- 関
- carpal joint、wrist、wrist joint
- a joint between the distal end of the radius and the proximal row of carpal bones (同)carpus, wrist_joint, radiocarpal joint, articulatio radiocarpea
- guide or conduct or usher somewhere; "hand the elderly lady into the taxi"
- a unit of length equal to 4 inches; used in measuring horses; "the horse stood 20 hands"
- physical assistance; "give me a hand with the chores" (同)helping hand
- a rotating pointer on the face of a timepiece; "the big hand counts the minutes"
- terminal part of the forelimb in certain vertebrates (e.g. apes or kangaroos); "the kangaroos forearms seem undeveloped but the powerful five-fingered hands are skilled at feinting and clouting"- Springfield (Mass.) Union
- the cards held in a card game by a given player at any given time; "I didnt hold a good hand all evening"; "he kept trying to see my hand" (同)deal
- the (prehensile) extremity of the superior limb; "he had the hands of a surgeon"; "he extended his mitt" (同)manus, mitt, paw
- a member of the crew of a ship; "all hands on deck"
- a position given by its location to the side of an object; "objections were voiced on every hand"
- a round of applause to signify approval; "give the little lady a great big hand"
- ability; "he wanted to try his hand at singing"
- one of two sides of an issue; "on the one hand..., but on the other hand..."
- come into the company of; "She joined him for a drink"
- cause to become joined or linked; "join these two parts so that they fit together" (同)bring together
- make contact or come together; "The two roads join here" (同)conjoin
- become part of; become a member of a group or organization; "He joined the Communist Party as a young man" (同)fall_in, get together
- united or combined; "a joint session of Congress"; "joint owners"
- marijuana leaves rolled into a cigarette for smoking (同)marijuana cigarette, reefer, stick, spliff
- a disreputable place of entertainment
- junction by which parts or objects are joined together
- (anatomy) the point of connection between two bones or elements of a skeleton (especially if it allows motion) (同)articulation, articulatio
- provide with a joint; "the carpenter jointed two pieces of wood" (同)articulate
- affecting or involving two or more; "joint income-tax return"; "joint ownership"
- fasten with a joint
- fit as if by joints; "The boards fit neatly"
- involving both houses of a legislature; "a joint session of Congress"
- separate (meat) at the joint
- having or involving the use of hands; "a handed, tree-living animal"; "a four-handed card game"
- the act of bringing two things into contact (especially for communication); "the joining of hands around the table"; "there was a connection via the internet" (同)connection, connexion
- 手首関節;(シャツなどの)そで口
- 『手』(手首から先の部分) / (時計・計器の)針 / 《単数形で》筆跡 / 側,方(side): / 《a~》(…への)援助,手助け《+with(at, to)+名》 / 職工,職人,人手 / 乗組員 / 《前に形容詞を置いて》(…するのが)(じょうずな・へたな)人(+『at』+『名』(『doing』)》 / 《単数形》技量,腕前;(…の)やり方,扱い方《+『at』(『with』)+名》 / 《単数形で》拍手かっさい / 《文》《one's~,the,》結婚の承諾;確約 / (カードの)持ち札;一勝負 / 《しばしば複数形で》所有,管理 / ハンド(馬の高さを測る単位;4インチ) / 《『hand』+『名』〈間〉+『名』〈直〉=『hand』+『名』+『to』+『名』》…‘に'…‘を'『手渡す』,取ってやる / 《副詞[句]を伴って》〈人〉‘に'手を貸す / 手の(に関する),手のための / 手で操作する / 手持ちの
- 〈二つ以上のもの〉‘を'『つなぐ』,結合する《+『名』+『together』(『up』)》;(…に)…‘を'つなぐ《+『名』+『to』(『onto』)+『名』》 / (線などで)〈二つ以上のもの〉‘の'間を結ぶ(つなぐ)《+『名』+『by』(『with』)+『名』》 / (友情・結婚などで)〈人〉‘を'結びつける《+『名』+『in』+『名』》 / 〈川・道などが〉…‘と'いっしょになる,合流する / 〈会など〉‘に'『加入する』 / (…で)〈人〉‘の'『仲間に入る』,‘と'いっしょになる《+『名』〈人〉+『in』(『for』)+『名』,+『名』〈人〉+『in』do『ing』》 / (…に)『加わる』《+『in』+『名』〈事〉/+『in』 『with』+『名』〈人〉》 / (人と…を)『ともにする』《+『with』+『名』〈人〉+『in』+『名』(doing)》 / 〈川・道などが〉『いっしょになる』,合流する / 接合箇所(点,面,線);継ぎ目
- 『関節』 / 『継ぎ目』,接合箇所,合わせ目 / 継ぎ目と継ぎ目の間の部分,節 / (二つの部分を継いだり支えたりするのに用いる)継ぎ手,ジョイント / (枝や葉の)つけ根,節 / (骨付きの)肉の大切り身 / 《俗》安酒場,とばく宿,アヘン窟(くつ) / 『共同の』,共有の;連帯の,連合の / 両院合同の;二院制議会の両院の / …‘を'継ぎ合わせる;…‘を'継ぎ目(関節)でつなぐ / …‘を'継ぎ目で分ける;〈鳥・肉など〉‘を'関節で切り分ける
- 「…の手をした;…の手でする」の意を表す / 「…人(にん)でする」の意を表す
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English Journal
- Interdependency of the maximum range of flexion-extension of hand metacarpophalangeal joints.
