclear tRNA genes from rice and <I>Arabidopsis</I> using a high throughput <I>in vitro</I> transcription system
- Yukawa Yasushi,Ogawa Tomoyuki,Tsuzuki Takahiko,Sugiura Masahiro
- 日本植物生理学会年会およびシンポジウム 講演要旨集 2003(0), 428-428, 2003
- … On the other hand, annotation information of non-coding RNA (ncRNA) is not found in the most of published genome sequences. … The reason is we don't have tools for gene prediction and analysis of ncRNA. … tRNA is one of the ncRNAs and has significant function on translation. …
- NAID 130006990122
- Rana catesbeianaミトコンドリアリボソームRNAの一次および二次構造
- 長江 安洋
- 日本医科大学雑誌 55(5), 417-430, 1988
- … clarify the unique features of the structure and function of the mitochondrial ribosomal RNAs (rRNAs) of animal cells.<BR>1) The entire mitochondrial genome of the bullfrog, Rana catesbeiana, was cloned into a plasmid vector pBR322 at the unique Bam HI site, and the nucleotide sequences of the small (12S) and large (16S) rRNA genes and their flanking ND1 and two tRNA genes were …
- NAID 130003753028
- The Primary Structure of Isoleucine Transfer Ribonucleic Acid from <i>Torulopsis utilis</i>
- The Journal of
- … Isoleucine tRNA from <i>Torulopsis utilis</i> … The tRNA was obtained in a purity of about 95%, which is proba-bly one of the purest preparation of tRNA specific for a single amino acid. … All of the fragments from the complete digests with pancreatic RNase [EC 2. …
- NAID 130006877712
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- U can like my Facebook page ie. Vipin Sharma Biology Blogs for more information regarding every national level competitive exam in which biology is a part . ...
- Secondary structure of tRNA This refers to the arrangement of the chain of the molecule to enable it to function in a proper way. Many models have been proposed for the secondary structure of tRNA. Of these, clover leaf model ...
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- 英
- secondary clover-leaf structure of tRNA
- (地位・価値・重要性などが)第2の、2番目の、(~の)次の(to)。二次的な、従位の
- Postmortem examination of patients with such obstructions without a history of clinical manifestations of myocardial ischemia often shows macroscopic scars secondary to MI in regions supplied by diseased coronary arteries, with or without collateral circulation.
- in the past the commonest cause of death has been venous thrombosis followed by infection secondary to severe neutropenia and hemorrhage secondary to severe thrombocytopenia.(HIM.661)(重度の好中球減少に次ぐ感染と血小板減少に次ぐ出血に続発する静脈血栓症が昔の最も一般的な死因であった)
- 関
- architectural、architecture、assemble、assembly、build、compose、composition、comprise、conformation、constitute、constitution、construct、construction、constructional、context、formation、machinery、makeup、mechanism、organize
- 関
- blade、foliage、foliar、leaves、lobe、lobus、plant leaf、plant leaves
- 関
- caryophyllus
- 関
- Medicago、Trifolium repens