- similarity in appearance or character or nature between persons or things; "man created God in his own likeness" (同)alikeness, similitude
- picture consisting of a graphic image of a person or thing (同)semblance
- dissimilarity evidenced by an absence of likeness (同)dissimilitude
- behavior befitting a lady
- want to have; "Id like a beer now!"
- a kind of person; "Well not see his like again"; "I cant tolerate people of his ilk" (同)ilk
- a similar kind; "dogs, foxes, and the like", "we dont want the likes of you around here" (同)the like, the likes of
- equal in amount or value; "like amounts"; "equivalent amounts"; "the same amount"; "gave one six blows and the other a like number"; "the same number" (同)same
- resembling or similar; having the same or some of the same characteristics; often used in combination; "suits of like design"; "a limited circle of like minds"; "members of the cat family have like dispositions"; "as like as two peas in a pod"; "doglike devotion"; "a dreamlike quality" (同)similar
- be fond of; "I like my nephews"
- feel about or towards; consider, evaluate, or regard; "How did you like the Presidents speech last night?"
- find enjoyable or agreeable; "I like jogging"; "She likes to read Russian novels"
- the act of comparing similarities
- (…に)…‘を'たとえる《+『名』+『to』+『名』》
- 〈U〉(…と)『似ていること』;〈C〉(…との)類似点《+『to』+『名』》 / 〈C〉《古》肖像画,写真 / 〈U〉外観,姿
- …‘を'『好む』,‘が'好きである / 《しばしば否定文で,またwould,《英》shouldと共に用いて》…‘を'望む,…したい / 『好む』;望む / 《複数形で》好み,好きな事
- (外観・性質などが)…『に似た』,のような / (やり方,程度などが)…『と同じように』 / …『らしい』,にふさわいし / 《おもに話》たとえば…のような / 《名詞の前にのみ用いて》(性質・外観などが)同じの,(数量が)等しい / 《補語にのみ用いて》似ている,そっくりで / たぶん,おそらく(probably) / (…に)似た人(物),(…と)同等の人(物),匹敵する人(物)《+『of』+『名』》 / …のように / あたかも…のように
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Current Lightstone Studios Logo
Logos From Lightstone Studios
The Liken Series is a continuing musical based on events in the Old Testament and New Testament of the Holy Bible, as well as stories from the Book of Mormon. The series is popular among many LDS/Mormon families. They have a Bible Site,[1] a Scriptures site,[2] a Studio Site,[3] and a Beta TV Site[4] where you can watch select movies and clips. It remains unannounced as to whether they might create musicals based on stories in the Doctrine and Covenants or Pearl of Great Price.
- 1 Intended audience
- 2 Reception
- 3 Theme Song
- 4 Characters
- 4.1 Dreamers
- 4.2 Story Tellers
- 4.3 Main characters
- 5 Episodes
- 5.1 Old Testament
- 5.2 New Testament
- 5.3 Book of Mormon
- 6 References
Intended audience
According to the Liken website, "If you're concerned about what is going on in today's mainstream media, we think you'll like what you find here at Liken", because "we don't believe "family friendly" means it has to be boring." Further, "you'll find movies and music that will not only entertain your family, but uplift and inspire them as well."[5]
DeseretBook.com report Thomas Baggaley of Meridian Magazine as writing "Don't be fooled by the child-centric premise of the story. Adults can enjoy it too — and in fact, that is one of its real successes."[6]
According to LDS Cinema Online, which reviews films from a Mormon perspective, "if you’re looking for spiritually challenging, deeply insightful cinema for adults, Liken is far from your ideal. Neither is any of these films a paragon of cinematic technique, acting, comedic or musical performance, etc. The films have their weaknesses to be sure", but "Whatever the case, the filmmakers have gotten something right. It’s a formula that catches kids’ attention and causes them to remember what they see".[7]
A Herald Extra writer wrote "From the beginning, the “Liken” films have been noted for their energetic, catchy music, which is a major element of “Jonah and the Great Fish."[8]
Theme Song
Their theme song appears in multiple movies. It emphasizes the mood and tone of the scene.
Characters are listed by movie release order. A full cast list is not included. Go to Liken for more information.
- Spencer
- Amelia
- Devon
- Chloe
Story Tellers
- Spencer's Primary teacher.
- Spencer's brother.
- Amelia's Parents.
- George (Butler to Amelia's family and later as Devon's Grandfather)
- Amelia's choir teacher.
- Missionaries
- Chloe's Father.
Main characters
- Nephi
- Ammon
- David
- Alma
- Mary, Joseph, and Jesus This is a Nativity Story.
