- 関
- blade、foliage、foliar、leaf、leaves、lobus、plant leaf、plant leaves
- (botany) a part into which a leaf is divided
- a rounded projection that is part of a larger structure
- (anatomy) a somewhat rounded subdivision of a bodily organ or part; "ear lobe"
- the enhanced response of an antenna in a given direction as indicated by a loop in its radiation pattern
- especially a leaf of grass or the broad portion of a leaf as distinct from the petiole (同)leaf_blade
- flat surface that rotates and pushes against air or water (同)vane
- the flat part of a tool or weapon that (usually) has a cutting edge
- the part of the skate that slides on the ice
- a broad flat body part (as of the shoulder or tongue)
- a cut of beef from the shoulder blade
- a dashing young man; "gay young blades bragged of their amorous adventures"
- something long and thin resembling a blade of grass; "a blade of lint on his suit"
- turn over pages; "leaf through a book"; "leaf a manuscript"
- the main organ of photosynthesis and transpiration in higher plants (同)leafage, foliage
- produce leaves, of plants
- hinged or detachable flat section (as of a table or door)
- a sheet of any written or printed material (especially in a manuscript or book) (同)folio
- globe lily having open branched clusters of egg-shaped white flowers; southern California (同)white fairy lantern, Calochortus albus
- propel in a high arc; "lob the tennis ball"
- an easy return of a tennis ball in a high arc
- the act of propelling something (as a ball or shell etc.) in a high arc
- having deeply indented margins but with lobes not entirely separate from each other (同)lobate
- 耳たぶ / (内臓・組織の)葉(よう)(肺葉・肝葉など)
- (刀・ナイフ・のこぎり・かみそりなどの)『刃』,刀身 / 刀,剣 / (特にイネ科植物の)葉,葉身 / (一寮に)薄く平べったい部分 / (アイススケート靴の)金属のすべり
- 〈C〉(木・草の)『葉』 / 〈C〉花びら / 〈C〉(本などのページの裏表)『1枚』 / 〈U〉(金属の)薄片,箔(はく) / 〈C〉(折りたたみ式テーブルの)補助板 / 《おもに米》〈木が〉葉を出す《+『out』》 / (本などの)ページをばらばらとめくる,内容にざっと目を通す》+『through』+『名』》
- 葉の,葉のような
- (1本の木全体の)葉,群葉
- leafの複数形
- (テニスで)〈ボール〉‘を'ゆるく高く打ち上げる / (クリケットで)〈ボール〉‘を'下手投げでゆるく投げる / (テニスで)ボールをロブで返す / (テニスの)ロブで打った球 / (クリケットの)下手投げの緩い球
- (葉が)裂片がある / (体の器官に)葉(よう:lobe)がある / 耳たぶのついた;葉(よう)のある
- 見よ,そら
Wikipedia preview
出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2013/12/24 05:14:56」(JST)
[Wiki en表示]
Lobe may refer to:
- Lobe (anatomy)
- Lobe (surname)
- Lobation, a characteristic of the nucleus of certain biological cells
- Glacial lobe, a lobe-shaped glacier
- Sidelobe, an identifiable segment of an antenna radiation pattern
- Grating lobe, a sidelobe that is much higher than all other side lobes, approximately the same as the main beam — exists only in phased arrays
- Main lobe
- Acoustic lobe, radiation pattern exhibited by multi-driver loudspeakers
- Lobe, a large-scale structure of a radio galaxy
- Roche lobe, the region of space around a star in a binary system within which orbiting material is gravitationally bound to that star
- Lobe, an oblong protrusion from a camshaft
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English Journal
- Prospective memory and frontal lobe function.
- Neulinger K1, Oram J2, Tinson H2, O'Gorman J3, Shum DH3.
- Neuropsychology, development, and cognition. Section B, Aging, neuropsychology and cognition.Neuropsychol Dev Cogn B Aging Neuropsychol Cogn.2016 Mar;23(2):171-83. doi: 10.1080/13825585.2015.1069252. Epub 2015 Jul 25.
