- 関
- akin、analogous、analogy、comparable、compare、correspond、correspondence、corresponding、equal、equivalent、homeo、homologous、management、match、similar、similarity
- of or relating to the simultaneous performance of multiple operations; "parallel processing"
- (mathematics) one of a set of parallel geometric figures (parallel lines or planes); "parallels never meet"
- make or place parallel to something; "They paralleled the ditch to the highway" (同)collimate
- be parallel to; "Their roles are paralleled by ours"
- being everywhere equidistant and not intersecting; "parallel lines never converge"; "concentric circles are parallel"; "dancers in two parallel rows"
- provide funds complementary to; "The company matched the employees contributions"
- the score needed to win a match
- lighter consisting of a thin piece of wood or cardboard tipped with combustible chemical; ignites with friction; "he always carries matches to light his pipe"; "as long youve a lucifer to light your fag" (同)lucifer, friction match
- an exact duplicate; "when a match is found an entry is made in the notebook" (同)mate
- a burning piece of wood or cardboard; "if you drop a match in there the whole place will explode"
- a formal contest in which two or more persons or teams compete
- something that resembles or harmonizes with; "that tie makes a good match with your jacket"
- make correspond or harmonize; "Match my sweater" (同)fit
- be compatible, similar or consistent; coincide in their characteristics; "The two stories dont agree in many details"; "The handwriting checks with the signature on the check"; "The suspects fingerprints dont match those on the gun" (同)fit, correspond, check, jibe, gibe, tally, agree
- bring two objects, ideas, or people together; "This fact is coupled to the other one"; "Matchmaker, can you match my daughter with a nice young man?"; "The student was paired with a partner for collaboration on the project" (同)mate, couple, pair, twin
- be equal or harmonize; "The two pieces match"
- give or join in marriage
- having the same quantity, value, or measure as another; "on equal terms"; "all men are equal before the law"
- be identical or equivalent to; "One dollar equals 1,000 rubles these days!" (同)be
- make equal, uniform, corresponding, or matching; "lets equalize the duties among all employees in this office"; "The company matched the discount policy of its competitors" (同)match, equalize, equalise, equate
- be equal to in quality or ability; "Nothing can rival cotton for durability"; "Your performance doesnt even touch that of your colleagues"; "Her persistence and ambition only matches that of her parents" (同)touch, rival, match
- to form the comparative or superlative form on an adjective or adverb
- consider or describe as similar, equal, or analogous; "We can compare the Han dynasty to the Romans"; "You cannot equate success in financial matters with greed" (同)liken, equate
- be comparable; "This car does not compare with our line of Mercedes"
- examine and note the similarities or differences of; "John compared his haircut to his friends"; "We compared notes after we had both seen the movie"
