- 関
- inner、inside、interior、medial、medialis
- in a medial position; "this consonant always occurs medially"
- relating to or being on the side closer to the center or within a defined space; "he reached into his inside jacket pocket"; "inside out"; "an inside pitch is between home plate and the batter"
- the inner or enclosed surface of something (同)interior
- the region that is inside of something (同)interior
- within a building; "in winter we play inside" (同)indoors
- confined to an exclusive group; "privy to inner knowledge"; "inside information"; "privileged information" (同)inner, privileged
- on the inside; "inside, the car is a mess" (同)within
- away from the outer edge; "an inner lahne"; "the inside lane"
- being or applying to the inside of a building; "an inside wall"
- located or occurring within or closer to a center; "an inner room"
- located inward; "Beethovens manuscript looks like a bloody record of a tremendous inner battle"- Leonard Bernstein; "she thinks she has no soul, no interior life, but the truth is that she has no access to it"- David Denby; "an internal sense of rightousness"- A.R.Gurney,Jr. (同)interior, internal
- innermost or essential; "the inner logic of Cubism"; "the internal contradictions of the theory"; "the intimate structure of matter" (同)internal, intimate
- exclusive to a center; especially a center of influence; "inner regions of the organization"; "inner circles of government"
- inside or closer to the inside of the body; "the inner ear"
- situated within or suitable for inside a building; "an interior scene"; "interior decoration"; "an interior bathroom without windows"
- of or coming from the middle of a region or country; "upcountry districts" (同)midland, upcountry
- inside and toward a center; "interior regions of the earth"
- dividing an animal into right and left halves (同)median
- 《the~》(物事の)『内部,内側』;内面 / 《しばしば複数形で》《話》おなか,腹 / 『内部の』,内側の;内面の;秘密の;(野球で)内角の / 『中へ』(で),屋内で(に)(indoors) / 『…の中で』(に,へ) / …以内に
- 『内側の』,『内部の』,奥の / 『精神の』,心の / 親密な;内密の
- 〈U〉(物の)『内部』,内側 / 〈C〉(海岸や国境から遠い)『浅地』,内陸部 / 〈U〉《the~》 / 『内部の』 / 『奥地の』,内陸部の
- 中間の,中間に位置する / 平均の,並なみの
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Look up medial in Wiktionary, the free dictionary. |
Medial may refer to:
- 1 Mathematics
- 2 Linguistics
- 3 Anatomy
- 4 Other uses
- 5 See also
- Medial axis, in geometry the set of all points having more than one closest point on an object's boundary
- Medial graph, another graph that represents the adjacencies between edges in the faces of a plane graph
- Medial magma, a mathematical identity in algebra
- Medial triangle, a triangle with vertices at the midpoints of another triangle's sides
- Medial deltoidal hexecontahedron, a polyhedron
- Medial disdyakis triacontahedron, a polyhedron
- Medial hexagonal hexecontahedron, a polyhedron
- Medial icosacronic hexecontahedron, a polyhedron
- Medial inverted pentagonal hexecontahedron, a polyhedron
- Medial pentagonal hexecontahedron, a polyhedron
- Medial rhombic triacontahedron, a polyhedron
- Medial consonant, a consonant that is in the middle of a larger phonological unit
- Syllable medial, a segment located between the onset and the rime of a syllable
- Medial s <ſ>, a form of the letter s written in the middle of a word
- Central consonant, a consonant sound that is produced when air flows across the center of the mouth over the tongue
- Medial or second person demonstrative, a demonstrative indicating things near the addressee
- Lateral and medial, terms meaning 'towards the outside' and 'towards the centre' respectively in anatomy
- Medial ligament (disambiguation), term used for various ligaments toward the midline of the human body
- Medial rotation, rotation toward the centre of the body
Other uses
- Medial capitals or CamelCase, use of capital letters in the middle of a compound word or abbreviation
- Medial moraine, a ridge in the center of a valley floor
See also
- Medial border (disambiguation)
- Medial plantar (disambiguation)
- Medial wall (disambiguation)
- Median (disambiguation)
- Mid vowel, a vowel sound pronounced with the tongue mid-way between open and closed vowel positions
- Human anatomical terms, Anatomical directions
- All pages beginning with "Medial"
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English Journal
- Hip imaging of avascular necrosis at 7 Tesla compared with 3 Tesla.
