- 関
- heat tolerance、heat-resistant、thermostability、thermostable
- provide with heat; "heat the house"
- a form of energy that is transferred by a difference in temperature (同)heat energy
- make hot or hotter; "the sun heats the oceans"; "heat the water on the stove" (同)heat_up
- gain heat or get hot; "The room heated up quickly" (同)hot up, heat_up
- the trait of being intensely emotional (同)warmth, passion
- the sensation caused by heat energy (同)warmth
- a preliminary race in which the winner advances to a more important race
- any mechanical force that tends to retard or oppose motion
- the capacity of an organism to defend itself against harmful environmental agents; "these trees are widely planted because of their resistance to salt and smog"
- the action of opposing something that you disapprove or disagree with; "he encountered a general feeling of resistance from many citizens"; "despite opposition from the newspapers he went ahead" (同)opposition
- (psychiatry) an unwillingness to bring repressed feelings into conscious awareness
- group action in opposition to those in power
- the military action of resisting the enemys advance; "the enemy offered little resistance"
- the degree of unresponsiveness of a disease-causing microorganism to antibiotics or other drugs (as in penicillin-resistant bacteria)
- the 5th letter of the Hebrew alphabet
- marked by emotional heat; vehement; "a heated argument"
- made warm or hot (`het is a dialectal variant of `heated' (同)heated up, het, het_up
- the process of becoming warmer; a rising temperature (同)warming
- 〈U〉『熱さ』,『暑さ』,熱い状態 / 〈U〉熱度,温度 / 〈U〉(家などの)暖房装置 / 〈U〉熱心,熱烈;(物事の)最高潮《+『of』+『名』》 / 〈U〉(エネルギーとしての)熱 / 〈C〉(競技の)1回,1ラウンド / …‘を'『熱する』,暖める《+『up』+『名,』+『名』+『up』》 / …‘を'興奮させる,怒らせる《+『up』+『名,』+『名』+『up』》 / 熱くなる,暖まる《+『up』》
- (雌の)発情(in heatとして使う)・金・銭・緊迫、プレッシャー、批判、批評、警察の追跡
- 〈U〉〈C〉(…に)『抵抗』(『反抗』)『すること』;(…を)『こらえること』《+『to』(『against』)+『名』(do『ing』)》 / 〈U〉(病気などに対する)『抵抗力』《+『against』(『to』)+『名』》 / 〈U〉〈C〉(またresistance movement)(権力・圧制に対する)抵抗運動,レジスタンス / 〈U〉(空気の)抵抗;(電気の)抵抗
- 彼は,彼が / 《指す人の性別が分からないか,または分かる必要のない場合に》その人,あの人,自分 / 《he who(that)の形で》《文》…するものはだれでも / (動物の)おす(雄)
- 鬼ごっこ(tag,tick,tig)
- 熱せられた / 興奮した,怒った
- 加熱;暖房[装置]
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English Journal
- Enhanced nucleic acid amplification with blood in situ by wire-guided droplet manipulation (WDM).
- Harshman DK, Reyes R, Park TS, You DJ, Song JY, Yoon JY.Author information Biomedical Engineering Graduate Interdisciplinary Program and Department of Biomedical Engineering, The University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721-0038, USA.AbstractThere are many challenges facing the use of molecular biology to provide pertinent information in a timely, cost effective manner. Wire-guided droplet manipulation (WDM) is an emerging format for conducting molecular biology with unique characteristics to address these challenges. To demonstrate the use of WDM, an apparatus was designed and assembled to automate polymerase chain reaction (PCR) on a reprogrammable platform. WDM minimizes thermal resistance by convective heat transfer to a constantly moving droplet in direct contact with heated silicone oil. PCR amplification of the GAPDH gene was demonstrated at a speed of 8.67s/cycle. Conventional PCR was shown to be inhibited by the presence of blood. WDM PCR utilizes molecular partitioning of nucleic acids and other PCR reagents from blood components, within the water-in-oil droplet, to increase PCR reaction efficiency with blood in situ. The ability to amplify nucleic acids in the presence of blood simplifies pre-treatment protocols towards true point-of-care diagnostic use. The 16s rRNA hypervariable regions V3 and V6 were amplified from Klebsiella pneumoniae genomic DNA with blood in situ. The detection limit of WDM PCR was 1ng/μL or 10(5)genomes/μL with blood in situ. The application of WDM for rapid, automated detection of bacterial DNA from whole blood may have an enormous impact on the clinical diagnosis of infections in bloodstream or chronic wound/ulcer, and patient safety and morbidity.
- Biosensors & bioelectronics.Biosens Bioelectron.2014 Mar 15;53:167-74. doi: 10.1016/j.bios.2013.08.057. Epub 2013 Sep 27.
- There are many challenges facing the use of molecular biology to provide pertinent information in a timely, cost effective manner. Wire-guided droplet manipulation (WDM) is an emerging format for conducting molecular biology with unique characteristics to address these challenges. To demonstrate the
- PMID 24140832
- Evaluation of thermal and evaporative resistances in cricket helmets using a sweating manikin.
