- joined together into a whole; "United Industries"; "the amalgamated colleges constituted a university"; "a consolidated school" (同)amalgamated, coalesced, consolidated, fused
- 〈金属〉'を'水銀との合金にする / 〈会社など〉'を'合同する,合併する / (…と)〈思想・種族など〉'を'混和する,融合する《+『名』+『with』+『名』》 / 水銀との合金になる / 合同(合併)する;混和(融合)する
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In general, amalgamation is the process of combining or uniting multiple entities into one form.
Amalgamate and its derivatives may refer to:
- Metals and science
- In mining, amalgamation was historically used in the patio process and pan amalgamation to recover precious metals from ore by combining them with mercury.
- Amalgamation combines mercury and another element to create amalgam (chemistry), used in dentistry, chemistry, and mining
- In geology it refers to the creation of a stable continent or craton by the union of two continents, blocks or terranes
- Amalgamation (business), the merge or consolidation of companies
- Amalgamation, another name for a trade union, chiefly used in the United Kingdom
- Amalgamation (politics), in geopolitics, refers to the joining of two or more administrative units
- Amalgamation (names), the strategy of naming something after a combination of existing names
- Amalgamation (fiction), the concept of creating an element in a work of fiction by combining existing things
- Amalgamation (race), a now largely archaic term for the interbreeding of people of different ethnicities and races
- Amalgamation (military unit), the consolidation of military units, usually traditional regiments, into a new unit carrying the lineage, history, traditions, and identity of both
- Amalgamation, an EP released by the band Pop Will Eat Itself in 1994
- Free product with amalgamation, in mathematics, especially group theory, an important construction
- Amalgamated (1917 automobile), car manufactured by the Amalgamated Machinery Corp.
- Amalgamated (organization name)
- Amalgamated Broadcasting System, a short-lived American radio network during the 1930s
- Conflation, also known as "idiom amalgamation", the combination of two expressions
English Journal
- Experimental and Time-Dependent Density Functional Theory Characterization of the UV-Visible Spectra of Monomeric and μ-Oxo Dimeric Ferriprotoporphyrin IX.
- Kuter D, Venter GA, Naidoo KJ, Egan TJ.SourceDepartment of Chemistry and ‡Scientific Computing Research Unit, Department of Chemistry, University of Cape Town , Private Bag, Rondebosch 7701 South Africa.
- Inorganic chemistry.Inorg Chem.2012 Oct 1;51(19):10233-50. Epub 2012 Sep 10.
- Speciation of ferriprotoporphyrin IX, Fe(III)PPIX, in aqueous solution is complex. Despite the use of its characteristic spectroscopic features for identification, the theoretical basis of the unique UV-visible absorbance spectrum of μ-[Fe(III)PPIX](2)O has not been explored. To investigate this an
- PMID 22963249
- Small molecule inhibitors of the hepatitis C virus-encoded NS5A protein.
- Belda O, Targett-Adams P.SourceMedivir AB, PO Box 1086, Lunastigen 7, Huddinge, SE-141 22, Sweden.
- Virus research.Virus Res.2012 Sep 23. pii: S0168-1702(12)00325-5. doi: 10.1016/j.virusres.2012.09.007. [Epub ahead of print]
- Hepatitis C virus (HCV) is a modern-day pandemic; 2-3% of the world's population are thought to be infected with the virus and are subsequently at risk of developing end-stage liver diseases. The traditional standard of care (SOC) for HCV-infected patients has been limited to a regimen of pegylated-
- PMID 23009750
- Expanding the role of community mobilization to accelerate progress towards ending vertical transmission of HIV in Uganda: the Networks model.
- Mburu G, Iorpenda K, Muwanga F.SourceInternational HIV AIDS Alliance, 91-101 Davigdor Road, Hove, United Kingdom.
- Journal of the International AIDS Society.J Int AIDS Soc.2012 Jul 11;15 Suppl 2:17386. doi: 10.7448/IAS.15.4.17386.
- INTRODUCTION: Efforts to prevent vertical transmission of HIV have gained momentum globally since the launch of the "Global plan towards the elimination of new HIV infections among children by 2015 and keeping their mothers alive", reflecting the growing consensus that we now have low-cost, efficaci
- PMID 22789643
Japanese Journal
- 質問学習とメタアルゴリズムの組合せによる文字列画像検索(画像処理,テキスト・Webマイニング,一般)
- 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. IBISML, 情報論的学習理論と機械学習 110(476), 115-122, 2011-03-21
- NAID 110008688734
- 地域社会における行政と住民の協働による評価:評価プロセスの活用(Process Use)の観点から
- 症例 早期から前頭葉症状を認め診断に難渋した脳血管性認知症を合併した早発性アルツハイマー病の1例
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- Amalgamate definition, to mix or merge so as to make a combination; blend; unite; combine: to amalgamate two companies. See more. Dictionary.com Word of the Day Translate Games Blog Thesaurus.com Apps Favorites of the ...
- Full Definition of AMALGAMATE transitive verb: to unite in or as if in an amalgam; especially: to merge into a single body — amal · gam · ator \-ˌ mā-tər\ noun See amalgamate defined for English-language learners See amalgamate defined for kids
- Define amalgamate. amalgamate synonyms, amalgamate pronunciation, amalgamate translation, English dictionary definition of amalgamate. v. a·mal·ga·mat·ed , a·mal·ga·mat·ing , a·mal·ga·mates v. tr. 1. To combine into a ...
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