- transmitter that is part of a television system
- an exile living on money sent from home
- a member of a committee
- the syllable naming the third (mediant) note of any major scale in solmization
- (野球で,特にキャッチャー・一塁手用の)ミット / 婦人用の長手袋(絹・レースなどで作られ,指先がなくひじまでおおう) / =mitten / 《俗》《おどけて》手
- ミ(全音階の第3音)
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2014/05/23 12:53:26」(JST)
[Wiki en表示]
Mitt may refer to:
- Glove, a garment covering the whole hand
- Baseball mitt, a large leather glove that is worn by baseball players on defense
- Mitt (name), a surname and given name
- Military transition team or MiTT
- Moscow Institute of Thermal Technology or MITT
- William Mitten (1819–1906), English chemist, whose name is usually abbreviated "Mitt."
- Mitt (film), a 2014 documentary film about Mitt Romney
See also
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- 1. 皮膚付属器癌 cutaneous adnexal tumors
English Journal
- Did Hurricane Sandy influence the 2012 US presidential election?
- Hart J.
- Social science research.Soc Sci Res.2014 Jul;46:1-8. doi: 10.1016/j.ssresearch.2014.02.005. Epub 2014 Feb 17.
- Despite drawing on a common pool of data, observers of the 2012 presidential campaign came to different conclusions about whether, how, and to what extent "October surprise" Hurricane Sandy influenced the election. The present study used a mixed correlational and experimental design to assess the re
- PMID 24767585
- A 6-week randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, comparator referenced trial of vabicaserin in acute schizophrenia.
- Shen JH1, Zhao Y2, Rosenzweig-Lipson S3, Popp D4, Williams JB5, Giller E4, Detke MJ6, Kane JM7.
- Journal of psychiatric research.J Psychiatr Res.2014 Jun;53:14-22. doi: 10.1016/j.jpsychires.2014.02.012. Epub 2014 Feb 24.
- Vabicaserin, a potent 5-HT2C receptor agonist, decreases nucleus accumbens extracellular dopamine levels in rats, without affecting striatal dopamine, indicating mesolimbic selectivity. This is the first study of efficacy, safety and tolerability of vabicaserin in adults with acute schizophrenia. Th
- PMID 24613032
- Bevacizumab exposure beyond first disease progression in patients with metastatic colorectal cancer: analyses of the ARIES observational cohort study.
- Grothey A1, Flick ED, Cohn AL, Bekaii-Saab TS, Bendell JC, Kozloff M, Roach N, Mun Y, Fish S, Hurwitz HI.
- Pharmacoepidemiology and drug safety.Pharmacoepidemiol Drug Saf.2014 May 16. doi: 10.1002/pds.3633. [Epub ahead of print]
- PURPOSE: This analysis from Avastin® Registries: Investigation of Effectiveness and Safety (ARIES) examined the association between exposure to bevacizumab after disease progression (PD) and postprogression survival (PPS) in bevacizumab-exposed metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC) through the applic
- PMID 24830357
Japanese Journal
- 看護基礎教育における「医療安全」講義・演習の実際 RCAとMITTによる実践的医療安全トレーニング
- Tazobactam/piperacillin for moderate-to-severe pneumonia in patients with risk for aspiration: comparison with imipenem/cilastatin.
- Ito Isao,Kadowaki Seizo,Tanabe Naoya,Haruna Akane,Kase Masahito,Yasutomo Yoshiro,Tsukino Mitsuhiro,Nakai Asako,Matsumoto Hisako,Niimi Akio,Chin Kazuo,Ichiyama Satoshi,Mishima Michiaki
- Pulmonary pharmacology & therapeutics 23(5), 403-410, 2010-10
- … Secondary outcomes were clinical response during treatment (days 4 and 7) and at the end of study (EOS) in VPP population, and survival at day 30 in modified intention-to-treat (MITT) population. …
- NAID 120002484950
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- Willard Mitt Romney (born March 12, 1947) is an American businessman and politician who served as the 70th Governor of Massachusetts from 2003 to 2007. He was the Republican Party's nominee for President of the United States in the ...
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- 関
- neurohormone、neuromodulator、neurotransmitter
- 関
- emission、luminescence、luminescent
- mi-, mio-
- ?
- MI