- being essentially equal to something; "it was as good as gold"; "a wish that was equivalent to a command"; "his statement was tantamount to an admission of guilt" (同)tantamount
- the atomic weight of an element that has the same combining capacity as a given weight of another element; the standard is 8 for oxygen (同)equivalent_weight, combining weight, eq
- a person or thing equal to another in value or measure or force or effect or significance etc; "send two dollars or the equivalent in stamps"
- exchange messages; "My Russian pen pal and I have been corresponding for several years"
- similarity by virtue of corresponding (同)correspondence
- a prism whose bases are parallelograms (同)parallelopiped, parallelepipedon, parallelopipedon
- an interface between a computer and a printer where the computer sends multiple bits of information to the printer simultaneously (同)parallel port
- a pair of parallel bars set at different heights; used in womens gymnastics (同)uneven bars
- not straight or parallel
- 『平行な』,同じ方向の / 『対応する,同様な』 / (電気の接続が)並列の,並列接続の / 〈C〉『平行線(面)』 / 〈C〉(…と)類似(匹敵)するもの(人);(…との)類似,対応(+『to』(『with』)+『名』》 / (また『parallel of latitude』)UC〉偉[度]線 / …‘に'『平行している』 / 〈二つ以上のもの〉‘を'平行に置く,平行にする / (…で)…‘と'『対応する』,‘に'匹敵する《+『名』+『in』+『名』(do『ing』)》
- (1本の)『まっち』 / (昔の)火縄[銃]
- 《単数形で》(…に)『匹敵する相手』,(…の)好敵手《+『for』+『名』》 / 《単数形で》対[の一方],片われ,生き写し / 《単数形で》(…と)『よくつり合うもの』《+『for』+『名』》 / 『試合』,競技 / 《古》縁組,結婚;結婚相手 / (…で)…‘に'『匹敵する』,‘と'対等である《+『名』+『in』(『for』)+『名』》 / (…と)…‘を'対抗させる,試合させる《+『名』+『against』(『with』)+『名』》 / 〈物が〉…‘と'『調和する』,つり合う / 〈人が〉…‘に'調和するものを見つける / 《古》(…と)…‘を'結婚させる《+『名』+『to』(『with』)+『名』》 / (…と)『調和がとれている』,つり合う《+『up with』+『名』》
- 『等しい』,同じ / 『平等の』 / 互角の;均等の / (任務・作業などに)耐える力がある,(…する)力量がある《+『to』+名(do『ing』)》 / (…と)『同等の人(物)』《+『of』+『名』》 / …‘に'等しい,匹敵する;(…の点で)…‘に'匹敵する《+『名』+『in(as)』+『名』》
- 〈二つのもの〉'を'『比較する』,比べる;〈一つのもの〉'を'(他のものと)『比べる』《+『名』(do『ing』)+『with』(『to』)+『名』(do『ing』)》 / (…に)…'を'『たとえる』《+『名』+『to』+『名』》 / 〈形容詞・副詞〉‘の'比較変化形を作る / (…と)比較される;匹敵する《+『with』(『to』)+『名』》
- 同等の,同量の,同価の / 同等(同価,同量)の物;(文法で)(…の)相当語句《+『for(of)』+『名』》
- 『一致する』,符合する,調和する;(…と)一致する《+『with』(『to』)+『名』》 / (性質・機能などの点で)(…に)似ている,相当する《+『to』+『名』》 / 『文通する』,信通する;(…と)文通する《+『with』+『名』》
- 平行位置,平行関係 / (傾向・性格などの)類以,対応
- 平行六面体
Wikipedia preview
出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2014/07/08 10:08:46」(JST)
[Wiki ja表示]
パラレル (parallel) は、英語で平行、並行、並列を意味する言葉。その汎用度は多くの言葉に見る事ができる。
- 1 コンピュータ用語
- 2 科学用語
- 3 スポーツ用語
- 4 音楽
- 5 その他
- 6 関連項目
- パラレル通信 - 複数の通信路で伝送。
- パラレルバス - コンピュータシステム内
- パラレルポート - ケーブル接続
- パラレル構成 - コンピュータの二重システム化。冗長化も参照。
- パラレルコンピュータ - 二重化したCPUを内蔵するコンピュータ
- パラレル接続 - 二つのコンピュータからアクセス可能な周辺装置の接続
- 並列コンピューティング - 複数のCPUで一つのタスクを動作させること
- 平行
- 電気の並列回路
- パラレルワールド(並行世界、並行宇宙) - 特にサイエンスフィクション(SF)の世界で多く用いられる用語。
- 八木アンテナなどのアンテナ用語で、水平スタックのこと。
- パラレル (安藤裕子の曲) - シンガーソングライター・安藤裕子の2008年発表の音楽シングル曲。
- パラレル (KEYTALKの曲) - ロックバンド、KEYTALKの2014年発表のシングル曲。
- パラレル feat. 秦 基博 - 冨田ラボの2009年発表のシングル曲。
- ぱられる - 小林俊彦の漫画。くっつきそうでくっつかない恋愛模様から。
- パラレル - 早押しクイズで「○○は××ですが、△△は何?」と問う形式。二つの文章を並列させていることから。最後まで聞かないと引っかかる形式として有名。「複合並立型」とも。
- パラレル - 遊☆戯☆王ゼアル オフィシャルカードゲームのレアカードの種類の一つ「パラレルレア」の通称。
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[Wiki en表示]
Parallel may refer to:
- 1 Computing
- 2 Mathematics and science
- 3 Navigation
- 4 Music and entertainment
- 5 Other uses
- 6 See also
- Parallel algorithm
- Parallel computing
- Parallel metaheuristic
