- 関
- companion、interbreed、mating
- one of a pair; "he lost the mate to his shoe"; "one eye was blue but its fellow was brown" (同)fellow
- South American holly; leaves used in making a drink like tea (同)Paraguay tea, Ilex paraguariensis
- the officer below the master on a commercial ship (同)first_mate
- informal term for a friend of the same sex
- South American tea-like drink made from leaves of a South American holly called mate
- the partner of an animal (especially a sexual partner); "he loved the mare and all her mates"; "camels hate leaving their mates"
- a friend who is frequently in the company of another; "drinking companions"; "comrades in arms" (同)comrade, fellow, familiar, associate
- a traveler who accompanies you (同)fellow_traveler, fellow traveller
- one paid to accompany or assist or live with another
- make from scratch (同)create from raw stuff
- sports equipment consisting of a piece of thick padding on the floor for gymnastic sports (同)gym mat
- mounting consisting of a border or background for a picture (同)matting
- a small pad of material that is used to protect surface from an object placed on it
- a thick flat pad used as a floor covering
- a mass that is densely tangled or interwoven; "a mat of weeds and grass"
- of or relating to a marriage partner
- used of gloves, socks, etc. (同)paired
- mated sexually
- informal terms for a mother (同)mama, mamma, mom, momma, mommy, mammy, mum, mummy
- (対をなすものの)『片方』《+『to』(『of』)+『名』》 / 『配偶者』[の一方],連れ合い / (動物の)つがいの片方 / 《英》《しばしば複合語を作って》『仲間』,『友達』 / (商船の船長を補佐する各階級の)航海士 / …の助手 / 〈動物〉‘を'つがわせる / 〈二つのもの〉‘を'結ぶ;(…に)…‘を'調和させる《+『名』+『with』+『名』》 / 〈人・動物が〉(…と)仲間になる,交わる《+『with』+『名』》 / 〈動物が〉交尾する
- =checkmate / =checkmate
- マテ茶;〈C〉マテ茶の木
- 『仲間』,友 / (偶然の)連れ,相手 / (…の)対の一方《+『to』+『名』》 / 《おもに書名として》(…の)手引き,必携《+『to』+『名』》 / 付添い(住み込みで雇われて主婦・子女・病人などの相手をつとめる婦人) / 《英》《C-》最下位のナイト / (…と)親しくする《+『with』+『名』》
- 〈動物・植物〉‘を'異種のものと交配させる
- (床などに敷く)『マット』,敷物,むしろ,畳 / (花びん・置き物などの)下敷き / (レスリング・体操用の)詰め物をした厚い敷物 / 《a ~》(毛・雑草などの)もつれ《+『of』+『名』》 / 〈床など〉‘に'マットを敷く,‘を'マットで覆う / …‘を'もつれさせる / もつれる
- (絵画・写真などの飾り縁にする)台紙,厚紙 / (加工した金属などの)つや消し[面] / つや消しの,表画がつやのない / 〈絵など〉‘に'台紙を付ける / 〈表面〉‘を'つや消しにする,曇らせる
- 《M-》《話》おかあちゃん(mamma)
Wikipedia preview
出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2014/02/18 21:40:33」(JST)
[Wiki ja表示]
この項目では、日本電気の法人向けデスクトップパソコンについて記述しています。GNOME 2からフォークされたデスクトップ環境については「MATE (デスクトップ環境)」をご覧ください。 |
Mate(メイト)は、日本電気 (NEC) の法人向けデスクトップパソコン。日本国外ではAT互換機「PowerMate」シリーズとして展開した。
- 1 PC-9821(98MATE)
- 2 PC98-NX
- 3 関連項目
- 4 外部リンク
当初登場したMATEはPC-9821Ap等、Windows 3.1の表示に最低限必要な640×480 / 256色の表示に標準で対応し、サウンド機能も充実させた機種であり、MATE A(A-MATE)と称される。次にPC-9821Bp等、Windows用のグラフィックアクセラレータを標準搭載する代わりサウンド機能などを省略したMATE B(B-MATE)が登場する。このMATE Bの後継として登場したのが、PC-9821Xf等のMATE X (X-MATE) である。このときはまだ控えめに継続されていたMATE Aよりも、MATE Xは幅広いラインナップが用意された。以降、このMATE XがPC-9821デスクトップの主流機種となっていく。P6コアCPU (Pentium Pro / Pentium II / Celeron) を搭載したMATEはMATE Rと呼ばれたが、CPU以外の商品コンセプトはMATE Xとほぼ同じである。
1995年、Windows 95日本語版リリースと同時に「98MATE VALUESTAR」が発売される。このときのVALUESTARはまだ98MATEの名を冠していた。本体の機能的にはMATE Xに準じているがCRTとのセット販売が基本となり(一部ではCanbeをベースとしたCRT一体型モデルもあった)OS以外に多くのプリインストールソフトを導入した製品で、個人向け・ビジネス向け双方に広く受け入れられ、デスクトップの主流をMATE Xから奪った。これ以降、(VALUESTAR以外の)MATEは拡張性を重視するヘビーユーザーや法人向けに特化したラインナップとなっていく。
Windows XP発売以降に自社開発からほぼ撤退した、三菱電機のアプリコットシリーズへ、VersaProと共にOEM供給している。
NECのパソコン |
8ビット |
