- select (a team or individual player) for a game; "The Buckeyes fielded a young new quarterback for the Rose Bowl"
- the space around a radiating body within which its electromagnetic oscillations can exert force on another similar body not in contact with it (同)field of force, force_field
- a particular kind of commercial enterprise; "they are outstanding in their field" (同)field_of_operation, line of business
- a region in which active military operations are in progress; "the army was in the field awaiting action"; "he served in the Vietnam theater for three years" (同)field of operations, theater, theater of operations, theatre, theatre of operations
- the area that is visible (as through an optical instrument) (同)field of view
- (computer science) a set of one or more adjacent characters comprising a unit of information
- (mathematics) a set of elements such that addition and multiplication are commutative and associative and multiplication is distributive over addition and there are two elements 0 and 1; "the set of all rational numbers is a field"
- a geographic region (land or sea) under which something valuable is found; "the diamond fields of South Africa"
- a piece of land cleared of trees and usually enclosed; "he planted a field of wheat"
- all of the horses in a particular horse race
- all the competitors in a particular contest or sporting event
- somewhere (away from a studio or office or library or laboratory) where practical work is done or data is collected; "anthropologists do much of their work in the field"
- answer adequately or successfully; "The lawyer fielded all questions from the press"
- catch or pick up (balls) in baseball or cricket
- play as a fielder
- relating to or located in the front; "the front lines"; "the front porch"
- (meteorology) the atmospheric phenomenon created at the boundary between two different air masses
- a sphere of activity involving effort; "the Japanese were active last week on the diplomatic front"; "they advertise on many different fronts"
- the side that is seen or that goes first
- the side that is forward or prominent (同)front end, forepart
- the outward appearance of a person; "he put up a bold front"
- the part of something that is nearest to the normal viewer; "he walked to the front of the stage"
- confront bodily; "breast the storm" (同)breast
- be oriented in a certain direction, often with respect to another reference point; be opposite to; "The house looks north"; "My backyard look onto the pond"; "The building faces the park" (同)look, face
- look at (同)eyeball
- a small hole or loop (as in a needle); "the thread wouldnt go through the eye"
- the organ of sight (同)oculus, optic
- attention to what is seen; "he tried to catch her eye"
- good discernment (either visually or as if visually); "she has an eye for fresh talent"; "he has an artists eye"
- of or relating to the front of an advancing mass of air; "frontal rainfall"
- a drapery that covers the front of an altar
- meeting front to front; "a frontal attack"; "a head-on collision" (同)head-on
- belonging to the front part; "a frontal appendage"
- of or adjacent to the forehead or frontal bone; "the frontal lobes"
- having an eye or eyes or eyelike feature especially as specified; often used in combination; "a peacocks eyed feathers"; "red-eyed"