- Esther
- Daniel
- Samuel the Lamanite
- Jonah
Release Dates[9]
Old Testament
David and Goliath |
Amelia |
Amelia's Choir Teacher |
David, King Saul, David’s Brothers, Israelite Army |
Goliath, Philistine Army |
I’m Gonna Be King, The Lord Sees What’s Inside, It’s Not That Easy Being King, Give Me Just One Chance, I am David, The Lord Sees What’s Inside (Reprise), I Am Goliath, The Lord Is My Shepherd, One Smooth Stone, I Used To Be Like You, One Little Light, Is He The One |
2005-03 |
Esther and the King |
Amelia |
Amelia's Mother |
Esther, Mordecai, King Ahasuerus, Most Servants |
Haman, Haman’s Wife, Some Servants |
There Is News, What More Could A King Want, Can You Love Me, Together, It’s Great To Be The King To Be, What Would I Give, A Little Bit More, Grateful, Can You Love Me (Reprise), There Is News (Finale) |
2006-03 |
Daniel and the Lions |
Devon (First Appearance) |
George (Devon's Grandfather) |
Daniel, King Darias, Angel, Servants, Lions |
Other Presidents, Lions |
I Need Professional Help, You Can’t Keep A Good Man Down, Because Of Thee, Give Us A Break, Meat’s on the Menu Tonight, What Have I Done, Victory, Peace, I’m A Vegetarian Now, Because of Thee (Reprise) |
2006-09 |
Jonah and the Great Fish |
Chloe (First Appearance) |
Chloe's Father (First Appearance) |
Jonah, The Great Fish, Small Fish |
Jonah, Sharks, Ninevites |
Whose Side Are You On?, Night of Nineveh, No Way, The Great Deep Blue, A Place Where I Belong, Because of You, Stout-Hearted Mariners, Thou Hast Brought Me Up, I'll Obey, A Heart That's Open |
2011-11 |
New Testament
The First Christmas |
Amelia |
Amelia's Parents |
Angel Gabriel, Mary, Joseph, Jesus, Wisemen |
??? |
Joy to the World, Everything We Need, A Hand To Hold, Blessed (Mary), The Handmaid of the Lord, My Soul Doth Magnify The Lord, Blessed (Joseph), A Hand To Hold (Reprise), A Place For Him, Glory To God, He’s Born, Finale |
2005-11 |
Book of Mormon
Nephi And Laban |
Spencer Anderson (First Appearance) |
Spencer's Primary Teacher (First Appearance) |
Nephi, Lehi, Sam, Sarah |
Laban, Laman, Lemuel |
Life Could Not Be Better, His Arms Around You, I Love My Things, Here Waiting, Thy Arms Around Me (plus a Reprise & Ballad) |
2003-09 |
Ammon and Lamoni |
Spencer Anderson |
McKay Anderson (First Appearance) |
Ammon, Abish, Lamoni, Servants |
Lamanite Robbers (Off-Screen), Brother of Robber’s Leader |
This Light / It’s Always Been this Way, A Mighty Change of Heart, I Know That I Must Change / A Mighty Change of Heart (Duet), We Are Dead, We’re Alive, Uprising, Finale |
2004-09 |
Alma and King Noah's Court |
Amelia (First Appearance), Spencer (Offscreen) |
McKay Anderson (Missionary) & Companion (Not Speaking Part) |
Alma, Abinadi |
King Noah, Wicked Priests |
Just Say Yes (Performed & a Capella), Something More, We Are The Best / Turn Unto The Lord, It’s All Right, Turn Unto The Lord (Reprise), Turn Unto The Lord (2nd Reprise) / He Must Die, All He Asks Me / Something More (Reprise), Something More (2nd Reprise), All He Asks Me (Reprise), All He Asks Me (Finale). |
2005-09 |
Samuel the Lamanite |
Amelia |
Amelia's Choir Teacher |
Samuel, Nephi, Lehi, Misc. People |
School’s Superintendent, N.A.C., Misc. People |
All’s Well in Zion, Lonely, The N.A.C., Look to the Light, His Love, Another Year, Enough, The Time Has Come, His Love (Reprise) |
2006-09 |
- ^ "Liken The Bible". Lightstone Media. December 25, 2011. Retrieved 2011-12-25.
- ^ "Liken The Scriptures". Lightstone Media. December 25, 2011. Retrieved 2011-12-25.
- ^ "Lightstone Studios". Lightstone Media. December 25, 2011. Retrieved 2011-12-25.
