- 関
- insulate、isolate、mask、masking、screen、shield、shielding
- the state of being isolated or detached; "the insulation of England was preserved by the English Channel" (同)insularity, insularism, detachment
- the act of protecting something by surrounding it with material that reduces or prevents the transmission of sound or heat or electricity
- project onto a screen for viewing; "screen a film"
- a covering that serves to conceal or shelter something; "a screen of trees afforded privacy"; "under cover of darkness"; "the brush provided a covert for game"; "the simplest concealment is to match perfectly the color of the background" (同)cover, covert, concealment
- the display that is electronically created on the surface of the large end of a cathode-ray tube (同)CRT screen
- a white or silvered surface where pictures can be projected for viewing (同)silver_screen, projection screen
- a protective covering consisting of netting; can be mounted in a frame; "they put screens in the windows for protection against insects"; "a metal screen protected the observers"
- partition consisting of a decorative frame or panel that serves to divide a space
- prevent from entering; "block out the strong sunlight" (同)block_out
- examine in order to test suitability; "screen these samples"; "screen the job applicants" (同)screen out, sieve, sort
- test or examine for the presence of disease or infection; "screen the blood for the HIV virus" (同)test
- examine methodically; "screen the suitcases"
- put a mask on or cover with a mask; "Mask the children for Halloween"
- a covering to disguise or conceal the face
- a protective covering worn over the face
- activity that tries to conceal something; "no mask could conceal his ignorance"; "they moved in under a mask of friendship"
- shield from light (同)block_out
- cover with a sauce; "mask the meat"
- protect, hide, or conceal from danger or harm (同)screen
- armor carried on the arm to intercept blows (同)buckler
- a protective covering or structure
- separate (experiences) from the emotions relating to them
- place or set apart; "They isolated the political prisoners from the other inmates" (同)insulate
- obtain in pure form; "The chemist managed to isolate the compound"
- protect from heat, cold, or noise by surrounding with insulating material; "We had his bedroom insulated before winter came"
- (熱・電気・音などの)絶縁,絶縁体,絶縁材 / 隔離,孤立
- (わくのついた)『金網』,網戸 / 『ついたて』,びょうぶ / 『隠すもの』,遮蔽(しゃへい)物,保護物 / (映画・スライドの)映写幕,スクリーン / (テレビなどの)映像スクリーン / 《the screen》《集合的に》映画[産業];映画界 / (じゃり・砂などの)ふるい / …‘に'網戸をつける,金網を付ける / 《しばしば受動態で》…‘を'『隠す』,保護する / (…から)…‘を'仕切る《+『off』+『名』(+『名』+『out』)+『from』+『名』》 / 〈じゃり・砂など〉‘を'ふるいにかける / (ふるいにかけるように)…‘を'除去する,濾過(ろか)する《+『out』+『名』,+『名』+『out』》 / 《しばしば受動態で》…‘を'えり分ける,選別(選抜)する / 《通例受動態で》〈映画〉‘を'上映する
- (顔の一部または全部をおおう)『仮面』,覆面 / (防護用の)『マスク』,面 / (石膏(せっこう)などの)面型 / (物・事柄を)覆い隠すもの;見せかけ / 〈顔〉‘に'面をかぶせる / (…から)〈物・事柄など〉‘を'隠す《+『名』+『from』+『名』》
- (昔,武士が戦場で用いた)『盾』(たて) / (…に対して,…から)『かばうもの(人)』,保護者(物)《+『against』(『from』)+『名』》 / 盾に似たもの(警官・刑事・保安官のバッジなど) ・=escutcheon・…‘を'『かばう』,保護する《+『名』+『from』+『名』》
- (…から)…‘を'『孤立させる』;…‘を'『分離』(『隔離』)『する』《+『名』+『from』+『名』(do『ing』)》
- 〈電線など〉‘を'絶縁する / …‘を'分離する,隔離する
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2015/02/19 03:23:36」(JST)
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Look up insulation in Wiktionary, the free dictionary. |
Insulation may refer to:
- Building insulation, added to buildings for comfort and energy efficiency
- Insulator (electrical), the use of material to resist the electric current and magnetism
- Insulated glass, used for energy saving
- Soundproofing, also known as acoustic insulation, any means of reducing the intensity of sound
- Thermal insulation, materials used to reduce the rate of heat transfer
See also
- Insolation (not to be confused)
- Insulator (disambiguation)
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English Journal
- A comparison of methods for assessing the thermal insulation value of children's schoolwear in Kuwait.
- Al-Rashidi K, Loveday D, Al-Mutawa N, Havenith G.SourceDepartment of Civil and Building Engineering, Loughborough University, Loughborough, Leicestershire LE 11 3TU, United Kingdom.
