- handwritten book or document (同)holograph
- the form of a literary work submitted for publication (同)ms
- the abductor muscle of the little finger
- take charge of a certain job; occupy a certain work place; "Mr. Smith manned the reception desk in the morning"
- game equipment consisting of an object used in playing certain board games; "he taught me to set up the men on the chess board"; "he sacrificed a piece to get a strategic advantage" (同)piece
- an adult person who is male (as opposed to a woman); "there were two women and six men on the bus" (同)adult_male
- a male person who plays a significant role (husband or lover or boyfriend) in the life of a particular woman; "she takes good care of her man"
- a male subordinate; "the chief stationed two men outside the building"; "he awaited word from his man in Havana"
- an adult male person who has a manly character (virile and courageous competent); "the army will make a man of you"
- the generic use of the word to refer to any human being; "it was every man for himself"
- provide with workers; "We cannot man all the desks"; "Students were manning the booths"
- 〈C〉(手書きまたはタイプされた印刷用の)『原稿』;〈U〉原稿の状態(《略》『MS.,MS,ms.,ms』) / 〈C〉(特に印刷術発明以前で,手書きの)『写本』
- 〈C〉(成人の)『男』,男子;(男の)おとな / 〈U〉《冠詞をつけないで》(動物と区別して)『人類』,『人』,人間(mankind) / 〈C〉《性別に関係なく用いて》人;《否定文で》だれも / 《複数形で》従業員,雇い人;兵士,下士官 / 〈C〉夫,亭主(husband);《話》(内縁の夫,愛人など同棲している)男 / 〈C〉男らしい男,一人前の男 / 《the~,one's~》うってつけの人,意にかなう人,適任者 / 〈U〉《男性に親しく呼び掛けて》君,おい / 《俗》《驚き・喜び・軽べつなどを表す間投詞として》おや,まあ,これは / 〈C〉(将棋・チェッカーなどの)こま / 〈C〉《the~》《米俗》権力者;警官 / 〈要さい・砲・船など〉‘に'人を配置する;〈地位・勤務など〉‘に'人をつける
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2016/10/14 07:30:42」(JST)
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Look up manus in Wiktionary, the free dictionary. |
Manus may refer to:
- Manus Province, in Papua New Guinea
- Manus Island, region of Manus Province
- Manus languages, a subgroup of the Eastern Admiralty Islands languages
- Manus marriage, a type of marriage during Roman times
- Manus (anatomy), the zoological term for the distal portion of the forelimb of an animal (including the human hand)
- Manus Plate, a tiny tectonic plate located northeast of New Guinea
- Willard Manus (born 1930), an American novelist
- Max Manus (1914–1996), a Norwegian resistance fighter during World War II
- Manus Boonjumnong (born 1980), a Thai Olympic medalist
- Dirk Manus, fictional smuggler among human characters of The Transformers franchise
See also
- Manas (disambiguation)
- Magnus (disambiguation)
- Manushya, human beings in Sanskrit
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- 1. 皮膚の手技 dermatologic procedures
English Journal
- A comparative risk assessment of burden of disease and injury attributable to 67 risk factors and risk factor clusters in 21 regions, 1990-2010: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2010.