- ^ "Liken Beta TV". Lightstone Media. December 25, 2011. Retrieved 2011-12-25.
- ^ "Liken Series". Welcome to the World of Liken. Lightstone Pictures. Retrieved January 4, 2012.
- ^ "Liken the Scriptures". Nephi and Laban (review). DeseretBook.com. Retrieved January 4, 2012.
- ^ "LDS Cinema Online". Why I’m Likin’ Liken… Like a Lichen. motleyvision.org. August 23, 2010. Retrieved January 4, 2012.
- ^ "Whale of a tale: Newest 'Liken' the Scriptures' DVD sleeps with the fishes". Whale of a Tale. heraldextra.com. December 10, 2011. Retrieved January 4, 2012.
- ^ "Liken The Scriptures DVDs". Lightstone Media. December 25, 2011. Retrieved 2011-12-25.
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English Journal
- Single unit activity in the lateral septum and central nucleus of the amygdala in the elevated plus-maze: a model of exposure therapy?
- Thomas E, Burock D, Knudsen K, Deterding E, Yadin E.SourceDepartment of Psychology, Bryn Mawr College, Bryn Mawr, PA 19010, USA. ethomas@brynmawr.edu
- Neuroscience letters.Neurosci Lett.2013 Aug 26;548:269-74. doi: 10.1016/j.neulet.2013.05.078. Epub 2013 Jun 12.
- The central nucleus of the amygdala (CeA) is a major output region of the amygdala involved in organizing the expression of fear. There is also evidence that the lateral septum (LS) provides inhibitory control of neurons in CeA and is involved in the relief of fear. This study examined single unit a
- PMID 23769728
- Latrepirdine stimulates autophagy and reduces accumulation of α-synuclein in cells and in mouse brain.
- Steele JW, Ju S, Lachenmayer ML, Liken J, Stock A, Kim SH, Delgado LM, Alfaro IE, Bernales S, Verdile G, Bharadwaj P, Gupta V, Barr R, Friss A, Dolios G, Wang R, Ringe D, Protter AA, Martins RN, Ehrlich ME, Yue Z, Petsko GA, Gandy S.SourceDepartment of Neurology, Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York, NY, USA.
- Molecular psychiatry.Mol Psychiatry.2013 Aug;18(8):882-8. doi: 10.1038/mp.2012.115. Epub 2012 Aug 7.
- Latrepirdine (Dimebon; dimebolin) is a neuroactive compound that was associated with enhanced cognition, neuroprotection and neurogenesis in laboratory animals, and has entered phase II clinical trials for both Alzheimer's disease and Huntington's disease (HD). Based on recent indications that latre
- PMID 22869031
- Latrepirdine improves cognition and arrests progression of neuropathology in an Alzheimer's mouse model.
- Steele JW, Lachenmayer ML, Ju S, Stock A, Liken J, Kim SH, Delgado LM, Alfaro IE, Bernales S, Verdile G, Bharadwaj P, Gupta V, Barr R, Friss A, Dolios G, Wang R, Ringe D, Fraser P, Westaway D, St George-Hyslop PH, Szabo P, Relkin NR, Buxbaum JD, Glabe CG, Protter AA, Martins RN, Ehrlich ME, Petsko GA, Yue Z, Gandy S.SourceDepartment of Neurology, Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York, NY, USA.
- Molecular psychiatry.Mol Psychiatry.2013 Aug;18(8):889-97. doi: 10.1038/mp.2012.106. Epub 2012 Jul 31.
- Latrepirdine (Dimebon) is a pro-neurogenic, antihistaminic compound that has yielded mixed results in clinical trials of mild to moderate Alzheimer's disease, with a dramatically positive outcome in a Russian clinical trial that was unconfirmed in a replication trial in the United States. We sought
- PMID 22850627
Japanese Journal
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- 複数のモバイルデバイスを九十九神と見立てるインタラクティブメディアアート:九i九i九
- 教育と福祉のドラマトゥルギー : 理論と実践、教育と福祉を繋ぐ新たな可能性について(<特集>教育学における新たな研究方法論の構築と創造)
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- likenとは。意味や和訳。[動](他)((通例受身))((形式))…を(…に)たとえる, なぞらえる((to ...))liken life to a pilgrimage人生を旅路にたとえる. - goo辞書は国語、英和、和英、中国語、百科事典等からまとめて探せる辞書検索サービス ...
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- 関
- alike、as well as、care for、correspond、correspondingly、equally、favor、identically、likewise、prefer、resemble、same、similar、similarly、such