- 〈C〉『野原』,[牧]草地;田;畑;《the fields》田野,田畑 / 〈C〉(雪・氷などの)原,広がり / 〈C〉(鉱物などの)産出地,埋蔵地 / 〈C〉『戦場』(battlefield);戦闘(battle) / 〈C〉(スポーツの)『競技場』;(陸上のトラックに対して)フィールド / 〈C〉(ある用途の)場,地面 / 〈C〉(研究・活動などの)『分野』,領域 / 《the~》現地 / 〈C〉(電気・磁気などの)場;(レンズの)視界 / 〈C〉(絵・旗などの)地,下地 / 《the~》《集合的に》(キツネ狩り・競技の)参加者;(競馬の)出走馬;(野球の)守備選手 / (野球・クリケットで)〈打球〉‘を'さばく / 〈選手〉‘を'出場させる,守備につける / (野球・クリケットで)野手をつとめる
- 《the~》(物の)『前面』,表;(玄関を含む建物の)正面;(…の)最前部《+『of』+『名』》 / 《the~》(本などの)最初の部分 / 〈U〉《しばしばa~》(物事に対する)態度 / 〈C〉(共通目的のための)共同戦線,運動,提携 / 〈C〉(街路・川・湖に面した)土地;《英》(海岸の)遊歩道 / 〈C〉戦線 / 《話》〈C〉世間の目をそらすための人(物);(…の)隠れみの《+『for』+『名』》 / 〈C〉(気象上の)前線 / 〈C〉前部に位置する(ある)もの(ワイシャツの胸当て,前頭部など) / 『正面の』,前の;表の / (発音で)前舌音の / 〈場所が〉…‘に'面する / (…を)…‘の'正面(前面)につける《+『名』+『with』+『名』》 / 《古》〈敵・困難・危険など〉‘に'立ち向かう,直面する / (…に)面する《+『on』(『to,toward,upon』)+『名』》
- 〈C〉(人・動物の器官としての)『目』 / 〈C〉(まぶた・まつ毛・まゆ毛などを含めて,外側からみえる)『目』,目の周り / 〈C〉(目の)虹彩 / 〈C〉『視力』,視覚 / 〈C〉《単数形で》『視線』,まなざし / 〈C〉《しばしば複数形で》警戒(観察,監視)の目 / 〈C〉《通例単数形で》(…に対する)鑑識眼,物を見る目,(…を)見分ける力《+『for』+『名』》 / 〈C〉《しばしば複数形で》物の見方;観点 / 〈C〉目に似たようなもの(じゃがいもの芽・クジャクの羽の眼状の点など) / 〈C〉針の目,めど / 〈C〉(かぎ・ホックの)受け / 〈C〉台風の目 / (好奇・疑いなどの目で)…‘を'じろじろ見る,注意して見る
- 正面の,前面の
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Brain: Frontal eye fields |
Frontal eye fields is roughly located between regions #4, #6, and #8 |
The frontal eye fields (FEF) is a region located in the prefrontal cortex,[1] which is part of the frontal cortex of the primate brain.
- 1 Function
- 2 See also
- 3 External links
- 4 References
The cortical area called frontal eye fields (FEF) plays an important role in the control of visual attention and eye movements.[2] Electrical stimulation in the FEF elicits saccadic eye movements. The FEF have a topographic structure and represents saccade targets in retinotopic coordinates.[3]
The frontal eye field is reported to be activated during the initiation of eye movements, such as voluntary saccades[4] and pursuit eye movements.[5] There is also evidence that it plays a role in purely sensory processing and that it belongs to a “fast brain” system through a superior colliculus – medial dorsal nucleus – FEF ascending pathway.[6] In humans, its earliest activations in regard to visual stimuli occur at 45 ms with activations related to changes in visual stimuli within 45–60 ms (these are comparable with response times in the primary visual cortex).[6] This fast brain pathway also provides auditory input at even shorter times starting at 24 ms and being affected by auditory characteristics at 30–60 ms.[6] The FEF constitutes together with the supplementary eye fields (SEF), the intraparietal sulcus (IPS) and the superior colliculus (SC) one of the most important brain areas involved in the generation and control of eye movements, particularly in the direction contralateral to the frontal eye fields' location.
See also[edit]
- Saccade
- Smooth pursuit
- Supplementary eye fields
External links[edit]
- Frontal Eye Field (Scholarpedia)
- ^ "Frontal Eye Field--Scholarpedia".
- ^ Schall JD. (2004). "On the role of frontal eye field in guiding attention and saccades". Vision Research 44 (12): 1453–1467. doi:10.1016/j.visres.2003.10.025. PMID 15066404.
- ^ Bruce CJ, Goldberg ME, Bushnell MC, Stanton GB. (1985). "Primate frontal eye fields. II. Physiological and anatomical correlates of electrically evoked eye movements.". Journal of Neurophysiology 54 (3): 714–734. PMID 4045546.
- ^ "Medical Neurosciences".
- ^ Mustari MJ, Ono S, Das VE (May 2009). "Signal processing and distribution in cortical-brainstem pathways for smooth pursuit eye movements". Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci. 1164: 147–54. doi:10.1111/j.1749-6632.2009.03859.x. PMC 3057571. PMID 19645893.
