- 関
- accord、accordance、consonant、harmonic、harmonization、harmonize、match
- come to terms; "After some discussion we finally made up" (同)patch up, make_up, conciliate, settle
- involving or characterized by harmony (同)harmonic, harmonical, harmonized, harmonised
- a letter of the alphabet standing for a spoken consonant
- a speech sound that is not a vowel
- provide funds complementary to; "The company matched the employees contributions"
- the score needed to win a match
- lighter consisting of a thin piece of wood or cardboard tipped with combustible chemical; ignites with friction; "he always carries matches to light his pipe"; "as long youve a lucifer to light your fag" (同)lucifer, friction match
- an exact duplicate; "when a match is found an entry is made in the notebook" (同)mate
- a burning piece of wood or cardboard; "if you drop a match in there the whole place will explode"
- a formal contest in which two or more persons or teams compete
- something that resembles or harmonizes with; "that tie makes a good match with your jacket"
- make correspond or harmonize; "Match my sweater" (同)fit
- be compatible, similar or consistent; coincide in their characteristics; "The two stories dont agree in many details"; "The handwriting checks with the signature on the check"; "The suspects fingerprints dont match those on the gun" (同)fit, correspond, check, jibe, gibe, tally, agree
- bring two objects, ideas, or people together; "This fact is coupled to the other one"; "Matchmaker, can you match my daughter with a nice young man?"; "The student was paired with a partner for collaboration on the project" (同)mate, couple, pair, twin
- be equal or harmonize; "The two pieces match"
- give or join in marriage
- of or relating to the branch of acoustics that studies the composition of musical sounds; "the sound of the resonating cavity cannot be the only determinant of the harmonic response"
- any of a series of musical tones whose frequencies are integral multiples of the frequency of a fundamental
- a tone that is a component of a complex sound
- relating to vibrations that occur as a result of vibrations in a nearby body; "sympathetic vibration" (同)sympathetic
- of or relating to harmonics
- of or relating to harmony as distinct from melody and rhythm; "subtleties of harmonic change and tonality"- Ralph Hill
- sympathetic compatibility
- allow to have; "grant a privilege" (同)allot, grant
- concurrence of opinion; "we are in accord with your proposal" (同)conformity, accordance
- bring into consonance or accord; "harmonize ones goals with ones abilities" (同)harmonise, reconcile
- bring (several things) into consonance or relate harmoniously; "harmonize the different interests" (同)harmonise
- sing or play in harmony (同)harmonise
- write a harmony for (同)harmonise
- bring into consonance, harmony, or accord while making music or singing (同)harmonise, chord
- go together; "The colors dont harmonize"; "Their ideas concorded" (同)harmonise, consort, accord, concord, fit in, agree
- the act of granting rights; "the accordance to Canada of rights of access" (同)accordance of rights
- not made consistent or compatible; "two unreconciled accountings"
- made compatible or consistent
- (…と)…‘を'『和解させる』《+『名』+with』+『名』》 / 《受動態で》(…に)〈人・自分〉‘を'甘んじさせる《+『to』+『名』(do『ing』)》 / 〈不一致・粉争など〉‘を'解決する,調停する / (…と)…‘を'調和(一致)させる)《+『名』+『with』+『名』》
- 子音,子音字 / 《文》(…と)調和する,一致する《+『with』(『to』)+『名』》 / 協和音の / 子音の
- (1本の)『まっち』 / (昔の)火縄[銃]
- 《単数形で》(…に)『匹敵する相手』,(…の)好敵手《+『for』+『名』》 / 《単数形で》対[の一方],片われ,生き写し / 《単数形で》(…と)『よくつり合うもの』《+『for』+『名』》 / 『試合』,競技 / 《古》縁組,結婚;結婚相手 / (…で)…‘に'『匹敵する』,‘と'対等である《+『名』+『in』(『for』)+『名』》 / (…と)…‘を'対抗させる,試合させる《+『名』+『against』(『with』)+『名』》 / 〈物が〉…‘と'『調和する』,つり合う / 〈人が〉…‘に'調和するものを見つける / 《古》(…と)…‘を'結婚させる《+『名』+『to』(『with』)+『名』》 / (…と)『調和がとれている』,つり合う《+『up with』+『名』》
- 調和する,音楽的な / (音楽で)和声の,倍音の / =overtone 1
- (…と)『一致する』,調和する《+『with』+『名』(『wh-』節)》 / 〈許可・賞賛・歓迎など〉'を'与える / 〈U〉(…との)『一致』,調和(harmony)《+『with』+『名』》 / 〈C〉国際協定,講和 / 〈U〉〈C〉和音,協和音;(色の)調和
- 一致,調和,適合
- 仲直り,和解 / 妥協 / 仲裁,調停 / 一致
- 調停者
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2013/07/19 13:21:22」(JST)
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Reconciliation may refer to:
- 1 Accounting
- 2 Relationships
- 3 Religion
- 4 Telecommunications
- 5 Other
- 6 See also
- Reconciliation (accounting)
- Reconciliation (ethnic relations), restoring mutual respect between individuals from different cultural backgrounds
- Reconciliation (United States Congress), a legislative procedure in the United States Senate
- Conflict resolution, re-establishing normal relations between belligerents
- Reconciliation (theology), returning to faith or harmony after a conflict
- Reconciliation (theology), element of salvation that refers to the results of atonement
- Sacrament of Penance (Catholic Church), also known as Reconciliation
- Reconciliation (Roaming), Verifying if roaming whosale invoices match actually made roaming calls
- Reconciliation (Josefina de Vasconcellos), a sculpture in Coventry Cathedral
See also[edit]
- Truth and reconciliation commission
- Conciliation
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English Journal
- Bioenergy from forestry and changes in atmospheric CO2: Reconciling single stand and landscape level approaches.