PC-6000シリーズ | PC-6600シリーズ | PC-8000シリーズ | PC-8200シリーズ | PC-8800シリーズ
16/32ビット |
PC-100 | N5200シリーズ | PC-9800シリーズ | PC-H98シリーズ | PC-9821シリーズ
PC98-NX以降 |
PC98-NXシリーズ | Mateシリーズ | LaVieシリーズ(機種一覧) | VALUESTARシリーズ(機種一覧)| ValueOneシリーズ | VersaProシリーズ | Aileシリーズ | mobioシリーズ
[Wiki en表示]
Mate may refer to:
- 1 Science and technology
- 2 Person or title
- 3 People
- 3.1 Surname
- 3.2 Given names
- 4 Beverage
- 5 Other uses
- 6 See also
Science and technology[edit]
- Mate, one of a pair of animals involved in mating
- Yerba mate, a South American herb used to make the beverage
- Multi antimicrobial extrusion protein, efflux transporter family of proteins
- MATE (software), a fork of GNOME 2 Desktop Environment (computer software)
- Mate or mating condition a synonym term for constraints used in CAD.
Person or title[edit]
- Mate (naval officer)
- Mate (colloquialism), a friend
Given names[edit]
- Mate (given name)
- Máté (given name)
- Mate (beverage), the caffeinated beverage made from yerba mate
- Mate de coca, a beverage made from coca
Other uses[edit]
- Marine Academy of Technology and Environmental Science, a high school in Manahawkin, New Jersey
- Mate Recordings, a record label
- Checkmate, a winning/losing situation in chess
- Mate (horse), an American Thoroughbred racehorse
- Mate, a traditional South American container carved from a dried calabash
- Third (curling)
See also[edit]
- Inmate, a prisoner
- Running mate, a fellow candidate for the same party in one election
- Mahte or Māte, a goddess in Latvian mythology
- Matte (disambiguation)
- All pages with titles containing "Mate"
- All pages with titles containing "Mating"
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English Journal
- How parasitoid females produce sexy sons: a causal link between oviposition preference, dietary lipids and mate choice in Nasonia.
- Blaul B, Ruther J.SourceChemical Ecology Group, Institute of Zoology, University of Regensburg, Universitatsstrase 31, , 93053 Regensburg, Germany.
- Proceedings. Biological sciences / The Royal Society.Proc Biol Sci.2011 Nov 7;278(1722):3286-93. Epub 2011 Mar 23.
- Sexual selection theory predicts that phenotypic traits used to choose a mate should reflect honestly the quality of the sender and thus, are often costly. Physiological costs arise if a signal depends on limited nutritional resources. Hence, the nutritional condition of an organism should determine
- PMID 21429922
- Survivor's dilemma: Defend the group or flee?
- Garay J, Varga Z.SourceResearch Group of Theoretical Biology and Ecology of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and Department of Plant Taxonomy and Ecology, L. Eotvos University, Pazmany P. setany 1/C, H-1117 Budapest, Hungary.
- Theoretical population biology.Theor Popul Biol.2011 Nov;80(3):217-25. Epub 2011 Aug 23.
- We consider a survival game of gregarious individuals, in which the aim of the players is survival to reproductive age under predator attacks. The survivor's dilemma (shortly: SVD) game consists in the following: a group member either surely survives alone by fleeing, while its defensive mate may be
- PMID 21884715
- Expression patterns of mineralocorticoid and glucocorticoid receptors in Bengalese finch (Lonchura striata var. domestica) brain suggest a relationship between stress hormones and song-system development.
