- increase in the number of monocytes in the blood; symptom of monocytic leukemia
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2014/07/15 13:04:34」(JST)
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Monocytosis |
Classification and external resources |
ICD-10 |
D72.8 |
ICD-9 |
288.8 |
DiseasesDB |
22713 |
Monocytosis is an increase in the number of monocytes circulating in the blood.[1] Monocytes are white blood cells that give rise to macrophages and dendritic cells in the immune system.
In humans, 950/μL is regarded as at the upper limit of normal; monocyte counts above this level are regarded as monocytosis.[citation needed]
Monocytosis often occurs during chronic inflammation. Diseases that produce this state:
- Infections: tuberculosis, brucellosis, listeriosis, subacute bacterial endocarditis, syphilis, and other viral infections and many protozoal and rickettsial infections (e.g. kala azar, malaria, Rocky Mountain spotted fever).
- Blood and immune causes: chronic neutropenia and myeloproliferative disorders.
- Autoimmune diseases and vasculitis: systemic lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis and inflammatory bowel disease.
- Malignancies: Hodgkin's disease and certain leukaemias, such as chronic myelomonocytic leukaemia (CMML) and monocytic leukemia.
- Recovery phase of neutropenia or an acute infection.
- Obesity (cf. Nagareddy et al. (2014), Cell Metabolism, Vol. 19, pp 821-835)
- Miscellaneous causes: sarcoidosis and lipid storage disease.
- ^ "monocytosis" at Dorland's Medical Dictionary
Hematologic disease: Monocyte and granulocyte disease (CFU-GM/CFU-Baso/CFU-Eos), including immunodeficiency (D70-D71, 288)
macrophages |
↑ |
- Histiocytosis
- Chronic granulomatous disease
-cytosis: |
↓ |
Granulocytes |
↑ |
-cytosis: |
- granulocytosis
- Neutrophilia
- Eosinophilia/Hypereosinophilic syndrome
- Basophilia
- Bandemia
↓ |
-penia: |
- Granulocytopenia/agranulocytosis (Neutropenia/Kostmann syndrome
- Eosinopenia
- Basopenia)
chemotaxis/degranulation: |
- Leukocyte adhesion deficiency
- Chédiak–Higashi syndrome
respiratory burst: |
- Chronic granulomatous disease
- Neutrophil immunodeficiency syndrome
- Myeloperoxidase deficiency
cell/phys (coag, heme, immu, gran), csfs
rbmg/mogr/tumr/hist, sysi/epon, btst
drug (B1/2/3+5+6), btst, trns
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English Journal
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- Lower Apo A-I and Lower HDL-C Levels Are Associated With Higher Intermediate CD14++CD16+ Monocyte Counts That Predict Cardiovascular Events in Chronic Kidney Disease.
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- Arteriosclerosis, thrombosis, and vascular biology.Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol.2014 Sep;34(9):2120-7. doi: 10.1161/ATVBAHA.114.304172. Epub 2014 Jul 24.
- OBJECTIVE: Patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) display impaired cholesterol efflux capacity and elevated CD14(++)CD16(+) monocyte counts. In mice, dysfunctional cholesterol efflux causes monocytosis. It is unknown whether cholesterol efflux capacity and monocyte subsets are associated in CKD.
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Japanese Journal
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- 英
- monocytosis
- 同
- 単球増多症
- 関
- 単球
- 末梢血単球数が950/μLを超えた状態。
- 分画が7%以上、末梢血で1000μL以上(臨床検査データブック2017-2018)
- 単球が腫瘍性に増加する
- 単球の貪食が盛んになる病態で増加する(病原体や病原体に侵入された細胞、ないし組織崩壊物が貪食される)。