- Parallel (software), a UNIX utility for running programs in parallel
- Parallel Sysplex, a cluster of IBM mainframes
- Parallel communication
- Parallel port
- Parallel ATA
Mathematics and science
- Parallel circuits, as opposed to series
- Parallel (geometry)
- Parallel evolution
- Parallel transport
- Parallel universe (disambiguation)
- Parallel (latitude), an imaginary east-west line circling a globe
- Parallel of declination, used in astronomy
Music and entertainment
- Parallel (manga)
- Parallel key, the minor (or major) key of a major (or minor) key with the same tonic
- Parallel chord
- Parallel (video), a compilation of music videos by REM
- Parallel (album), a 1995 album by The Black Dog
Other uses
- Parallel cousin
- Parallelism (grammar), a balance of two or more similar words, phrases, or clauses
- Parallelism (rhetoric)
- Parallel (filling stations operator), an operator in Ukraine's oil wholesale and retail markets
See also
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English Journal
- Organizational responses to accountability requirements: Do we get what we expect?
- Gray CS1, Berta W, Deber R, Lum J.
- Health care management review.Health Care Manage Rev.2016 Sep 23. [Epub ahead of print]
- BACKGROUND: In health care, accountability is being championed as a promising approach to meeting the dual imperatives of improving care quality while managing constrained budgets.PURPOSES: Few studies focus on public sector organizations' responsiveness to government imperatives for accountability.
- PMID 26415079
- A preliminary study about the influence of high hydrostatic pressure processing in parallel with oak chip maceration on the physicochemical and sensory properties of a young red wine.
- Tao Y1, Sun DW2, Górecki A3, Błaszczak W3, Lamparski G3, Amarowicz R3, Fornal J3, Jeliński T3.
- Food chemistry.Food Chem.2016 Mar 1;194:545-54. doi: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2015.07.041. Epub 2015 Jul 10.
- The influence of high hydrostatic pressure (HHP) processing in parallel with oak chip maceration on the physicochemical and sensory properties of a young red wine was investigated preliminarily. Wines were treated by HHP at 250, 450 and 650MPa for up to 45min and French oak chips (5g/L) were added.
- PMID 26471591
- How do esters and dimethyl sulphide concentrations affect fruity aroma perception of red wine? Demonstration by dynamic sensory profile evaluation.
- Lytra G1, Tempere S1, Marchand S1, de Revel G1, Barbe JC2.
- Food chemistry.Food Chem.2016 Mar 1;194:196-200. doi: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2015.07.143. Epub 2015 Aug 1.
- Our study focused on variations in wine aroma perception and molecular composition during tasting over a period of 30min. In parallel, dynamic analytical and sensory methods were applied to study changes in the wines' molecular and aromatic evolution. Dynamic sensory profile evaluations clearly conf
- PMID 26471544
- The effects of fear appeal message repetition on perceived threat, perceived efficacy, and behavioral intention in the extended parallel process model.
- Shi JJ1, Smith SW2.
- Health communication.Health Commun.2016 Mar;31(3):275-86. doi: 10.1080/10410236.2014.948145. Epub 2015 Aug 25.