- Applied ergonomics.Appl Ergon.2012 Jan;43(1):203-10. Epub 2011 Jun 29.
- In this study, three methods were used to determine the thermal insulation values of different school clothing worn by 6 to 17 year old girls and boys in Kuwait classrooms for both summer and winter seasons. The different clothing ensembles' insulations were determined by 1: measurement using adult-
- PMID 21714955
- Air conditioner operation behaviour based on students' skin temperature in a classroom.
- Song GS, Lim JH, Ahn TK.SourceDepartment of Architecture, Bucheon University, 424 Simgok-dong Wonmi-gu, Bucheon-si Geongki-do 420-735, Republic of Korea.
- Applied ergonomics.Appl Ergon.2012 Jan;43(1):211-6. Epub 2011 Jun 12.
- A total of 25 college students participated in a study to determine when they would use an air conditioner during a lecture in a university classroom. The ambient temperature and relative humidity were measured 75?cm above the floor every minute. Skin temperatures were measured every minute at seve
- PMID 21665190
- Dynamic clothing insulation. Measurements with a thermal manikin operating under the thermal comfort regulation mode.
- Oliveira AV, Gaspar AR, Quintela DA.SourceADAI, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Coimbra, Polo II, 3030-788 Coimbra, Portugal. avfmo@isec.pt
- Applied ergonomics.Appl Ergon.2011 Nov;42(6):890-9. Epub 2011 Mar 17.
- The main objective of the present work is the assessment of the thermal insulation of clothing ensembles, both in static conditions and considering the effect of body movements. The different equations used to calculate the equivalent thermal resistance of the whole body, namely the serial, the glob
- PMID 21414602
Japanese Journal
- Removal of lead compounds from polyvinylchloride in electric wires and cables using cation-exchange resin
- Tsunekawa Masami,Ito Mayumi,Sasaki Yuta,Sakai Tomoo,Hiroyoshi Naoki
- Journal of Hazardous Materials 191(1-3), 388-392, 2011-07-15
- … Recycling treatment of cable insulation resin generated from electric wires and cables was investigated. … Conventional insulation PVC contains a lead component, tribase, as a thermal stabilizer and lead removal is necessary to recycle this PVC as insulation resin. …
- NAID 120003242992
- 高温超電導ケーブルの真空断熱特性に関する研究(その3)
- 荒木 智勇,Araki Tomoo,齊藤 拓海,Takumi Saito,山下 淳史,Yamashita Atsushi,小松原 裕太,Komatubara Yuhta,増田 孝人,Masuda Takato,湯村 洋康,Yumura Hiroyasu,瀬戸口 忠,Setoguchi Tadashi,斎藤 高廣,Saito Takahiro,西村 崇,Nishimura Takashi
- 41, 17-24, 2011-07-31T05:48:15Z
- … We experimented with various Super Insulation (SI) which interrupt radiant heat and studied heat transfer characteristic of the cryostat in following the article part 1(1)and part 2(2). …
- NAID 120003222672
- Improvement in the Property of Field Effect Transistor Having the HfO2/Ge Structure Fabricated by Photoassisted Metal Organic Chemical Vapor Deposition with Fluorine Treatment
- Lee DongHun,Imajo Hideto,Kanashima Takeshi [他],Okuyama Masanori
- Jpn J Appl Phys 50(4), 04DA11-04DA11-4, 2011-04-25
- … Before the deposition of HfO2 insulation thin films on n-type Ge(100), Ge surfaces were treated in fluorine (F2) gas ambient under various conditions. …
- NAID 150000055517
Related Links
- Insulation means: Building insulation, added to buildings for comfort and energy efficiency; Soundproofing, also known as acoustic insulation, any means of reducing the intensity of sound; Thermal insulation, materials used to reduce the rate ...
- Thermal insulation is the reduction of the effects of the various processes ...
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- 関
- cull、filter、filtering、insulate、insulation、mask、masking、screening、shield、shielding、sort、sorting
- (電気・熱・音などの伝導を遮断するように)~をおおう、絶縁/断熱/遮音/防音する(from, against)。防護する。隔絶する、孤立させる(from)
- 関
- insulation、isolate、mask、masking、screen、shield、shielding
- 英
- shield、shielding、masking、insulation、shield、insulate、mask、screen
- 関
- シールド、スクリーニング、スクリーン、絶縁、不顕性、マスキング、遮蔽物、マスク、選別
- 関
- discrete、disjunction、dissociate、insulate、insulation、isolation、resolve、segregate、segregation、separate、separation
- 関
- insulate、insulation、mask、masking、screen、shielding