- Lim SS, Vos T, Flaxman AD, Danaei G, Shibuya K, Adair-Rohani H, Amann M, Anderson HR, Andrews KG, Aryee M, Atkinson C, Bacchus LJ, Bahalim AN, Balakrishnan K, Balmes J, Barker-Collo S, Baxter A, Bell ML, Blore JD, Blyth F, Bonner C, Borges G, Bourne R, Boussinesq M, Brauer M, Brooks P, Bruce NG, Brunekreef B, Bryan-Hancock C, Bucello C, Buchbinder R, Bull F, Burnett RT, Byers TE, Calabria B, Carapetis J, Carnahan E, Chafe Z, Charlson F, Chen H, Chen JS, Cheng AT, Child JC, Cohen A, Colson KE, Cowie BC, Darby S, Darling S, Davis A, Degenhardt L, Dentener F, Des Jarlais DC, Devries K, Dherani M, Ding EL, Dorsey ER, Driscoll T, Edmond K, Ali SE, Engell RE, Erwin PJ, Fahimi S, Falder G, Farzadfar F, Ferrari A, Finucane MM, Flaxman S, Fowkes FG, Freedman G, Freeman MK, Gakidou E, Ghosh S, Giovannucci E, Gmel G, Graham K, Grainger R, Grant B, Gunnell D, Gutierrez HR, Hall W, Hoek HW, Hogan A, Hosgood HD 3rd, Hoy D, Hu H, Hubbell BJ, Hutchings SJ, Ibeanusi SE, Jacklyn GL, Jasrasaria R, Jonas JB, Kan H, Kanis JA, Kassebaum N, Kawakami N, Khang YH, Khatibzadeh S, Khoo JP, Kok C, Laden F, Lalloo R, Lan Q, Lathlean T, Leasher JL, Leigh J, Li Y, Lin JK, Lipshultz SE, London S, Lozano R, Lu Y, Mak J, Malekzadeh R, Mallinger L, Marcenes W, March L, Marks R, Martin R, McGale P, McGrath J, Mehta S, Mensah GA, Merriman TR, Micha R, Michaud C, Mishra V, Hanafiah KM, Mokdad AA, Morawska L, Mozaffarian D, Murphy T, Naghavi M, Neal B, Nelson PK, Nolla JM, Norman R, Olives C, Omer SB, Orchard J, Osborne R, Ostro B, Page A, Pandey KD, Parry CD, Passmore E, Patra J, Pearce N, Pelizzari PM, Petzold M, Phillips MR, Pope D, Pope CA 3rd, Powles J, Rao M, Razavi H, Rehfuess EA, Rehm JT, Ritz B, Rivara FP, Roberts T, Robinson C, Rodriguez-Portales JA, Romieu I, Room R, Rosenfeld LC, Roy A, Rushton L, Salomon JA, Sampson U, Sanchez-Riera L, Sanman E, Sapkota A, Seedat S, Shi P, Shield K, Shivakoti R, Singh GM, Sleet DA, Smith E, Smith KR, Stapelberg NJ, Steenland K, Stöckl H, Stovner LJ, Straif K, Straney L, Thurston GD, Tran JH, Van Dingenen R, van Donkelaar A, Veerman JL, Vijayakumar L, Weintraub R, Weissman MM, White RA, Whiteford H, Wiersma ST, Wilkinson JD, Williams HC, Williams W, Wilson N, Woolf AD, Yip P, Zielinski JM, Lopez AD, Murray CJ, Ezzati M.SourceInstitute for Health Metrics and Evaluation, Seattle, WA 98121, USA. stevelim@uw.edu
- Lancet.Lancet.2013 Dec 15;380(9859):2224-60. doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(12)61766-8.
- BACKGROUND: Quantification of the disease burden caused by different risks informs prevention by providing an account of health loss different to that provided by a disease-by-disease analysis. No complete revision of global disease burden caused by risk factors has been done since a comparative ris
- PMID 23245609
- Biochemical alterations induced by acute oral doses of iron oxide nanoparticles in Wistar rats.
- Kumari M, Rajak S, Singh SP, Murty US, Mahboob M, Grover P, Rahman MF.SourceToxicology Unit, Biology Division, Indian Institute of Chemical Technology , Hyderabad , India.
- Drug and chemical toxicology.Drug Chem Toxicol.2013 Jul;36(3):296-305. doi: 10.3109/01480545.2012.720988. Epub 2012 Oct 1.
- Magnetic iron oxide nanoparticles with appropriate surface chemistry have been widely used with potential new applications in biomedical industry. Therefore, the aim of this study was to assess the size-, dose-, and time-dependent effects, after acute oral exposure to iron oxide-30 NP (Fe(2)O(3)-30)
- PMID 23025823
Japanese Journal
- The Making of Legal Subject in Papua New Guinea : Support Agents and Situated Learning for the Modern Lawsuit in Manus Province
- 沈黙の共同性 : フランスのマヌーシュ共同体における「沈黙の敬意」に関する考察
- Determinants of Adoption of Pond Fish Farming Innovations in Salamaua of Morobe Province in Papua New Guinea
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- 英
- hand
- ラ
- manus
- 同?
- wrist
- 関
- 上肢
- 関
- ape、hominid、Hominidae、homo、Homo sapiens、human、male、male sex、men、Pongidae