- Cherubini F, Guest G, Strømman AH.SourceDepartment of Energy and Process Engineering, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), 7491 Trondheim, Norway. Electronic address: francesco.cherubini@ntnu.no.
- Journal of environmental management.J Environ Manage.2013 Nov 15;129:292-301. doi: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2013.07.021. Epub 2013 Aug 23.
- Analyses of global warming impacts from forest bioenergy systems are usually conducted either at a single stand level or at a landscape level, yielding findings that are sometimes interpreted as contrasting. In this paper, we investigate and reconcile the scales at which environmental impact analyse
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- Cellular differentiation and individuality in the 'minor' multicellular taxa.
- Herron MD, Rashidi A, Shelton DE, Driscoll WW.SourceDepartment of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Arizona, 1041 Lowell St, Tucson, 85721, AZ, U.S.A.
- Biological reviews of the Cambridge Philosophical Society.Biol Rev Camb Philos Soc.2013 Nov;88(4):844-61. doi: 10.1111/brv.12031. Epub 2013 Mar 1.
- Biology needs a concept of individuality in order to distinguish organisms from parts of organisms and from groups of organisms, to count individuals and compare traits across taxa, and to distinguish growth from reproduction. Most of the proposed criteria for individuality were designed for 'unitar
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- In the zone or zoning out? Tracking behavioral and neural fluctuations during sustained attention.
- Esterman M, Noonan SK, Rosenberg M, Degutis J.SourceNeuroimaging Research Center for Veterans (151), VA Boston Healthcare System.
- Cerebral cortex (New York, N.Y. : 1991).Cereb Cortex.2013 Nov;23(11):2712-23. doi: 10.1093/cercor/bhs261. Epub 2012 Aug 31.
- Despite growing recognition that attention fluctuates from moment-to-moment during sustained performance, prevailing analysis strategies involve averaging data across multiple trials or time points, treating these fluctuations as noise. Here, using alternative approaches, we clarify the relationship
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- Oculomotor involvement in spatial working memory is task-specific.
- Ball K, Pearson DG, Smith DT.SourceDepartment of Psychology, Durham University, United Kingdom.
- Cognition.Cognition.2013 Nov;129(2):439-46. doi: 10.1016/j.cognition.2013.08.006. Epub 2013 Sep 14.
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Japanese Journal
- Does Providing Informal Elderly Care Hasten Retirement? Evidence from Japan
- AGI Working Paper Series = AGI Working Paper Series 2017-07, 1-45, 2017-03
- NAID 120006014845
- Naturalization as a Constitutionally Protected Institution : Revisiting Article 22.2 of the Japanese Constitution
- The opposite mechano-response of paxillin phosphorylation between subcellular and whole-cell levels is explained by a minimal model of cell-substrate adhesions
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- 調和する、一致させる、匹敵する、整合する、対応する、マッチする
- 関
- accord、accordance、agree、agreement、coincide、coincidence、comparable、compare、concert、concerted、concordance、concur、concurrent、conform、congruence、congruent、consensus、consistent、consonant、correspond、correspondence、corresponding、equal、equivalent、fit、harmonic、harmonization、harmonize、management、matching、parallel、reconcile、unanimous、unity
- 関
- accordance、agree、agreement、coincide、coincidence、concert、concerted、concordance、concur、concurrent、conform、congruence、congruent、consensus、consistent、consonant、correspond、correspondence、corresponding、fit、harmonic、harmonization、harmonize、match、reconcile、unanimous、unity
- 関
- accord、agree、agreement、coincide、coincidence、concert、concerted、concordance、concur、concurrent、conform、congruence、congruent、consensus、consistent、consonant、correspond、correspondence、corresponding、fit、harmonic、harmonization、harmonize、match、reconcile、unanimous、unity
- 英
- harmonization、accordance、harmonize、match、accord、reconcile、harmonic、consonant
- 関
- 一致、協調、対応、匹敵、整合、調停、マッチ、子音
- 関
- accord、accordance、co-ordinate、consonant、coordinate、coordination、harmonic、harmonization、match、reconcile