- This study examined the effect of moderately repeated exposure (three times) to a fear appeal message on the Extended Parallel Processing Model (EPPM) variables of threat, efficacy, and behavioral intentions for the recommended behaviors in the message, as well as the proportions of systematic and m
- PMID 26305152
Japanese Journal
- Multilingualization Based on RPC for Job-level Parallel Script Language, Xcrypt
- Masaru Ueno,Tasuku Hiraishi,Motoharu Hibino,Takeshi Iwashita,Hiroshi Nakashima
- 情報処理学会論文誌. プログラミング 6(2), 54-68, 2013-08-29
- … We are developing a job level parallel scripting language called Xcrypt, which helps us run a single program a number of times with different parameter values under computing environments where jobs are managed by a batch scheduler, such as supercomputers. … This paper also describes an example of a performance tuning of an electromagnetic field analysis simulation program performed with a Ruby-based parallel script that uses an extension module implemented in Lisp. …
- NAID 110009602859
- On Implementation and Evaluation of Inverse Iteration Algorithm with Compact WY Orthogonalization
- Hiroyuki Ishigami,Kinji Kimura,Yoshimasa Nakamura
- 情報処理学会論文誌. 数理モデル化と応用 6(2), 25-35, 2013-08-21
- … In this paper, we introduce an inverse iteration algorithm that can be used to compute all the eigenvectors of a real symmetric tri-diagonal matrix on parallel processors. … This change results in drastically reduced synchronization cost during parallel processing. …
- NAID 110009597933
- 限定継続機構とfutureを持つ計算体系の透過的意味論
- 田中 麻峰,亀山 幸義
- 情報処理学会論文誌 54(8), 1996-2011, 2013-08-15
- 継続機構は,種々の制御構造からモジュラで簡潔なウェブアプリケーションの記述まで,多岐にわたる応用を有する.並列計算による高性能化への要求が高まっている今日,継続機構を用いたプログラムを並列化するのは自然な要求である一方,逐次計算で考案された継続機構の並列化は困難な課題である.Moreauは,call/ccとfutureを持つ計算体系を提案し,並列意味論が逐次意味論と一致することを証明したが,彼の体 …
- NAID 110009596040
- メニ-コア・プロセッサにおける動的スレッド数切替え手法
- 福本尚人 ,中島耕太 ,成瀬彰
- 情報処理学会研究報告. [ハイパフォーマンスコンピューティング] 2013-HPC-140(34), 1-6, 2013-07-24
- … 徴に応じてスレッド数を切替える手法を提案する.本稿では,実行コア数だけでなく,コアに割当てるスレッド数によって性能が大きく変わることを示した上で,提案手法の実現に必要な割当てスレッド数の切替え手法を実装し,Intel 社の Xeon Phi で評価した.その結果,オーバヘッドは十分に小さく, NAS parallel benchmarks において手法適用により消費電力を増加させることなく,平均 12%,最大 41%の性能向上が得られることが分かった. …
- NAID 110009588154
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- 調和する、一致させる、匹敵する、整合する、対応する、マッチする
- 関
- accord、accordance、agree、agreement、coincide、coincidence、comparable、compare、concert、concerted、concordance、concur、concurrent、conform、congruence、congruent、consensus、consistent、consonant、correspond、correspondence、corresponding、equal、equivalent、fit、harmonic、harmonization、harmonize、management、matching、parallel、reconcile、unanimous、unity
- 関
- accord、accordance、agree、agreement、coincide、coincidence、concert、concerted、concordance、concur、concurrent、conform、congruence、congruent、consensus、considerably、consistent、consonant、correspondence、corresponding、equal、equivalent、fit、like、management、match、parallel、resemble、similar、substantial、unanimous、unity
- 関
- accord、accordance、agree、agreement、coincide、coincidence、concert、concerted、concordance、concur、concurrent、conform、congruence、congruent、consensus、consistent、consonant、correspond、corresponding、equivalent、fit、management、match、parallel、unanimous、unity
- 関
- considerably、correspond、correspondence、corresponding、equal、equivalence、equivalency、equivalent weight、equivalently、identical、identically、management、match、parallel、same、substantial
- 関
- accord、accordance、agree、agreement、coincide、coincidence、concert、concerted、concordance、concur、concurrent、conform、congruence、congruent、consensus、consistent、consonant、correspond、correspondence、equivalent、fit、management、match、parallel、unanimous、unity
- 関
- parallel fibre、PF
- 関
- parallel fiber、PF