- ^ a b c Kirchner H, Barbeau EJ, Thorpe SJ, Régis J, Liégeois-Chauvel C. (2009). "Ultra-Rapid Sensory Responses in the Human Frontal Eye Field Region". Journal of Neuroscience 29 (23): 7599–7606. doi:10.1523/JNEUROSCI.1233-09.2009. PMID 19515928.
Human brain: forebrain (cerebrum, cerebral cortex, cerebral hemispheres, grey matter) (TA A14.1.09.002–240, 301–320, GA 9.818–826)
Frontal lobe |
Superolateral |
Prefrontal |
- Superior frontal gyrus
- Middle frontal gyrus
- Inferior frontal gyrus: 11l
- 47-Pars orbitalis
- Broca's area
- 44-Pars opercularis
- 45-Pars triangularis
- Superior frontal sulcus
- Inferior frontal sulcus
Precentral |
- Precentral gyrus
- Precentral sulcus
Medial/inferior |
Prefrontal |
- Superior frontal gyrus
- Medial frontal gyrus
- Paraterminal gyrus/Paraolfactory area
- Straight gyrus
- Orbital gyri/Orbitofrontal cortex
- Ventromedial prefrontal cortex
- Subcallosal area
- Olfactory sulcus
- Orbital sulci
Precentral |
- Paracentral lobule
- Paracentral sulcus
Both |
- Primary motor cortex
- Premotor cortex
- Supplementary motor area
- Frontal eye fields
Parietal lobe |
Superolateral |
- Superior parietal lobule
- Inferior parietal lobule
- 40-Supramarginal gyrus
- 39-Angular gyrus
- Parietal operculum
Medial/inferior |
- Paracentral lobule
- Precuneus
Marginal sulcus
Both |
- Postcentral gyrus/primary somatosensory cortex
- Secondary somatosensory cortex
- Posterior parietal cortex
Occipital lobe |
Superolateral |
- Occipital pole of cerebrum
- Lateral occipital gyrus
- Lunate sulcus
- Transverse occipital sulcus
Medial/inferior |
- Primary visual cortex
- Cuneus
- Lingual gyrus
Temporal lobe |
Superolateral |
- Transverse temporal gyrus/Primary auditory cortex
- Superior temporal gyrus
- Middle temporal gyrus
- Inferior temporal gyrus
- Superior temporal sulcus
- Inferior temporal sulcus
Medial/inferior |
- Fusiform gyrus
- Medial temporal lobe
sulci/fissures |
Superolateral |
- Central (frontal+parietal)
- Lateral (frontal+parietal+temporal)
- Parieto-occipital
- Preoccipital notch
Medial/inferior |
- Medial longitudinal
- Cingulate (frontal+cingulate)
- Collateral (temporal+occipital)
- Callosal sulcus
Limbic lobe |
Parahippocampal gyrus |
- anterior
- Entorhinal cortex
- Perirhinal cortex
- Posterior parahippocampal gyrus
- Prepyriform area
Cingulate cortex/gyrus |
- Subgenual area
- Anterior cingulate
- Posterior cingulate
- Isthmus of cingulate gyrus: Retrosplenial cortex
Hippocampal formation |
- Hippocampal sulcus
- Fimbria of hippocampus
- Dentate gyrus
- Rhinal sulcus
Other |
- Supracallosal gyrus
- Uncus
Insular lobe |
- Long gyrus of insula
- Short gyri of insula
- Circular sulcus of insula
General |
- Operculum
- Poles of cerebral hemispheres
Some categorizations are approximations, and some Brodmann areas span gyri.