- The study sought to examine the role of frontal lobe functioning in focal prospective memory (PM) performance and its relation to PM deficit in older adults. PM and working memory (WM) differences were studied in younger aged (n = 21), older aged (n = 20), and frontal injury (n = 14) groups. A
- PMID 26212653
- Frontal and frontoparietal injury differentially affect the ipsilateral corticospinal projection from the nonlesioned hemisphere in monkey (Macaca mulatta).
- Morecraft RJ1, Ge J1, Stilwell-Morecraft KS1, McNeal DW1, Hynes SM2, Pizzimenti MA2,3, Rotella DL2, Darling WG2.
- The Journal of comparative neurology.J Comp Neurol.2016 Feb 1;524(2):380-407. doi: 10.1002/cne.23861. Epub 2015 Aug 18.
- Upper extremity hemiplegia is a common consequence of unilateral cortical stroke. Understanding the role of the unaffected cerebral hemisphere in the motor recovery process has been encouraged, in part, by the presence of ipsilateral corticospinal projections (iCSP). We examined the neuroplastic res
- PMID 26224429
- Am I looking at a cat or a dog? Gaze in the semantic variant of primary progressive aphasia is subject to excessive taxonomic capture.
- Seckin M1, Mesulam MM2, Voss JL3, Huang W1, Rogalski EJ1, Hurley RS2.
- Journal of neurolinguistics.J Neurolinguistics.2016 Feb 1;37:68-81.
- Object naming impairments or anomias are the most frequent symptom in aphasia, and can be caused by a variety of underlying neurocognitive mechanisms. Anomia in neurodegenerative or primary progressive aphasias (PPA) often appears to be based on taxonomic blurring of word meaning: words such as "dog
- PMID 26500393
- Anterior opercular syndrome induced by Epstein-Barr virus encephalitis.
- Matsushima T1, Nishioka K1, Tanaka R1, Yokoyama K1, Hattori N1.
- Neurocase.Neurocase.2016 Feb;22(1):103-8. doi: 10.1080/13554794.2015.1051054. Epub 2015 Jun 1.
- We report a 19-year-old female presenting with fever, drooling, anarthria, and voluntary facial movement disruption, characteristic of anterior opercular syndrome (AOS). Serological examination revealed Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) infection following acute encephalitis with severe ataxia. A single-phot
- PMID 26027635
Japanese Journal
- シンポジウム 就労・就学を見据えたてんかん外科手術 : 九州労災病院の現況
- 日本職業・災害医学会会誌 = Japanese journal of occupational medicine and traumatology 63(5), 255-258, 2015-09
- NAID 40020623830
- 症例 Arterial spin labelingで側頭葉の血流増加を認め,単純ヘルペス脳炎との鑑別を要した神経梅毒の1例
- Arteriovenous Malformation Presenting with Acute Subdural Hemorrhage: Case Report and Literature Review
- 時間変調アレーアンテナによるモノパルスパターンの同時低サイドローブ化 (アンテナ・伝播)
- 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告 = IEICE technical report : 信学技報 115(164), 45-50, 2015-07-30
- NAID 40020557355
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- lobeとは。意味や和訳。[名詞]1(1)〔解剖〕 葉ようfrontal lobe前頭葉the lobes of the lungs [the brain]肺葉[大脳葉].⇒BRAIN (図)(2)〔植物〕 裂片a lobe of a leaf葉の裂片.2 (丸屋根・円蓋えんがいなど,建築物の)丸い突出物.3 (係留気球 ...
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- 関
- blade、foliaceous、foliage、foliate、leaf、leafy、leaves、lobe、lobus、plant leaf、plant leaves
- 英
- (植物)leaf、leaves、plant leaf、plant leaves、blade、(動物)lobe、lobus、foliage、foliar
- 関
- 葉状、刃、ローブ
- 関
- foliage、foliar、leaf、leaves、lobe、lobus、plant leaf、plant leaves
- 関
- blade、foliage、foliar、leaves、lobe、lobus、plant leaf、plant leaves
- 関
- blade、foliar、leaf、leaves、lobe、lobus、plant leaf、plant leaves