- Suzuki K, Matsunaga E, Kobayashi T, Okanoya K.SourceJST, ERATO, Okanoya Emotional Information Project, Wako 351-0198, Japan; Division of Life Science, Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Saitama University, Saitama 338-8570, Japan; Laboratory for Biolinguistics, RIKEN Brain Science Institute, Wako 351-0198, Japan; Emotional Information Joint Research Laboratory, RIKEN Brain Science Institute, Wako 351-0198, Japan.
- Neuroscience.Neuroscience.2011 Oct 27;194:72-83. Epub 2011 Aug 4.
- Much evidence suggests that song traits function as an honest signal of male quality during mate choice in songbirds. Because songbirds learn vocalizations during the juvenile stage, development of the song system and song traits is affected by stressful conditions. However, it remains unknown how s
- PMID 21851851
- Offerings from an urchin.
- Ernst SG.AbstractThere is a natural curiosity about how organisms give rise to offspring like themselves through a series of reproducible developmental events and how, once mature, these offspring mate and continue the process giving rise the next generation. In the mid-1800s investigators started using gametes and embryos to explore this process. Although the observations and experimental approaches changed over time, embryologists and developmental biologists after them, sought understanding of development and inheritance through the study of gametes and embryos. It is argued here that in their quests to understand these processes embryologists made major conceptual advances that were seminal to the origins of genetics and to the origins of molecular biology. Furthermore these advances derived from the distinct perspective of those investigators with focused interest on the development of the organism. In this essay fundamental discoveries that originated with the sea urchin embryo as an experimental system are used to illustrate this position. The sea urchin has a long and uninterrupted history as a model organism that helped prepare the ground for the emergence of genetics and contributed important aspects to understanding of the central dogma of molecular biology. As molecular biology came of age new concepts and technology of the discipline were transformative for developmental biology and to this day the reciprocal inductive interactions between molecular biology and developmental biology continue to revitalize each other.
- Developmental biology.Dev Biol.2011 Oct 15;358(2):285-94. Epub 2011 Jun 24.
- There is a natural curiosity about how organisms give rise to offspring like themselves through a series of reproducible developmental events and how, once mature, these offspring mate and continue the process giving rise the next generation. In the mid-1800s investigators started using gametes and
- PMID 21723860
Japanese Journal
- 質および量の異なる脂質を含む食品による胆嚢収縮の評価
- 新井 由季,玉田 喜一,和田 伸一,大橋 明,中澤 克行,畑中 恒,菅野 健太郎
- 自治医科大学紀要 33, 91-99, 2011-03-01
- 【目的】質および量の異なる脂質を含む食品を摂取後の胆嚢収縮について評価する。【方法】絶食後のボランティア111名を対象として,栄養補助食品であるカロリーメイト缶®,カロリーメイトゼリー®,テルミール2.0®,テルミール2.0α®の摂取前,摂取後30分,60分の胆嚢容積を腹部超音波検査にて求めた。カロリーメイト製品は脂質を4.4g,テルミール製品は15g含有し,テルミ …
- NAID 110008506956
- Courtship of Drosophila, with a special interest in courtship songs (生物進化研究のモデル生物群としてのショウジョウバエ)
- Tomaru Masatoshi,Yamada Hirokazu
- 低温科学 69, 61-85, 2011
- … Mate recognition in relation to the role of courtship elements are discussed from an evolutionary point of view.生物進化研究のモデル生物群としてのショウジョウバエ. …
- NAID 40018938269
- Fluctuating asymmetry in Drosophila (生物進化研究のモデル生物群としてのショウジョウバエ)
- Vishalakshi Chavali
- 低温科学 69, 51-60, 2011
- … It is considered to play an important role in mate choice. …
- NAID 40018938268
- キイロショウジョウバエ種群における交尾器形態の進化--その機能研究に関するレビュー (生物進化研究のモデル生物群としてのショウジョウバエ)
- 上村 佳孝,三本 博之
- 低温科学 69, 39-50, 2011
- … However, recent discovery of copulatory wounding behavior, that is, the phenomenon that male genitalia inflict wounds on the genitalia of the mate,enabled us to identify counter-evolutions in the female genitalia. …
- NAID 40018938267
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- 英
- mating、mate、interbreed
- 関
- 交尾、雑種形成、接合、仲間、連れ合い
- 関
- hybridization、mate、mating
- 英
- companion、mate
- 関
- 交配、伴侶、連れ合い
- 関
- mate
- 英
- mate
- 関
- 交配、仲間
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- mGluR
- 関
- coitus、conjugate、conjugation、copulation、copulatory、interbreed、juncture、mate