- travel or traverse (a distance); "This car does 150 miles per hour"; "We did 6 miles on our hike every day"
- the syllable naming the first (tonic) note of any major scale in solmization (同)doh, ut
- proceed or get along; "How is she doing in her new job?"; "How are you making out in graduate school?"; "Hes come a long way" (同)fare, make_out, come, get along
- create or design, often in a certain way; "Do my room in blue"; "I did this piece in wood to express my love for the forest" (同)make
- carry on or function; "We could do with a little more help around here" (同)manage
- get (something) done; "I did my job" (同)perform
- treat with an agent; add (an agent) to; "The ray dosed the paint"
- the quantity of an active agent (substance or radiation) taken in or absorbed at any one time (同)dosage
- a measured portion of medicine taken at any one time (同)dosage
- the smallest possible quantity (同)lower_limit
- the point on a curve where the tangent changes from negative on the left to positive on the right
- a British imperial capacity measure (liquid or dry) equal to 1/60th fluid dram or 0.059194 cubic centimeters
- a United States liquid unit equal to 1/60 fluidram
- abnormal redness of the skin resulting from dilation of blood vessels (as in sunburn or inflammation)
- 《疑問文・否定文を作る》 / 《否定命令文を作る》 / 《助動詞とbe動詞のどちらも含まない文に用いて付加疑問を作る》 / 《強意語として》 / 《文》《助動詞とbe動詞のどちらも含まない文に用いて倒置文を作る》 / 《あいづちを打つ場合に》 / 《先行する動詞またはそれを含む述部の代用》 / 《so,nor,neitherで始まる簡略文で》 / …‘を'『する』,行う,果たす / 《通例have done,時にbe doneの形で》…‘を'『終える』,済ませる / …‘を'作る,作り出す / …‘を'『処理する』,整える,片付ける / 〈学課〉‘を'『勉強する』,専攻する / 〈利益・害など〉‘を'与える,もたらす / 〈人〉‘に'『役立つ』,用が足りる(serve) / …の速度で進む,距離を行く / …‘を'見物する / 〈劇〉‘を'上演する;…‘の'役を演じる / …の役目(仕事)をする / 《おもに英》…‘を'だます,かつぐ / 《話》…をへとへとにさせる / 『する』;活動する / 《通例have done,時にbe doneの形で》(…を)『終える』,済ます《+『with』+『名』》 / 〈事が〉『運ぶ』;〈人が〉暮らしていく,健康である / 〈物が〉(…に)『間に合う』,十分である;〈人が〉(…に)役に立つ,向く《+『for』+『名』》 / 《複数形で》すべきこと / 〈C〉《おもに英》大宴会,大パーティー / 〈C〉《英話》詐欺,ぺてん
- ド(全音階の第1音)
- (おもに飲み薬1回分の)『服用量』 / (痛いこと・いやなことの)1回分,一定量 / (人などが受ける放射線の)線量 / 性病 / (…を)…‘に'投薬する,服用させる《+『名』+『with』+『名』》
- 《通例単数形で》『最小限』,最小量 / (数学で)極小,最小値,極小値 / 《名詞の前にのみ用いて》『最小限の』,最小量の
- ミニム(液量の最小単位) / 《英》二分音符(《米》half note)
- 紅斑(こうはん)(炎症などにより皮膚が異常に赤くなること)
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English Journal
- An Experimental Model Design for Photoaging.
- Fan Y1, Jeong JH, You GY, Park JU, Choi TH, Kim S.
- The Journal of craniofacial surgery.J Craniofac Surg.2015 Sep;26(6):e467-71. doi: 10.1097/SCS.0000000000001902.
- Autologous adipose-derived stem cells have shown great promise in applications that treat photodamaged skin. Adipose-derived stem cells also have an antiwrinkle effect; consequently, they have become a topic of primary interest. Nude mice have been used extensively in studies of adipose-derived stem
- PMID 26267568
- Rosacea: Diagnosis and Treatment.
- Oge' LK1, Muncie HL2, Phillips-Savoy AR1.
- American family physician.Am Fam Physician.2015 Aug 1;92(3):187-96.
- Rosacea is a chronic facial skin condition of unknown cause. It is characterized by marked involvement of the central face with transient or persistent erythema, telangiectasia, inflammatory papules and pustules, or hyperplasia of the connective tissue. Transient erythema, or flushing, is often acco
- PMID 26280139
- Minimum exposure limits and measured relationships between the vitamin D, erythema and international commission on non-ionizing radiation protection solar ultraviolet.
- Downs N1, Parisi A, Butler H, Turner J, Wainwright L.
- Photochemistry and photobiology.Photochem Photobiol.2015 Mar-Apr;91(2):438-49. doi: 10.1111/php.12394. Epub 2014 Dec 11.
- The International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) has established guidelines for exposure to ultraviolet radiation in outdoor occupational settings. Spectrally weighted ICNIRP ultraviolet exposures received by the skin or eye in an 8 h period are limited to 30 J m(-2). In th
- PMID 25407011
Japanese Journal
- Minimum Erythema Dose (MED) in Normal Canine Skin by Irradiation of Narrow-Band Ultraviolet B (NB-UVB)
- Journal of Veterinary Medical Science 2012(0), 2012
- … The minimal erythema dose (MED) on canine skin for standardizing dosage schedules in NB-UVB treatment and histopathological analyses were performed in these dogs. …
- NAID 130002090089
- Four types of possible founder mutations are responsible for 87% of Japanese patients with Xeroderma pigmentosum variant type
- Journal of dermatological science 52(2), 144-148, 2008-11-01
- NAID 10024457638
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- The minimum amount of UVB that produces redness 24 hours after exposure. It is the starting dose for UVB light treatments. Mentioned in: Ultraviolet Light Treatment. How to thank TFD for its existence? Tell a friend about us, add a link to this ...
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- 英
- minimum erythema dose, MED
- 関
- 最少反応量、光線過敏症
- 照射24時間後に紅斑を生じるのに必要な最少の光線量
- 日本人では60-100 mJ/cm2
- MEDの低値:光線過敏症
- 関
- carry out、conduct、execute、make、perform、practice、undertake
- 関
- dosage、ID、injected dose、input
- 関
- local minimum、minimal、minimally、minimum value
- 関
- administration、medicate、prescription