- separate (experiences) from the emotions relating to them
- place or set apart; "They isolated the political prisoners from the other inmates" (同)insulate
- obtain in pure form; "The chemist managed to isolate the compound"
- not close together in time; "isolated instances of rebellion"; "a few stray crumbs" (同)stray
- cut off or left behind; "an isolated pawn"; "several stranded fish in a tide pool"; "travelers marooned by the blizzard" (同)marooned, stranded
- under forced isolation especially for health reasons; "a quarantined animal"; "isolated patients" (同)quarantined
- of or relating to or inside the intestines; "intestinal disease" (同)enteric, enteral
- infection transmitted by inhalation or ingestion of tubercle bacilli and manifested in fever and small lesions (usually in the lungs but in various other parts of the body in acute stages) (同)TB, T.B.
- (…から)…‘を'『孤立させる』;…‘を'『分離』(『隔離』)『する』《+『名』+『from』+『名』(do『ing』)》
- 孤立した;隔離された
- 腸[内]の
- 結核({略}TB,T.B.) / 肺結核
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- 1. 結核性腸炎 tuberculous enteritis
- 2. 結核性腹膜炎 tuberculous peritonitis
- 3. 肺外結核および粟粒結核の臨床症状、診断、および治療 clinical manifestations diagnosis and treatment of extrapulmonary and miliary tuberculosis
- 4. 炎症性腸疾患の内視鏡診断 endoscopic diagnosis of inflammatory bowel disease
- 5. 小腸および大腸の腹部超音波検査 transabdominal ultrasonography of the small and large intestine
English Journal
- Non-conventional forms of HLA-B27 are expressed in spondyloarthritis joints and gut tissue.
- Rysnik O1, McHugh K2, van Duivenvoorde L3, van Tok M3, Guggino G4, Taurog J5, Kollnberger S6, Ciccia F4, Baeten D3, Bowness P2.
- Journal of autoimmunity.J Autoimmun.2016 Jun;70:12-21. doi: 10.1016/j.jaut.2016.03.009. Epub 2016 Mar 29.
- OBJECTIVES: Human leukocyte antigen (HLA)-B27 (B27) is the strongest genetic factor associated with development of Ankylosing Spondylitis and other spondyloarthropathies (SpA), yet the role it plays in disease pathogenesis remains unclear. We investigated the expression of potentially pathogenic non
- PMID 27036372
- Frequency, natural course and clinical significance of symptomatic terminal ileitis.
- Kedia S1, Kurrey L1, Pratap Mouli V1, Dhingra R1, Srivastava S1, Pradhan R1, Sharma R2, Das P3, Tiwari V1, Makharia G1, Ahuja V1.
- Journal of digestive diseases.J Dig Dis.2016 Jan;17(1):36-43. doi: 10.1111/1751-2980.12307.
- OBJECTIVE: Treatment guidelines for managing symptomatic terminal ileitis (TI) are lacking. We followed up a cohort of symptomatic TI patients to conduct an algorithm for their management.METHODS: Consecutive patients with symptomatic TI from July 2007 to October 2013 were included. Symptomatic TI w
- PMID 26670338
- Childhood abdominal tuberculosis: Disease patterns, diagnosis, and drug resistance.
- Malik R1, Srivastava A1, Yachha SK2, Poddar U1, Lal R3.
- Indian journal of gastroenterology : official journal of the Indian Society of Gastroenterology.Indian J Gastroenterol.2015 Nov;34(6):418-25. doi: 10.1007/s12664-015-0582-3. Epub 2015 Dec 18.
- OBJECTIVE: Childhood abdominal tuberculosis may be difficult to diagnose with certainty. Drug resistance adds to the challenge. We present our experience in children with this condition.METHODS: The case records of all children <18 years of age and diagnosed as abdominal tuberculosis from January
- PMID 26678593
Japanese Journal
- 柴田 真由子,島田 謙,花島 資,河又 寛,片岡 祐一,相馬 一亥
- 日本腹部救急医学会雑誌 32(1), 125-128, 2012
- 症例は79歳,男性。腹痛・嘔吐を主訴に当院に搬送された。腹部所見では右下腹部に軽度の圧痛を認めるのみで腹膜刺激症状はなかった。腹部CT検査でも腹腔内遊離ガス像はみられなかった。保存的に経過をみていたが第2病日に腹部所見が悪化,CRPも高値となったため手術を施行した。回腸に腫瘤性病変と穿孔が認められた。摘出標本の病理検査で回腸結核症による穿孔性腹膜炎と診断された。高齢者の腸結核に伴う穿孔はまれであり …
- NAID 130004508979
- 腸結核における QuantiFERON^【○!R】TB の意義 : QuantiFERON^【○!R】TB 陰性の腸結核2症例
- 稲葉 直也,知花 洋子,西福 康之,小池 健郎,前田 光徳,小嶋 和夫,笹井 貴子,菅家 一成,渡辺 秀考,平石 秀幸
- 日本消化器内視鏡学会雑誌 = Gastroenterological endoscopy 53(10), 3310-3316, 2011-10-20
- … ているが,QFTが偽陰性を呈した活動性腸結核を経験した.症例1は55歳の男性.下痢,発熱を認め,回盲部に多発する不整形潰瘍を認めた.組織および腸液の細菌培養,抗酸菌培養,QFTは陰性であったが,抗Tuberculosis Glycolipids抗体22U/mlと高値で,抗結核療法を開始し奏功した.症例2は72歳の女性.回盲部から上行結腸に輪状潰瘍,偽憩室を認めた.QFTは陰性であったが生検組織の結核菌PCRが陽性で腸結核と診断した.QFTの …
- NAID 10030292618
- Contamination of Flexible Fiberoptic Branchoscopes with Mycobacterium chelonae Linked to an Automated Endoscope Disinfection Machine. On the Relationship between the Presence of the Organism in the Intestinal Tract and Contamination of Disinfection Machine, and a Case of Gallbladder and Bile Duct Infection with M.chelonae.:On the Relationship between the Presence of the Organism in the Intestinal Tract and Contamination of Disinfection Machine, and a Case of Gallbladder and Bile Duct Infection with M. chelonae-
- 下出 久雄,安斉 栄子,村田 嘉彦,草島 健二,市原 宏,高野 智子,平山 典保,佐藤 信英,小林 義隆
- 結核 70(10), 571-577, 1995
- … chelonae were isolated from bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) obtained by bronchoscopy of 150 patients in Tachikawa-sogo (T) hospital, where the same automated disinfection machine was commonly used for cleaning sterilization and disinfection of fiberbronchoscope and fibercolonoscope except 3 broncho scopes disinfected by gas sterilization.<BR>Since January 1994, manual cleaning and sterilization has been applied for broncho scope, and thereafter no strain of M. …
- NAID 130001411787
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- 関
- 腸結核
- 関
- alimentary system、bowel、digestive system、enteric、enteric canal、entero、gastrointestinal、gastrointestinal system、GI、gut、intestinal tract、intestine
- 関
- discrete、disjunction、dissociate、insulate、insulation、isolation、resolve、segregate、segregation、separate、separation