- Theysohn JM1, Kraff O, Theysohn N, Orzada S, Landgraeber S, Ladd ME, Lauenstein TC.Author information 1Erwin L. Hahn Institute for Magnetic Resonance Imaging, University Duisburg-Essen, Essen, Germany, jens.theysohn@uni-duisburg-essen.de.AbstractOBJECTIVES: To compare ultra-high field, high-resolution bilateral magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the hips at 7 Tesla (T) with 3 T MRI in patients with avascular necrosis (AVN) of the femoral head by subjective image evaluations, contrast measurements, and evaluation of the appearance of imaging abnormalities.
- Skeletal radiology.Skeletal Radiol.2014 May;43(5):623-32. doi: 10.1007/s00256-014-1818-5. Epub 2014 Feb 5.
- OBJECTIVES: To compare ultra-high field, high-resolution bilateral magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the hips at 7 Tesla (T) with 3 T MRI in patients with avascular necrosis (AVN) of the femoral head by subjective image evaluations, contrast measurements, and evaluation of the appearance of imagi
- PMID 24496584
- Ecological divergence and talar morphology in gorillas.
- Dunn RH1, Tocheri MW, Orr CM, Jungers WL.Author information 1Department of Anatomy, Des Moines University, Des Moines, IA, 50312.AbstractGorillas occupy a variety of habitats from the west coast to eastern central Africa. These habitats differ considerably in altitude, which has a pronounced effect on forest ecology. Although all gorillas are obligate terrestrial knuckle-walking quadrupeds, those that live in lowland habitats eat fruits and climb more often than do those living in highland habitats. Here we test the hypothesis that gorilla talus morphology falls along a morphocline that tracks locomotor function related to a more inverted or everted foot set. This proposed morphocline predicts that gorillas living in lowland habitats may have a talocrural joint configured to facilitate a more medially oriented foot during climbing, suggesting that they may be more adaptively committed to arboreality than gorillas living in highland habitats. To quantify the relative set of the foot in gorillas, we chose two three-dimensional measurements of the talocrural joint: mediolateral curvature of the trochlea and relative surface area of the lateral malleolus. Our results show that, in comparison to their eastern counterparts, western gorillas have talar features that reflect a more medially directed sole of the foot. This morphology likely facilitates foot placement in a wider range of positions and minimization of shearing stresses across the joint when the foot is loaded on more curved or vertically oriented substrates as occurs during climbing and other arboreal behaviors. In contrast, eastern gorilla talar morphology is consistent with habitual placement of the foot with the sole directed more inferiorly, suggesting more effective loading during plantigrade push-off on terrestrial substrates. Am J Phys Anthropol 153:526-541, 2014. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
- American journal of physical anthropology.Am J Phys Anthropol.2014 Apr;153(4):526-41. doi: 10.1002/ajpa.22451. Epub 2013 Dec 21.
- Gorillas occupy a variety of habitats from the west coast to eastern central Africa. These habitats differ considerably in altitude, which has a pronounced effect on forest ecology. Although all gorillas are obligate terrestrial knuckle-walking quadrupeds, those that live in lowland habitats eat fru
- PMID 24374860
- Less invasive reduction and fusion of fresh A2 and A 3 traumatic L 1-L 4 fractures with a novel vertebral body augmentation implant and short pedicle screw fixation and fusion.