- Gracia-Ibáñez V1, Vergara M1, Sancho-Bru JL1.
- Computer methods in biomechanics and biomedical engineering.Comput Methods Biomech Biomed Engin.2016 Dec;19(16):1800-1807. Epub 2016 May 19.
- Mobility of the fingers metacarpophalangeal (MCP) joints depends on the posture of the adjacent ones. Current Biomechanical hand models consider fixed ranges of movement at joints, regardless of the posture, thus allowing for non-realistic postures, generating wrong results in reach studies and forw
- PMID 27198763
- Perceived finger orientation is biased towards functional task spaces.
- Fraser LE1, Harris LR2.
- Experimental brain research.Exp Brain Res.2016 Dec;234(12):3565-3574. Epub 2016 Aug 17.
- In the absence of visual feedback, the perceived position of the hands is systematically biased towards the plausible manual task space. Here we tested whether perceived orientation of the finger is similarly misperceived in right-handed individuals. Participants' index fingers were passively rotate
- PMID 27534861
- Relative strength of fine-scale spatial genetic structure in paternally vs biparentally inherited DNA in a dioecious plant depends on both sex proportions and pollen-to-seed dispersal ratio.
- Chybicki IJ1, Dering M2, Iszkuło G2,3, Meyza K1, Suszka J2.
- Heredity.Heredity (Edinb).2016 Dec;117(6):449-459. doi: 10.1038/hdy.2016.65. Epub 2016 Aug 31.
- In plants, the spatial genetic structure (SGS) is shaped mainly by gene dispersal and effective population density. Among additional factors, the mode of DNA inheritance and dioecy influence SGS. However, their joint impact on SGS remains unclear, especially in the case of paternally inherited DNA.
- PMID 27577692
Japanese Journal
- スライドインタフェースのためのジェスチャ識別を用いたマーキング操作(インタフェース,映像表現・芸術科学フォーラム2016)
- 1218 鉛フリーはんだ材の疲労強度に及ぼすひずみ速度の影響に関する研究(OS8-7 材料力学と計算力学の新展開)
- 1109 繊維熱可塑性樹脂への摩擦攪拌点接合の適用(OS8-2 材料力学と計算力学の新展開)
Related Links
- The bones of the hand and wrist provide the body with support and flexibility to manipulate objects in many different ways. Each hand contains 27 distinct bones that give the hand an incredible range and precision of motion. The ...
- Joint Hand General Trading LLC is recognized as one stop destination that offers an extensive assortment of finest quality products. We are located in Phase – I of Dubai Investment Park, Dubai. Presently, Joint Hand functions as an ...
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- carpal joint、hand joint、wrist joint
- 関
- carpal joint、hand joint、wrist
- 関
- hand joint、wrist、wrist joint
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- associate、attend、bind、binding、bond、bonding、catenate、combine、concatenation、conjoin、conjugate、conjugation、conjunction、connect、connection、couple、dock、engage、engagement、juncture、ligate、ligation、link、linkage、participation、symphysial、union
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