- Pang TY, Subic A, Takla M.Author information School of Aerospace, Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, RMIT University, Bundoora, VIC 3083, Australia. Electronic address: tohyen.pang@rmit.edu.au.AbstractThe main objective of this study is to establish an approach for measuring the dry and evaporative heat dissipation cricket helmets. A range of cricket helmets has been tested using a sweating manikin within a controlled climatic chamber. The thermal manikin experiments were conducted in two stages, namely the (i) dry test and (ii) wet test. The ambient air temperature for the dry tests was controlled to ∼23 °C, and the mean skin temperatures averaged ∼35 °C. The thermal insulation value measured for the manikin with helmet ensemble ranged from 1.0 to 1.2 clo. The results showed that among the five cricket helmets, the Masuri helmet offered slightly more thermal insulation while the Elite helmet offered the least. However, under the dry laboratory conditions and with minimal air movement (air velocity = 0.08 ± 0.01 ms(-1)), small differences exist between the thermal resistance values for the tested helmets. The wet tests were conducted in an isothermal condition, with an ambient and skin mean temperatures averaged ∼35 °C, the evaporative resistance, Ret, varied between 36 and 60 m(2) Pa W(-1). These large variations in evaporative heat dissipation values are due to the presence of a thick layer of comfort lining in certain helmet designs. This finding suggests that the type and design of padding may influence the rate of evaporative heat dissipation from the head and face; hence the type of material and thickness of the padding is critical for the effectiveness of evaporative heat loss and comfort of the wearer. Issues for further investigations in field trials are discussed.
- Applied ergonomics.Appl Ergon.2014 Mar;45(2):300-7. doi: 10.1016/j.apergo.2013.04.011. Epub 2013 May 9.
- The main objective of this study is to establish an approach for measuring the dry and evaporative heat dissipation cricket helmets. A range of cricket helmets has been tested using a sweating manikin within a controlled climatic chamber. The thermal manikin experiments were conducted in two stages,
- PMID 23664244
- Use of soft sensors to monitor a pharmaceuticals freeze-drying process in vials.
- Bosca S, Barresi AA, Fissore D.Author information Dipartimento di Scienza Applicata e Tecnologia, Politecnico di Torino , Corso Duca degli Abruzzi 24, Torino , Italy.AbstractAbstract Purpose: This paper presents a soft sensor that can be effectively used for in-line monitoring of the primary drying step of a pharmaceuticals freeze-drying process in vials. Methods: Process modeling and product temperature measurements are used to estimate the residual amount of ice in the vial and the heat transfer coefficient from the shelf to the product in the vial. The resistance of the dried cake to vapor flow is determined through the heat balance equation at the interface of sublimation. Mathematical simulation and experimental tests have been carried out to validate the estimations provided by the soft sensor. Results: Accurate estimations of the dynamics of the product until the end of primary drying are obtained, as well as of the heat and mass transfer coefficients, even in the case of a highly non-uniform batch. The reduction in the number of variables directly estimated by the soft sensor allows increasing the robustness of the tool with respect to other sensors presented in the literature. Conclusions: The proposed soft sensor is thus effective for process monitoring and it allows using model-based tools for cycle development in lab-scale units, where thermocouples are usually available, and for process monitoring in industrial-scale freeze-dryers, in case wireless sensors are used.
- Pharmaceutical development and technology.Pharm Dev Technol.2014 Mar;19(2):148-59. doi: 10.3109/10837450.2012.757786. Epub 2013 Jan 22.
- Abstract Purpose: This paper presents a soft sensor that can be effectively used for in-line monitoring of the primary drying step of a pharmaceuticals freeze-drying process in vials. Methods: Process modeling and product temperature measurements are used to estimate the residual amount of ice in th
- PMID 23336717
Japanese Journal
- 高度難燃性・高耐熱性ナフタレン型エポキシ樹脂「EPICLON HP-6000」の開発
- 自動車用防振ゴム材料の開発動向 (総説特集 防振・制振・防音ゴム材料の考え方)
- 日本ゴム協会誌 = Journal of the Society of Rubber Science and Technology, Japan 89(8), 259-262, 2016-08
- NAID 40020906404
- モバイル機器向け薄型ループヒートパイプの熱輸送性能 (Mate2016特集号(その1)第22回「エレクトロニクスにおけるマイクロ接合・実装技術」シンポジウム)
- スマートプロセス学会誌 = Journal of smart processing 5(4), 233-238, 2016-07
- NAID 40020917737
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- heat resistance 耐熱性 - アルクがお届けする進化するオンライン英和・和英辞書データベース。一般的な単語や連語から、イディオム、専門用語、スラングまで幅広く収録。 ... ~よりも耐熱性の点で優れている
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- heat resistance、heat tolerance、heat-resistant、heat-stable、thermal stability、thermostability
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- heat resistance、heat tolerance、heat-resistant、heat-stable、thermal stability、thermostable
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- heat resistance、heat-resistant、thermostability、thermostable
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