- Korovessis P1, Vardakastanis K, Repantis T, Vitsas V.Author information 1Orthopaedic Department, General Hospital "Agios Andreas" Patras, Charalambi Str. 65-67, Patras, Greece, korovess@otenet.gr.AbstractThe aim of this clinical study was to report on the efficacy in reduction and safety in PMMA leakage of a novel vertebral augmentation technique with PEEK and PMMA, together with pedicle screws in the treatment of fresh vertebral fractures in young adults. Twenty consecutive young adults aged 45 ± 11 years with fresh burst A3/AO or severely compressed A2/AO fractures underwent via a less invasive posterior approach one-staged reduction with a novel augmentation implant and PMMA plus 3-vertebrae pedicle screw fixation and fusion. Radiologic parameters as segmental kyphosis (SKA), anterior (AVBHr) and posterior vertebral body height ratio (PVBHr), spinal canal encroachment (SCE), cement leakage and functional parameters as VAS, SF-36 were measured pre- and post-operatively. Hybrid construct restored AVBHr (P < 0.000), PVBHr (P = 0.02), SKA (P = 0.015), SCE (P = 0.002) without loss of correction at an average follow-up of 17 months. PMMA leakage occurred in 3 patients (3 vertebrae) either anteriorly to the fractured vertebral body or to the adjacent disc, but in no case to the spinal canal. Two pedicle screws were malpositioned (one medially, one laterally to the pedicle at the fracture level) without neurologic sequelae. Solid posterolateral spinal fusion occurred 8-10 months post-operatively. Pre-operative VAS and SF-36 scores improved post-operatively significantly. This study showed that this novel vertebral augmentation technique using PEEK implant and PMMA reduces and stabilizes via less invasive technique A2 and A3 vertebral fractures without loss of correction and leakage to the spinal canal.
- European journal of orthopaedic surgery & traumatology : orthopédie traumatologie.Eur J Orthop Surg Traumatol.2014 Apr;24(3):297-304. doi: 10.1007/s00590-013-1339-2. Epub 2013 Oct 30.
- The aim of this clinical study was to report on the efficacy in reduction and safety in PMMA leakage of a novel vertebral augmentation technique with PEEK and PMMA, together with pedicle screws in the treatment of fresh vertebral fractures in young adults. Twenty consecutive young adults aged 45 ±
- PMID 24170266
Japanese Journal
- 側弯症手術における神経症状のない脊柱管内へのscrew誤刺入の検討 (日本側彎症学会 特集号)
- 菅原 亮,辻 太一,小原 徹哉 [他]
- Journal of spine research : official journal of the Japanese Society for Spine Surgery and Related Research 5(11), 1554-1558, 2014-11
- NAID 40020277229
- Fujita M.,Machida R.
- Arthropod systematics & phylogeny 72(2), 193-211, 2014-07
- … Regarding exposed structures, in the female the posterior margin of abdominal coxosternum VIII becomes incised medially, the abdominal coxosterna VIII and IX retract, and the styli of segment IX disappear. …
- NAID 120005477935
- 内頚静脈穿刺でのカテーテルの脊柱管内誤挿入~発生機序の一仮説~
- 徳嶺 譲芳,Alan T. Lefor,米井 昭智,前原 康宏,菊地 龍明
- 日本臨床麻酔学会誌 34(5), 669-673, 2014
- 内頚静脈穿刺によるカテーテルの脊柱管内誤挿入は,重篤な神経損傷を起こす可能性がある.この合併症は,小児から成人,さらに穿刺手技を問わず報告されている.これまでの報告で,さまざまな原因があげられたが,すべてを説明する機序は想定されていない.われわれは,機序として以下の3つの要因を仮定した.(1)頚部を過度に回転させる,(2)穿刺針を内側に向ける,(3)穿刺針を深く刺しすぎる.われわれが検討した過 …
- NAID 130004700320
Related Links
- The head inclines towards the affected side, and the tip of the shoulder tends to pass slightly downward, forward, and medially. ... When the foot passes backward and medially, the head of the talus projects on the outer part of the ...
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- 関
- inner、inside、internal、internally、medial、medialis、medially
- 英
- medial、inside、、inner、interior、medially
- ラ
- medialis
- 関
- 中央、中心、内部、内側性
- 関
- inner、interior、medial、medialis、medially
- 関
- inside、interior、medial、medialis、medially
- 関
- inner、inside、interior、medial、medially
- 関
- center、central、centre、centro、centrum、hub、inner、inside、interior、medialis、medially、middle