anat (n/s/m/p/4/e/b/d/c/a/f/l/g)/phys/devp
noco (m/d/e/h/v/s)/cong/tumr, sysi/epon, injr
proc, drug (N1A/2AB/C/3/4/7A/B/C/D)
Sensory system: Visual system and eye movement pathways
Visual perception |
1° (Bipolar cell of Retina) → 2° (Ganglionic cell) → 3° (Optic nerve → Optic chiasm → Optic tract → LGN of Thalamus) → 4° (Optic radiation → Cuneus and Lingual gyrus of Visual cortex → Blobs → Globs)
Muscles of orbit |
Smooth pursuit: Parietal lobe · Occipital lobe
Saccade: Frontal eye fields
Nystagmus → Fixation reflex → PPRF
Horizontal gaze
PPRF → Abducens nucleus → MLF → Oculomotor nucleus → Medial rectus muscle
Vertical gaze
Rostral interstitial nucleus → Oculomotor nucleus, Trochlear nucleus → Muscles of orbit
Vestibulo-ocular reflex
Semicircular canal → Vestibulocochlear nerve → Vestibular nuclei → Abducens nucleus → MLF (Vestibulo-oculomotor fibers) → Oculomotor nucleus → Medial rectus muscle
Pupillary reflex |
Pupillary dilation
1° (Posterior hypothalamus → Ciliospinal center) → 2° (Superior cervical ganglion) → 3° (Sympathetic root of ciliary ganglion → Nasociliary nerve → Long ciliary nerves → Iris dilator muscle)
Pupillary light reflex
1° (Retina → Optic nerve → Optic chiasm → Optic tract → Pretectal nucleus) → 2° (Edinger-Westphal nucleus) → 3° (Oculomotor nerve → Parasympathetic root of ciliary ganglion → Ciliary ganglion) → (4° Short ciliary nerves → Iris sphincter muscle)
1° (Retina → Optic nerve → Optic chiasm → Optic tract → Visual cortex → Brodmann area 19 → Pretectal area) → 2° (Edinger-Westphal nucleus) → 3° (Short ciliary nerves → Ciliary ganglion → Ciliary muscle)
Circadian rhythm |
Retina → Hypothalamus (Suprachiasmatic nucleus)
anat (g/a/p)/phys/devp/prot
proc, drug (S1A/1E/1F/1L)
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English Journal
- Voxel-based mapping of grey matter volume and glucose metabolism profiles in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.
- Buhour MS1, Doidy F1, Mondou A1, Pélerin A1, Carluer L1, Eustache F1, Viader F1, Desgranges B2.
- EJNMMI research.EJNMMI Res.2017 Dec;7(1):21. doi: 10.1186/s13550-017-0267-2. Epub 2017 Mar 6.
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- Chen Z1,2,3, Chen X2, Liu M1,3, Liu S1, Ma L4, Yu S5.
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- The journal of headache and pain.J Headache Pain.2017 Dec;18(1):27. doi: 10.1186/s10194-017-0736-z. Epub 2017 Feb 21.
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Japanese Journal
- Saccade-related activity in the prefrontal cortex: its role in eye movement control and cognitive functions.
- Funahashi Shintaro
- Frontiers in integrative neuroscience 8, 2014-06-29
- … Prefrontal neurons exhibit saccade-related activity and pre-saccadic memory-related activity often encodes the directions of forthcoming eye movements, in line with demonstrated prefrontal contribution to flexible control of voluntary eye movements. … However, many prefrontal neurons exhibit post-saccadic activity that is initiated well after the initiation of eye movement. …
- NAID 120005462642
- 福島 順子
- 精神神經學雜誌 = Psychiatria et neurologia Japonica 114(8), 941-948, 2012-08-25
- NAID 10031156466
- 眼球運動からみた社会脳の障害 (特集 社会性にかかわる脳機能の異常と環境因子との関連)
Related Links
- As stated above, the Frontal Eye Field is defined as that part of the PFC in which saccades can be elicited with low amplitude electrical stimulation. Anatomical studies have shown that this part of cortex is located primarily in the ...
- One of the most well-studied human brain areas involved in eye movements is the frontal eye fields (FEF). In humans, the FEF are much further back (at the junction of the superior frontal and precentral sulci) than in the macaque (in ...
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- 英
- area 8
- 関
- ブロードマン野、前頭眼野 frontal eye field
- 前頭葉
- 共同偏視の中枢?
- 視覚的に撮られた目標に向かって眼球運動するときの視覚的中位や眼球運動の発現に関わる (SP.480)
- 英
- frontal eye field FEF
- 関
- 8野
- 関
- acral、forehead、front、procephalic、tip
- 関
- area、universe
- 関
- frontal